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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. No, building services like you, Norlands are cunts.
  2. If you vote without the above then you are truly stupid cunt and brain washed by the media. Obviously I am here to learn so if you are a normal working class idiot like myself, and are voting in please let me know why.
  3. Me, all were valid members with opinions worth consideration, apart from white cunt, jacko tc and MikeD.
  4. Jacko tc, white cunt and MikeD, all Mia, is it something we said?
  5. How many mom's do you have? pissed up imbecile.
  6. I fear you may be right snatch, poor Frank, mincing about france, selling suck jobs And sleeping on sofas.
  7. If that's all you can afford and it makes you happy, good for you.
  8. Traffic is a joke tonight Frank, blackwall tunnel is closed, I fear I won't make it back to my suburban semi in time for eastenders.
  9. Even if his place of business is shut he will always mange to keep his hand in.
  10. It's coming to something when you hope Boris 'down syndrome' Johnson is on the winning side.
  11. I am shit scared if we vote out, war in Europe, recession, NHS fails, house prices crash, unemployment goes through the roof and the judge stops sucking off blokes in public toilets. Well the last one on the list is just as likely as the rest
  12. Eddie

    Hollywood cunts

    You get 'bogof' on the black ones
  13. Eddie

    Hollywood cunts

    Gwyneth Paltrow is another top draw cunt, steam cleaning her vagina, eating 1 carrot per day prepared by her chef and her kids raised by a nanny, but she can advise the normal mum's as a 'life advisor', pretentious skinny no tits slag.
  14. Most film stars are cunts, that's a given,however Leonardo DiCaprio has upped the ante by taking a private jet to New York to to collect an environment award, before getting back on the plane the following day to attend a Gala in Paris. I also bet he also drives a Prius, but only when his fleet of Aston's and Bentley's are dirty. Perhaps only Ghetto-tastic american rappers such as Kanye West or P Diddy can come close to matching these cuntbags.
  15. Well said deebom, far too many do gooders on this site. Survival of the strongest, Darwin was just a theroy.
  16. Jesus MC, you can half talk a load of drivel. Can I interest you in the south east white knights, we have a free calendar for members.
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