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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. The Irish can't go anywhere. They are in the same situation as the Greeks. Financially fucked. UK plc isn't going anywhere either. The hidden hand of vested interest has that well stitched up.
  2. Not wanting to repeat myself, (now that's a cunts saying) the remain campaign held all the cards and they fucked it up. Remember the opinion polls? Every one I saw was rigged in the remainers favour too, judging from the actual result. Fortunately 17.2 million cunts were suspicious of the establishment and told them to stick it up their arse. Also, any moaning bad losing wanker that says people do not know what they were voting for when choosing leave, must have had their head up their arse during the campaign. Leaving meant and should still mean without equivocation, no longer paying the EU for membership, leaving the single market and leaving the jurisdiction of the European courts. The pitfalls of leaving these behind were repeatedly pointed out by David Pig Fucker Cameron ad nauseam, verbally and, at vast tax payer expense, in fucking writing. We are getting fucked over and that was clear within hours of the result being known when Cameron resigned without invoking article 50.
  3. So there are comments from various sources that Mrs Fucking May has stitched up the UK plc with a Norway style transition deal. One assumes this will have to be voted on in the UK parliament and it will be given the nod. Dirty fucking cunts making it highly unlikely that UK plc will leave in reality at any point in my lifetime.
  4. The Beast


    Have heard of it, never been there though. Much like yourself.
  5. Uniform, meals, the odd trip, some additional clubs.......same at a comprehensive, unless you are on state handouts, in which case your arse will be wiped for you free of charge. It amounts to fuck all compared to an independent school.
  6. You don't pay to go to Grammar schools, access is obtained by sitting the 11 plus exam. If people want to be gay or transgender leave them be. I draw the line when this is forced upon schools to put it in children's faces. Yes, the school can teach sexual education, but sexuality and gender is for parents to deal with. The intrusion of the PC agenda is an obstacle to sensible parenting. You won't find any of this fucking bollocks at independent schools.
  7. I would hope this workshop is voluntary and parents are consented as to whether they want their children to attend. If this is the case, then cock choppers can be left to get on with it. If not, they can stick it up their own arse once it is surgically removed.
  8. At a quick glance, I thought the nomination title said "Frenulumless windows". I have caught my nob in the bedroom door on occasion, but never, as yet, in a window.
  9. I don't think he will ever be PM. His opportunity was when Cameron fucked off, but for reasons unclear, he was pushed aside. The tory cunts never choose who is obvious, they always go for an "instead of"....... hence inept fucking idiots like John Major and Theresa May.
  10. The Beast

    Macron at RMAS

    It doesn't look like we are going anywhere. 19 months since the referendum and we are not any clearer as to how the status quo will change. It was the right decision to leave. Another 40 years stuck in this club and UK plc will have nothing left. I can't stand jingoism, jack waving cunts, the fucking queen or tories. I just don't see how this country has benefited by paying so much money to a corporate, undemocratic club.
  11. I totally agree, you moaning, miserable wanker. Cameron said he would invoke article 50 on 24th June. Instead he fucked off. Every thing about the leaving process has had a large whiff of stitch up. I sincerely hope there is violence.
  12. This man is a fucking idiot. We have a tunnel which has been used by all sorts of wankers to gain illegal access to the UK plc. Hopefully, the plan will end up like his estuary airport plan.
  13. Fuck me, you are thick. You seem to forget several thousand British troops armed to the fucking teeth and hundreds of thousands of Jocks that managed to swim across the North Channel.
  14. The tories have rationalised healthcare and continue to do so under the guise of sustainability and transformation plans. These invariably involve the closures of A&E departments and the loss of acute admission beds, closure of community hospital beds in preference for poorly resourced hospital at home initiatives, hence a queue of older people outside A&E's being the norm at any time of year, not just in times of high demand. The central aim of these plans is to reduce the overspend. As example, many CCG's no longer offer ear syringing , vasectomy or gluten free products on prescription. This is just the start. Then the profiteers will want their cut too, if all goes to plan. I am not dogmatic as to who runs health services, providing the non for profit ethos is maintained. Presently, NHS trusts operate in their own interests, shit scared of bad publicity and the barrack room, ambulance chasing cunt solicitor. Those involved at executive level management are involved in a merry-go-round of failure and large pay-offs. This has to change. Also, too many clinicians are involving themselves with the delivery of targets and should be sacked for blatant contravention of their codes of conduct. The term "public service" has almost become obsolete. Corporate principles and bureaucracy are choking the fucking thing to death. So when I say it doesn't need any more money, it would just be wasteful to allocate more billions in its present state. The money issue is a football for our venal political cunts to kick about and get mugs to vote for them, after all that's where their interest lies in getting their dirty fucking mits on power.
  15. More money would only repeat the same mistakes of the past, particularly those made under Tony Blair's leadership. When any CCG has a new service it wants to commission, there isn't a shortage of money.
  16. It needs some cunt with enough money to organise a party with decent intentions and not be self interested. Naïve of me to think this will happen, but the current showers of shit are bleeding us dry and dragging the UK plc to third world status.
  17. The more I see of this fucking garden gnome on the box, the more I want the Labour party extinct. I don't have any faith in the two other parties. The conservatives are still infighting over Europe, hopefully fatally and the Liberal Democrats are all but finished. It is long overdue a different brand of criminal is elected with the fucking bollocks to sort out the giant cesspool this country has become. Doing nothing is not an option.
  18. A shithole, obviously, but far from irrelevant, now thousands of the cunts are fleeing to come to the safe haven that is UK plc.
  19. The Beast


    Agree about Cable. His actions concerning the sell off of the royal mail were grounds for imprisonment. Orange book wanker.
  20. He is not sticking his nose into things, unlike Mr fucking Blair..... well not at the moment. Quietly doing charitable work repairs a tarnished image, never mind the 12k for after dinner speeches, there's only 1 wanker on here who purports to socialise in such circles where they pay some cunt to give themselves indigestion. If, somehow, he does become skint, a job with a vast salary will be put on a silver platter. He'll have to work his bollocks off for 4 hours a week or something like that, giving other wankers the benefit of privileged information he obtained during his days in government. Not forgeting the tax fiddle on the salary. Cunt.
  21. I've never issued a single point. I usually ask politely, then if there is not any joy, I ban.
  22. Good evening. Calm yourself, take a seat. It's all ticking along nicely here. The more the merrier.
  23. I think you fell for all the pig fucker's tax payer sponsored bollocks. It is not just about trade. Nick the orange book Liberal Clegg may have insights from his days as an EU trade negotiator, but trade is just one aspect. The club will be less its second biggest contributor. It will struggle without the UK plc revenue. It still has to support basket cases. Greece is in such a mess, it can't realistically pay off its debts. Spain, Portugal and Republic of Ireland are in a similar shit state. The banking sector in the EU is a steaming pile of shit. It is still printing large sums of fucking funny money almost 10 years after the financial meltdown. Without this quantitative easing it would be in meltdown. There is no end in site for this program or gradual tapering off. The greater the distance from it, the better. There is the growing issue of certain newer members not liking the influx of goat herders from across the med. They don't want any of these people being dumped on them. Watch how they are hauled into line by the controlling non elected executive of this shitty club. Hardly a democratic institution. Then there is the issue of creeping sovereignty. This is project super state. This intention is well known. They can stick their stinking club up their arse.
  24. I don't like this fucking imbecile. I wouldn't have voted for him or Clingon if I were entitled to vote. I do take exception that any President is labelled a leader of the free World. What sort of fucking idiot actually believes this? Like the previous 44 incumbents, they act in the interest of the USA and nothing else. The many countries who have a "special relationship" with these gun toting, English language butchering, insular, low IQ wankers are on a one way street getting fucked up the arse.
  25. Lying is an intrinsic part of all political campaigning. I am no fan of Mr Galloway, but this speech was one of the best arguments for leaving. No immigration bigoted bollocks.
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