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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. No doubt travellers “pigs in blankets” will be hedgehogs rolled in a blanket of badger belly.... lol. Fuck off etc.
  2. Curry was well of the pace and clearly unfit. You obviously know next to nothing about boxing so shut up.
  3. Try going to a proper butchers shop and purchase the requisite sausages and bacon you lazy sod. M&S is full or revolting lower middle class COVID dodgers with cheap handbags and furtive glances. In addition as Christmas approaches...fuck off.
  4. Did you meet Rose West whilst fruit picking with the West family?
  5. Indeed.... No doubt you were close to the West family... lol.
  6. “I want to rip out his heart and feed it to Lennox Lewis. I want to kill people. I want to rip their stomachs out and eat their children.” Mike Tyson This gentleman would be extremely unlikely to be invited to join my golf club.
  7. Boy George is more your type... lol.
  8. Rugby clubs are currently closed Einstein...
  9. Thank you from our foreign affairs correspondent in the ladies knicker aisle of Tesco Extra in Dagenham...
  10. Trump will lead a Coup and all black peoples will be returned to Africa with repatriation grants.
  11. Your orgy would include Bella Emberg, Jeremy Corbyn and Russell Grant with bakers dozen of butternut squash... lol.
  12. Sutcliffe wouldn’t have been great for your business... Fuck off ponce.
  13. Your team.. Caledonian Inthebum with Thistle. lol.
  14. Probably because we don’t have Capital Punishment you thick imbecile...
  15. The Church rights it’s wrongs. You simply want to throw out the baby with the bath water donkey brain.
  16. Up yours Ape. You’re obviously still apoplectic and frothing after your last ban you slimy turd. I’ll bet you clapped frantically on your doorstep for the NHS with your organ hanging out... lol.
  17. You would cut your own bits off for £1.2 million a year....
  18. This nonsense is aimed at not offending the mentally ill trans lobby even if there are no psychotic trans players. All trans people who don’t have two lots of tackle or vagaries of that should be in secure units. The return of crowds at matches should produce some interesting reactions to this corporate drivel from football’s governing bodies and increasingly woke players. Marcus Rashford is a cunt.
  19. I’ll bet you were arrested for kerb crawling and exposing yourself near the Zoo... lol.
  20. Peter Sutcliffe was largely misunderstood.
  21. He not as black as a Nigerian so he half white you colour blind cretin.
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