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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Everyone wants you gone. Except the spaz kids who’ve adopted you as a mascot/spascot. It can’t be nice.
  2. Correct. It was spoken by your co-star, Lee Van Clit during the bit where they dig up the treasure.
  4. That’s because you’re thick and don’t understand that Frank awards tactical likes to stir up the shit bucket. Leave the thinking to others. You’re not equipped.
  5. You just don’t get it. You’re behaving just like these fucking illegals that you despise. The people on here that have known each for years are a family of sorts. They don’t like to admit it, but it’s what keeps us here. You could accept the way it is and fit in, but you choose to try and change it to suit you. You really aren’t getting it. I can’t think of any other ways to explain it to you. It’s as simple as I’ve already told you. Fit in with the natives, or go somewhere that you’re happy.
  6. Don’t mention Klingons Ereptic. He will have a meltdown assuming you’ve just called his dad a rentboy or something.
  7. It was this way for 12 years before you arrived. Who the fuck are you to criticise it? If you don’t like the way it is, fuck off somewhere that you like. Don’t stay here when you’re not happy and everyone else has had enough of your moaning.
  8. You had some potential but you insist on moaning and whining about the vast majority of members who’ve been here for years. Much like the asylum seekers you criticise regularly for turning up in a new place and immediately trying to change it. That’s the point, you dense, intransigent fucking wanker. Fit in with the natives or fuck off. Simple.
  9. You’re boring and unfunny. Just fuck off. Go play on a political discussion site. You’re not welcome here anymore.
  10. Fuck the fuck off my website you stupid fucking cunt.
  11. I would shoot people in the knees and push cat shit in the holes with a stick. That’ll learn ‘em.
  12. Because in the past, there was Albert Ross. I went to town on him and caused countless meltdowns. Then I realised that he was genuinely neurodivergent and acted the way he did without much control over it. I felt a cunt and didn’t want to repeat it with someone else. I started to think that ELC had a similar wiring problem, but it appears he’s just a troll. That’s the honest answer as to why I’m soft on the spazzy ones sometimes.
  13. Fuck off beast. Perverts aren’t welcome here.
  14. Your puppet boy @entitled little cunt appears to be losing a bit of ground. Best award him some tactical likes next time he dribbles on the keyboard. You wouldn’t want anyone catching him. lol lol.
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