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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Thank fuck we've all been blessed with your razor sharp intellect and deduction skills! For a moment there, I thought I was being too subtle. Idiot.
  2. If his aunty had Baws, he'd be your bastard. And I don't believe that you'd ever produce a child that, let's be frank, displays all the hallmarks of autism apart from the savant ability to rival the combined knowledge of the Encyclopedia Brittanica and Mrs Roops' Google cookie cache.
  3. Decimus

    Whore touting.

    You're talking to the largest collector of animal pornography in the country. If you want strange, you've come to the right place, you disgusting little maggot.
  4. Despite spending your formative years creeping in and out of Mark Durden-Smith's bedroom on your tippy-toes, you obviously never swapped family photos and anecdotes. Whore.
  5. He was christened the much more apt 'Cuntface', but the priest was hard of hearing, due to his ears being full of adolescent semen.
  6. Is there any chance that you can delete all the above shit and project at least an illusion of sanity? Unless you've been absolutely fucking smashed for the past month, there really is no excuse for your recent bollocks, you deranged cunt.
  7. Decimus

    Tanyalee Davis

    How many inches did you have up her/his arse before you realised?
  8. Decimus

    Tanyalee Davis

    No matter, we'll always have Chinese Steelgate, Eric.
  9. Haha fucking hell, I thought I was the only one who had noticed this! She tries to portray herself as some sort of doddering old cunt who doesn't know anything about events post 1935 unless they involve the activities of the Women's Institute. The crafty hag is as bright as a button though, and what's more, she is undoubtedly fucking the fat bald cunt with glasses.
  10. Decimus

    Tanyalee Davis

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Halcyon days indeed.
  11. Decimus

    Tanyalee Davis

    Firstly, congratulations on being funny for the first time since March 2017. Secondly, I want this fucking Hobgoblin dead. As if Norfolk doesn't have enough of an image problem, what with everyone assuming that the local inhabitants are all malformed, drooling fucking monsters, now we also have to contend with this baby-armed Canuck being heralded as a "Norfolk comedian". Disgusting pig.
  12. This has got everything I like. Virulent misogyny, an intense dislike of the disabled, and a few digs at the obese. I love it.
  13. The only photograph I'm interested in seeing him take is a suicide-selfie with a shotgun barrel in his little fucking faggot gob
  14. Decimus

    Bastard mp’s

    It's more likely that he uses them in his role as a creepy little Peeping Tom. Imagine the sheer terror of looking up whilst taking your morning shit and seeing Punkape's face pressed against the window, tongue lolling like a big fucking dog and eyeballs completely rolled back inside his head.
  15. He was on his way to Frank's restaurant when it happened. He subsequently bumped into Steve Bannon and they both cleared the gays and dykes out within ten minutes and set up a pop up eels and whelks store that only serves White British.
  16. Funnily enough, I didn't stop to question the slags about their pedigree or whether they have a family crest. Just so I can be clear in future, do you have a fool proof way of determining someone's class by eye? Idiot.
  17. Decimus

    Bastard mp’s

    The only member of the Mustelidae family that you've ever shown any interest in is the chuntney ferret. Lol
  18. Decimus


    The speculum wedged "Open" of your civil partner no doubt. Stick your fucking head in it. Lol
  19. I can't wait. Hopefully the liberal, namby pamby wets of the current political class will finally be replaced with reactionary, draconian strong men. Freed from the shackles of EU regulated human rights legislation, they can once again ban homosexuality and punish any act of faggotry with an immediate death sentence. You are going to have to deal with that. Poof. Lol.
  20. Remaining in the EU would have allowed us to continue with fluid free movement, a privilege that was even extended to those citizens with unsavoury criminal convictions in their past. That being said, are you gutted that you'll never again dance half-naked on all fours to Kraftwerk at Berlin's premier homosexual sadomasochism club?
  21. I'd quite like to run over his fat fucking head with his own bus of lies.
  22. Are you implying that your mother sleeps with children? Anyway, the answer to your question is none, I wouldn't go anywhere your dirty dick has been.
  23. Any slight deviation in the usual grey and drizzly shit weather we thrive on results in a national fucking stroke. It also brings out the worst type of pub bores who either bang on about how they get the trains running during a Moscow winter or quote statistics about the summer of 1976. The sooner it starts mildly raining, the better.
  24. Decimus

    Bastard mp’s

    I just came incredibly close to hammering the final nail into your CC coffin, but I chose to give you a like instead. There is power in a Union, brother. Onwards!
  25. You quite clearly have a history of horrific sexual abuse. As a result of spending your formative years being horrendously skull fucked by your parish priest, the Broca's area of your brain is obviously damaged beyond repair. In layman's terms, your rambling fucking shit makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
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