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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. The Beast

    Crimbo walkouts

    Communist? UK plc has the biggest fucking casino in the world in the form of the financial district of London. It doesn't mean a person is a communist either because they want certain things operated by the state. Why should tax payers money go into the pockets of cunts like Branson (yes the same cunt who told everybody to vote remain) to run an Urgent Care Centre or Health visiting services, when it should be operated on a non for profit basis if the local health trust can't win the fucking bent contract. The venal politicians and the phoney advice they choose to listen to is the fucking problem, helping shitbags like Branson print his own money. They have abnegated all sense of public service because they don't give two fucks about it, as they hardly ever need to use the fucking things and view them as a political liability.
  2. The Beast

    Prison Rioters

    I wouldn't queer my own pitch.
  3. The Beast

    Prison Rioters

    Almost, if you can believe any of this old pony. TR.docx
  4. The Beast

    Crimbo walkouts

    Not fully, but it needs to have some interest for times of crisis. Energy production, (an essential to all but those that shit in the woods) is a prime example of how easily the UKplc could be fucked over.
  5. The Beast

    Crimbo walkouts

    Yeah right. Sell it off. What do we now own? Fuck all.
  6. The Beast

    Crimbo walkouts

    If you are going to strike there isn't any point in it being ineffective FFS. As far as I can see, the RMT are a fucking good union. They stand up for the interests of the cunts they represent, which is the polar opposite of the example repeatedly set by our shitbag politicians.
  7. I don't agree with British troops being prosecuted for carrying out orders from their superiors. I don't think Republicans should be given compo either. There are no rules in war as far as I am concerned. On the plus side, the murder rate has dropped in the North of Ireland. This was one war that neither side were going to win. At least some cunt in the British government made the presbyterian huns see they had to make concessions to start a process that may lead to long lasting peace. I'm an Irish Republican and an English Republican and I'll make no apologies. Jocks that can swim well are cunts.
  8. I will be in a minority of 1 in saying that Brucie is a legend. He is an all round entertainer, probably the last of his kind. Like or detest him, this form of entertainment has now been replaced with fucking kakadu like xcrement factor, Britain's got taliban and ....errr ......strictly cunts dancing.
  9. Don't be so fucking stupid!
  10. Sure, but the abuse got to the stage where one member was PM ing new members with obscenities before their registration was even approved. Mrs Roops and Rick (occasionally myself) have put this in order. There has to be some management here or else the whole thing will go to the wall. A lot of topics and comments are still entertained that would be censored elsewhere.
  11. Why would any wanker believe what is on the box? I listed facts, not media speculation for commercial gain.
  12. This may be the vision of some on Europe and I am not criticising such a plan. However, Uncle Sam, despite all it says, would absolutely hate this idea. When the inter banking crisis of 2008 was unleashed, it was done so to fuck up the EU project. It worked and is still in effect today. The Yanks were never going to accept paying $1.60 for one shitty Euro. Today it is $1.06. America is laughing, their economy is 15% bigger than pre crisis levels, Eurozone growth is stagnant at pre crisis levels. The Yanks are putting their interest rates up (the FOMC will announce another rise later today) and no longer print funny money. The Eurozone has interest rates on its arse and has expanded its funny money programme. The crisis has laid the EU's liabilities bare, youth unemployment in Spain and Portugal is no less than 25%, massive public debts in bigger countries like France and Italy. I can add Greece to this list of basket cases. The whole thing is fucked economically, we are now fucking ourselves by elongating the leaving process. This is a golden opportunity to be ahead of the game, but a few uber rich interests hold all the cards and Joe Cunt's say in the referendum counts for next to fuck all. I don't need to mention immigration, I'll gladly let Merkel bump along with the1 million goat herders she has given refuge to.
  13. Dublin is not interested in an united Ireland. It won't be reunited and neither should it. The trouble makers, (a load of jocks that could swim well) have made concessions and that has been the key to the murder rate dropping. Collectively, the huns and bogtrotters could run their own affairs without interference from Dublin and London and they should be given every help to do so.
  14. I don't know much about steel, other than what is left of the industry in UK plc is owned by Indians. Pretty much like everything else in this country since Thatcherism, sold to overseas interests as is was seen as a liability. I do recall John Major's government opting out of the social chapter EU legislation. Part of this was the minimum wage directive. The sooner we rid ourselves of this club that is intransigent to change, the better we can direct our ire to the sacks of shit of all political persuasions in Westminster.
  15. Eddie, old chap. This nom is not related to one of your other noms about your up the pudding girlfriend not putting out? Times hard eh?
  16. I have to say, despite my differences with Ding, he is tough as old boots. All the shit hurled at him and he doesn't quit. I also have to say that Decs and Bubba, you provide remarkable entertainment in your pursuit of Ding. Remarkable, because despite several hundred repeated chides, you still carry on with the same old shite, hoping the next instalment of repeat bollocks will be the straw that breaks the camels back.
  17. The difference between Arthur Scargill and Barry Burnell? Arthur Scargill hasn't touched a miner's helmet for years.
  18. I don't know much about statistics from HM Government, I see plenty in the NHS which are all manipulated and obfuscated to suit the needs of the hierarchy. I don't have anything against immigration, I have worked with plenty of skilled immigrants in my 28 years in and around the NHS. Like many others have said, without such skilled immigration, we would not have a functioning NHS. What is obvious the last 20 years, is the increase in unskilled cheap labour, partly to help the rich get richer and partly the inability of successive governments to tackle the British born underclass, mostly white, who could do these jobs. We still have over 1.5 million unemployed. If you don't pay any of your income at 40% tax, then you are not an overall net contributor to the state. That's economic reality. We need to get out of this rich man's club ASAP. It is in terminal decline, it's banking system is on it's knees, youth unemployment in the less affluent countries is ridiculously high. If it were a union with Germany, Holland, Belgium and the Scandinavian bloc I would want to be part of it, but unfortunately it's not. This project has gone down the shitter the more countries that have joined. As for immigrants being good or bad, I don't much like the Romanian dippers that loiter around Chelmsford City Centre and ply their trade unopposed by the police. As for the Romanian doctors I have seen, absolutely the lowest standard of training from overseas by a long way.
  19. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS: cunts who take the watch off your wrist, tell you the time, incorrectly, then put the watch back on your wrist the wrong way round and charge you for the pleasure. The bigger cunts, though, are those that use these idiots.
  20. Be that as it may, but that is only half the picture. If a load of other cunts accept their admittance to the club, we will seek concessions on something else that we want or need to alter, in return for not using the veto. Horse trading, this is how it works FFS.
  21. She's covering her own arse first, plenty of cunts in the queue who would love her job. She knows the conservatives are going to walk the next general election and she will be the prime minister for a long time. She is not going to let whinging cunts of any affiliation fuck that up for her. Whether we are in or out of the EU is wholly inconsequential to her. She is just making it appear she is trying to respect the will of the people. A total ineffectual cunt of John Major proportions.
  22. Just tick the "other" box and be done with the cunts.
  23. I saw this interview. I don't mind an obvious obfuscation for an answer, that is what I expect. But what she said shows she is totally out of her depth. This is being decided without her inclusion, whilst she pretends to stand firm with the March deadline for invoking article 50 and spouting jingoistic bollocks. She is trying to save her own political career and nothing else.
  24. I agree. I'm not a brainwashed union jack waving royalist. I am fucked after the first five words of the national anthem, as I don't believe in god and I am a republican. I see the country as a business called UK plc. I've been paying into the cunt for donkeys years. There are plenty others like me. I take as I find. There are good and bad in all races. It is about contribution. If you haven't contributed, don't expect and don't fucking ask.
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