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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Yeah right. I have met plastics that are more Nationalist than you. The amount of dissidents left that are genuine Nationalist is tiny.
  2. Have you seen the list of supporters of the CEPA organisation? More war hawking neo-Cohens than Golders Green.
  3. I know next to fuck all about this violence, hence why I have kept largely mum on it. I do work with a chap who served as an officer in the army and did 2 tours to Afghanistan. He said the sort of fighting that occurs would not suit the military strategies of the Russians and it will make tanks largely ineffective, also one should not overestimate the strength of Russia or underestimate the resolve of the Ukrainians. I think the timing of all this is a bit rum. I have switched off the moron's lantern and the wireless. If the threat of nuclear apocalypse appears imminent, I will mitigate the consequences by going to have my first kung flu vaccine.
  4. Many thanks for the copy and paste lesson relating to the intramuscular administration of medication, especially the sarcastic edit. I am grateful for the recap, being that I have probably given over a thousand intramuscular injections from analgesics, antiemetics, prophylactic antibiotics and indeed vaccines. The pharmaceutical companies paid propagandists arm, (no pun) the fact checkers, say the spike protein is not so mobile. "Research shows that spike proteins (here) remain stuck to the cell surface around the injection site and do not travel to other parts of the body via the bloodstream, they added. The 1% of the vaccine that does reach the bloodstream is destroyed by liver enzymes." https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-safe-idUSL2N2NX1J6
  5. I am not talking about how the virus manifests. You keep on with the tedium, it clearly your strongest suit. You can't answer or don't want to answer the two very simple questions I asked.
  6. Is that it? What is so incomprehensible? To dumb it down for you, how much of the spike protein reaches the blood supply? Where should it remain?
  7. Yes another non story about these suspect poisons. Highlight that it is not an in vivo study and all will be well. Considering the mRNA should not be anywhere near the liver in the first place doesn’t matter. We will forget about that minor oversight.
  8. The liver thing is something that really should have been found had these dubious injections been tested to any degree. This chap gives a fair take on it. Doesn't sound good to me.
  9. Not sure about the condition of his ticker prior to taking the mRNA poison, then getting Covid. He liked the diuretics. Did he smoke dope and like the beak too?
  10. Whatever the background to this wholly unnecessary war, I take comfort in the fact our media will always keep cunts accurately informed. https://t.me/MorgothsReview/2390
  11. There is always a lull from time to time. Someone or something lights the touch paper and it will all start up again. All part of the cunting cycle.
  12. That middle aged Doris who gave her horse a thump because it didn’t want to get into the box was subjected to death threats and lost her employment. Bit fucking racist innit? As an aside, on The Jam’s song That’s Entertainment, there is a reference to a cat going out with a kick in the balls. At my late maternal grandmother’s residence in the homogeneous Wandsworth, the cat frequently was put out at night along with the milk bottles.. Back in the 60’s, it’s name was a reference to a brown colour. Not much has changed for cats, only its namesake is one delivering the boot in the cobblers.
  13. This is wonderful. The self proclaimed "fact checkers" from faecesbook being called out as fucking frauds and openly ridiculed.
  14. Sounds more civilised than the shit hole in North London where I was spawned. If you had both ears you felt overdressed.
  15. For this farce to end, the propaganda peddlers or "fact checkers" need to be expunged. They are the gel that holds it all together. The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized "Fact-Checking" (substack.com)
  16. This is a bit grim. The problems ahead will be discerning whether it is the poison, the disease or both. These bastards that recommended vaccination in the recovered have tried to queer the pitch. (PDF) Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs (researchgate.net)
  17. There have been so many awful things done it beggars belief. There will be things that shock me that I don't yet know about. Irrespective of whether I am fucked off out of it or not in a few weeks for not taking the needle, I am not sure I want to be part of this game any more.
  18. Those that have acquired natural immunity have significant less risk of hospitalisation. The lie that you need to get vaccinated even if you had the disease put to bed. So many people have been advised to take these bogus injections when unnecessary. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm#contribAff
  19. The issue of how many people died from the kung flu will only be best estimated by all cause mortality numbers, but given these vary from year to year we will only have various estimates to suit the dominate narrative. What is for sure, masks have marginal benefit in the clinical area only, unless they are fit tested N95/FFP3 standard. This has been studied over and over for decades. Social distancing is of absolutely no benefit. Asymptomatic spread may happen, but it is largely anecdotal and is not a driver of epidemics. If some selfish bastard has gone out into crowded space whilst symptomatic, a 2 metre distance is inconsequential. They will still spread the disease. Locking down well people is of no benefit. The isolation and increased fear has caused untold harm to people with chronic health problems. The healthcare deprivation secondary to the lockdowns will result in excess deaths for at least 5 years. The vaccination is illogical, given that early treatments would have prevented a majority of the hospitalisations and deaths. As this approach was largely ignored in rich Western countries, nobody can say how many lives it has saved, only estimates that are completely irrelevant can be put. We know the 20,000 deaths in the USA from the vaccination are all audited by the CDC. Given the number of infections in the vaccinated and the inability of any meaningful reduction of transmission of the disease, there is absolutely no group benefit in these vaccines, just individual risk/benefit. Poorer countries with lower vaccination rates and less acute hospital facilities have learnt to repurpose existing medicines to treat covid early in the inflammatory hypersensitive reaction stage, usually between days 7 to 10 post 1st day of symptoms. Here in the UK we were sending these type of patients away from the A&E at the front door if their oxygen saturations were normal with no meaningful advice or treatment, other than come back if you are blue. The only two pieces of sensible advice I heard from the government were about shielding of the vulnerable and adequate ventilation. Most of the other advice rests somewhere between myopia and murder.
  20. You know he was one of a team. He holds some of the patents which he has published. mRNA vaccines have never been approved in MERS. mRNA treatments has great potential, particularly in diseases like Parkinsons and specific cancers where it is already used. Rolling out a population wide mRNA vaccine against a coronavirus is nothing short of a giant experiment. Only a cunt would believe Warp speed.
  21. Call me a cynical moaning cunt, but all I see is a little steam being let out of the kettle. As for the mandatory vaccines, which does directly affect me, the government has had to reveal its hand as to what is was going to do with the 30% of NHS staff that have not took the booster. The current proposed deadline for the non injected will be extended by 6 months and those that have not taken the booster will also have to comply. They are taking a risk, but with the government in bits, the decision has been made for them. They will play the long game. These bastards want a needle in every arm. Once the healthcare workers are done, every occupation will be done cohort by cohort. This game is far from up.
  22. Irrespective of percentage of stock, their tentacles are everywhere. To suggest they do not have influence would be incredulous.
  23. If the police are investigation a matter it would be prudent not to make any further comment. If any further evidence becomes apparent it would be best to present it to the same officer or detective that is investigating. Pure theatre if it makes you content. I don't know if Sam White is a competent clinician, but he is not supine. He didn't have any interactions with the GMC until they disliked him expressing an opinion. The high court overruled this decision by the GMC and said he had a right to an opinion. That was the scope of the case and not the medical merits of his opinion. Blackrock and Vanguard have significant interest in News Corp, Disney, Comcast and Time Warner. These four outfits have more than a 50% ownership and control of the USA main stream media. Vanguard have significant interests in Blackrock. Together they have multi trillion dollar interests in many Standard and Poor firms. The fact check propaganda smear job you used has no author. I doubt any scientist or medical doctor had any input. Is there something you are trying to tell the puntership of this forum with your repeated defence of this circle jerk of controlling propagandists? If you want to discuss masks, asymptomatic spread, lockdowns, social distancing and indeed these awful obsolete injections that even Arthur Daley would not try to shift at this juncture, crack on.
  24. As previously explained in my comments, the ADR's are not the issue, as they are self reported and could be trivial like a sore arm and are open for hypochondriacs to have a field day. The deaths are not, they are audited by the CDC. If you have seen the evidence in its entirety given to Hammersmith CID then please update me on its merit, not just your opinion on one letter. Unbelievably, you still quote fact checkers. Even the most compliant during this farce acknowledge these people as a propaganda arm of the pharmaceutical companies with their well established links at executive level and stock interests from certain asset management companies. You don't offer any comment on the pattern of deaths and their association with dose range finding studies. You have done what you liberally accuse others on here of.... playing the man and not the ball. My last paragraph was a reminder that I have observed certain standards during our discourse and out of common decency I would hope that is reciprocated. Perhaps this is naivety on my part.
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