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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. Fuck off , bursaries indeed . There is a 2 year waiting list for those with CASH up front . Quincy has been and gone ( remember that weekend at Chester Zoo , my arse ) . He failed miserably , getting possibly the lowest grades ever here , and walking around like he owned the fucking place.
  2. I fully agree , this is a long overdue , cracking nom from our resident lardarse. I was in the middle of a 1st Grade Grassing tutorial when an assistant notified me of it. Well done Fatty. Whilst I have your attention Edders , Mike's demise has been greatly exaggerated by Slackers. He is in fact one of the students here at Withers Academy trying for his Advanced Snitching Degree , and doing very well I may add.
  3. Nigerians will do anything for money
  4. I thought we were all waiting to see what QC had got to say , I haven't got a clue . Strange that he has just 'liked' one of my posts, still pissed I suppose. As for my reputation , I couldn't give a fuck what any of you think.
  5. Oh Bawsey what a wasted opportunity . Why the fuck didn't you continue with ' I fart in your general direction , boil your bottom , and your mother is a hamster' It is no more than the cunt deserves.
  6. I haven't got a clue what Tweedledum & Tweedledee are on about , I never involve anybody in authority in any matter, even when that authority wears a dago hat , preferring to sort things out myself. I will do what others on here should do , totally ignore the Pokémon Card characters.
  7. Aren't needed when Bawsey takes his mini breaks there.
  8. Even in a hotel on the Isle of Wight you high flying cunt...
  9. I don't need any cunt to tell me how to drink . I have always placed my glass on the bar before falling down , AND I always fall away from fellow drinkers . You can't get more responsible than that Edders
  10. As usual the fucking BBC are leaders in this field. Just before a program starts on British tv , even after the 9.00pm watershed, on comes the cunt to tell you that the following program contains scenes of a sexual nature , violence , mild violence , offensive language , mildly offensive language , flashing lights , white people etc etc. Fuck off you cunts , just warn me that there are scenes of faggots kissing , gingers , Welsh people eating , Nicola Sturgeon laughing. There are no warnings of this nature on French tv , this morning there was a medical program and scenes of a doctor working on a very hairy growler ! Has Roops been over here ?
  11. Witheredscrote

    Eton Mess

    It happen on Malia , young Archie was a Harrow boy . Punched once and died later in his sleep. Probably choked on a plum which the medics failed to find.
  12. Well you are certainly living up to your name . Another essay
  13. Are their berets made in France . If they were wearing strings of onions it would be SURRENDER!! Are they going to a Frank Spencer convention ? So many questions for a Sunday morning Scotty.
  14. Its sad Bibbly , I used to like you , but since you have become an ally of Queercockboy you both remind me of 2 playground bullies , running around making false accusations . It didn't work with Ding or Mike and it won't work with me. ' Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed to have a battle , for Tweedle Tweedledum said Tweedledee had spoiled his nice new rattle ' . I forget the rest as it was 60 years ago when I read it . Look it up when you and the other 'Dex Bitch' get back in the classroom. Cunt
  15. Frank always thinks pink , he's a fucking faggot
  16. You soppy cunt , Roops was covering her gash with a large doormat for modesty. Thank fuck
  17. Hastings is in East Sussex and makes Glasgow look like a Cotswold village
  18. I have spent some time thinking about Trump and I still don't know if you are right Pukeape , but as Roops is a bigger cunt , and even more boring than you , I am with you on this.
  19. I consider myself fortunate that I can read your posts . 2 usually does the trick and then I am asleep.
  20. I have just read that C J is finished with the U.K and is moving to South Africa with his 'man spouse/fellow bender'. He wants to further his acting career . Does South Africa make many films about conceited homosexualists ? Lets hope the cunt gets arse raped by a 7ft swarthy type trucker with full blown aids. Fuck off cunt.
  21. It is a persons right to be stupid but you are abusing the fact.
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