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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Fuck off you wanker. It's laughable the way you get on your little high horse over things like this - take a long hard look at the utter fucking shit you post on here day in, day out. Feel like making any derogatory remarks about my wife, you stupid little hypocrite? Stupid fucking prick. lol. Lol.
  2. That's me told then, eh? You colossal fucking dunce.
  3. A brilliant comment. Only someone that felt a connection with it would "like" it.
  4. Because it reminds IKTC of his stupidity and hypocrisy. And also that he's a fucking idiot.
  5. These aren't the droids we're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along. Move along.
  6. We are Edders, we are. Glad to see you back on CC, you dispicable cunt.
  7. I'd have thought you'd have just bunged the cunt a bullseye and been done with it Eddie.
  8. Are you sure? You have all the attributes you continually drone on about.
  9. Llandudno, or Manchester-on-sea as I call it, is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
  10. No, but I work with cunts from Bristol, and they like to use this word. A lot.
  11. I'm not overly keen on you either to be honest.
  12. He had to be someone in character - no one is that thick in real life (IKTC and TC are exceptions).
  13. The use of this dreadful word seems to becoming increasingly common at the moment, and I fucking despise it. That's all I have to say about that. I wonder if any of the comedy superpowers on here will intentionally use it in their replies?
  14. 123 is a clearly a fucking prick, but there have been far worse, as demonstrated by this classic from Scabies. Now he, was a fucking retard.
  15. I'd have thought you would already have had plenty of protein today.
  16. Goes without saying really. Oh, and shove your proxy up your arse.
  17. How many holes are there on the crazy golf course at your club?
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