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Jake The Muss

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Everything posted by Jake The Muss

  1. You're not funny, lack character and have nothing worth saying and yet you hang around like a very bad smell (probably your minge or cheese helmet). I would tell you to fuck off or kill yourself...but i have about as much chance as chucking a bit of shit at the moon and hitting it, than that happening. I will say it anyway, fuck off.
  2. Is this some WEF gameshow and our host is Bond villain klaus schwab.
  3. The tepid cunt is already older than recorded history...even if we live in a simulation and it was turned off, this thick spastic would find a way to survive. It's stupidty has no boundaries.
  4. He's a little stumblebum but still made some good records...besides that was probably all staged and i did like his dig at Justin Beaver.
  5. Yeah i like the Buzzcocks but these guys are still the best Punk band ever in my opinion..
  6. I know the feeling CB but do you have the time to listen to me whine.
  7. Better than anything around today but to be honest, a poor man's Green Day.
  8. That's 30 seconds i will never see again, thanks for sharing this video you fucking French spastic.
  9. Back at the top of the leaderboard i see Ducks, that didn't take long.
  10. Frank we have been pals for many years, i have looked past your baldness and skinny legs but this is dire and only a bucket of flids part 2 video can save you. How about it ?
  11. Ted, i don't like your attitude, you come swanning on here full of empty-headed comments when really you should get back to your crayons and being spoon-fed. Unless you want to meet up for a straightener on the cobbles ?
  12. I'm gutted there isn't a Modern Romance reunion...Gutted.
  13. Bloody good show, these mobility scooter drivers are such cunts.
  14. Just imagine when the cunt turns 18 and it hits him right between the minces..that his sex life is null and void.
  15. Sure no problem, i won't turn up either as i have moved to Moscow as it's going to be the only safe place soon, what with Putin being a pal, he also uses claw hammers for some ultra violence. It's a treat to the senses Ed, i will invite you once i'm settled.
  16. Can't see why not, you might have a chance this time Ed as i have strained myself when my staffie pulled as he went for some wierd looking trans cunt, i just about gained control but the trans bastard did have his rainbow t-shirt ripped while it stood there in a pile of it's own piss and shit begging for life, think it might of been R-Soles/Lucy.
  17. Probably has a cunt bucket like sardines on toast, smelly and crusty.
  18. This repulsive agenda to normalise paedophilia has been going on for a lot longer than everyone thinks...but now with social media platforms it's as transparent as Pen's brain. Recently there was an aussie MP exposing this as he read out i believe his own child's homework, the child had to ask their father about masturbation and how he ejaculates, the child was a fucking toddler and has no interest or understanding of these things. It's in any sane persons mind that this is a criminal act and anyone who does this to kids should have 10 nails hammered in to the bollocks or cunts while being blow torched. This is the most vile act that these raving global nut jobs are trying to pull. If i had kids in school today, then i would headbutt the head whatever and get my kids out and find a way to home school. Normalise paedophilia in my mind is the real pandemic and it is worldwide.
  19. In my mind she has always been a stupid talentless spastic but well fuckable when she was younger, now we get this from the fucking hobgoblin.
  20. Keep your dog shit to yourself, you might go hungry. Fuck off.
  21. It definitely wants to play hide the sausage with you Bill...and i don't think it's your sausage it wants to hide.
  22. His puberty blockers were taken away.
  23. That's all fine and dandy but Americans are not all cunts, just the demons that have hijacked their poiltics for decades. They have a constitution which is we the people affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. Now that's why for such a long time bad actors have tried to dismantle it and rewrite it to suit them. If that happens then Free America will no longer be the leading light and the world will have no reference to go by and thus be good and proper enslaved. The UK's bill of rights in simpleton terms, pay homage to whatever cunting monarch is sitting on the throne. Think before you engage.
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