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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    As Moby Dick once said to Captain Ahab: "Fuck you spazmo!"
  2. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    7 posts in a row Stub? Calm the fuck down
  3. milkshake sales will no doubt spiral upwards Stub
  4. I like to think of sprouts as cabbage babies Authoritah. So Christmas Day I'm sitting down to a green infanticide holocaust. Rat
  5. I wonder if the surviving members of Pink Floyd are a bit nervous since their namesake got it in the neck?
  6. I do remember someone getting vexed when I suggested you shouldn't bury a small child until a few others have died. Obvious savings on coffin/funeral costs and the little fuckers have some company too.
  7. presumably you use a trowel to scoop out the blood clots? You monstrous tart
  8. Clive Maori isn't even from Australia. Fuckin con that is.
  9. ratcum

    Everyone's Invited

    Spunt Cotter is a fifth columnist. Collaborator. Quisling. Turncoat. Yellow Vichy dog.
  10. I haven't heard of that one CB. These fuckin log flumers are always coming up with new categories for the latest perversions amongst their ranks. Hanging's too good for them and some would get the horn from it anyway. James Bend the new 007 eh?
  11. ratcum


    sound advice What I can't abide is the BBC giving her airtime to bleat about things. I hope she meets a crazed donkey that was abused as a donkette.
  12. ratcum


    So now we're meant to feel sorry for Jess Davies, a pointless Welsh trollop. Well let me tell you something love, you posed topless for a boyfriend to photograph you, then got upset when the piccies went around school faster than a Rabbi chasing a thrupenny bit. Being a thick tart, you went on to a career as a 'glamour model' aka a masturbation fantasy figure for men and teenage boys. Now apparently you're a bit phased when another boyfriend (you do pick 'em) photographs you naked and distributes evidence of his conquest. Oh and scam blackmailers who film losers wanking online use your boobs as bait. Fuck off you tiresome slag, people are starving in Africa Rat
  13. Good Old Rev; like the holocaust only much bigger
  14. You've never visited Rhyl have you CB?
  15. Jewdy died of aids caught from Uri Geller, the original bender
  16. Even now, I'd be happy to win a night out with Mary Millington
  17. Parthenogenesis is the way to go MC. Animals such as aphids simply wank out new offspring without any sexual partners. It rather stymies evolution but if you were off to the footie for a good scrap, knocking out a few recruits at halftime could only improve your chances. History will treat The Fuhrer differently once the earwig menace has deselected itself
  18. I know dogs are not likely to be influenced by social media and current trends, but if more of them became homosexual, their violent outbursts would be reduced. The 'gay dog' could become a figure beloved of popular culture. Queer mutts might visit local schools, displaying restraint, perhaps eating only one child. Rat
  19. So stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon Stop the pigeon now!
  20. is all this code for something steamy CB? You twisted old dog
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