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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Indeed, along with the continued use of the word "punter" which I always thought to mean someone who places a bet. Perhaps Roops has a Julian Clary fixation.
  2. From fanny flashing witch to the font of all knowledge in 24 hours. You're amazing!
  3. Is Roops sharing her vast knowledge of everything with us again? How did she get so smart? It beats me.
  4. Come on Punkers, that's a bit harsh. I thought we had an understanding. Fuck off.
  5. Ape™️


    Comes as no surprise, Pansy.
  6. Ape™️


    He's been banging on about tertiary AIDS for years now. It's one of his signature insults.
  7. Ape™️


    Why? For selling loads of fake, shitty antique glass?
  8. Ape™️


    Do you really feel that a couple of photos of watches, posted during one of my wars with Eddie, is comparable to you sitting on a bench, dressed as a witch whilst flashing your gash to the Internet?
  9. Fuck off! You just made that up, and are probably now in your little bathroom, wanking furiously over your little fantasy.
  10. Ape™️


    A narcissistic picture of you with your legs open, dressed like a fucking witch, goes way beyond upsetting.
  11. Or even worse, they thought you said "fancy hitting the spack" and then proceeded to cave your silly head in, Ratters?
  12. Ape™️


    I suspect it's his stomach that'll struggle to take the strain.....
  13. Fucking extraordinary. What a fucking cunt.
  14. It's a lucky coincidence that you've embraced a religion where anal sex is considered acceptable. Lol. Fuck off.
  15. That's pretty much the attitude of all rational people -Give me the fucking chocolate eggs, and fuck off with the rest of it.
  16. Utter fucking nonsense. There is no proof that the "son of the sky fairy" was hilti-gunned to a cross on some random Friday in March or April. And he certainly did not return from the dead, as all rational people know this to be impossible. Basically it's a load of fucking nonsense, believed in by weak-willed idiots that are incapable of independent thought. Fuck off.
  17. You sad little prick - I posted this 4 months ago. Fucking stalking poof. Fuck off.
  18. Just to add - there is some worryingly on-topic and constructive debate going on at the moment. I'm sure either Punkers or the goose raper will be along to dumb it down again soon.
  19. Agreed - they are a cunt to sharpen, but due to the fact we have 14 knives, and that they are used professionally by Mrs A, I've learned the art. I actually quite enjoy it, like Wiz.
  20. The knives I use are Global - Japanese and sharpened at a completed different angle compared to European knives. When sharpening using water stones, a guide must be used (according to Global) as the process actually removes metal. Sharpening like this isn't needed that frequently as steel is so hard that the blade just needs realigning with a ceramic hone every couple of days. As you say, it's very therapeutic and satisfying.
  21. Yes, I too use an angle guide. There's something strangely therapeutic about the sharpening process. Mrs Ape is a chef, so it's my job to keep her knives good and sharp. Supplimental message to Punkape and Withers: fuck off.
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