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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. I get the blue Gillette ones out of Poundland. They're a pound! For ten. How's your medieval rampart xbow coming along?
  2. My all time favourite was him chasing after Michael Jackson in Los Angeles.. "Michael, who's your favourite boy band? Do you like New Kids, or do you prefer Boys 2 Men?"
  3. Paul Kaye, as the brilliant 'Dennis Pennis' approached Bill Wyman and his Mrs, and asked her.. "do you like antiques?" "yes I do, why?" "I've got a roll top bureau I'd like to swap for your old rocker..." i wish Kaye would resurrect Dennis Pennis to harass the generation snowflake celebs we now have.
  4. Ask Ratty. He'll tell you, Frank is a dirty sausage and a bad monkey.
  5. No. I don't think so. What is one? Is it a bit like a Water bear?
  6. Social engineering. For a long time, the advertising industry, and more recently the entertainment sector in general, have been pushing this shit into the subconscious of the sheep. Virtually every hetero couple in adverts is mixed race, always a black man with a white woman, and now entertainment shows are following suit. Also, it's still acceptable to portray black men as masculine. They're all swaggering about with broad shoulders and biceps ahoy, as the white women swoon. Any white bloke in an advert is a scrawny wimp, wearing a tight cardigan, with a silly beard and thick glasses. They are also required to smile politely and keep their mouths shut as their woman wets her nickers over the black man also featured. another thing I've noticed. Any domestic situation portrayed, shows the woman in charge, and dealing with the important stuff while her male partner wafts around with feather dusters and hoovers. If the Caucasian race doesn't think it's being systematically phased out. Then it's fucking blind to the obvious.
  7. He probably just watches it for the SlagWags camera shots in the 'VIP' enclosure. Apparently, the modern breed of retarded skanky whores, can't wait to marry a semi-literate brown ape that can kick a ball.
  8. A ewe is a mummy sheep. A lamb is a baby sheep. just saying, because It's what Bawsy would have wanted.
  9. It'll be something to do with wanking, definitely wanking. In some shape or form.
  10. You know exactly what he means. Let's make it idiot proof. Why do you support and endorse the Catholic Church? An organisation with an abhorrent record of profiteering, politically involved corrupt practices, established links to organised crime, and a surreptitious culture of sexually deviant behaviour, often involving children? Now answer the question.
  11. Eric Cuntman


    I think she's a proper freak now. Last I heard she was some mental old hippie hag, dancing some ethnic bollocks with 'African Americans', and trying to be down with da kids. I hope she's dead.
  12. Eric Cuntman


    When 'Mickey' was first released, I thought Toni Basil was about 19. I think she was in her mid to late thirties. Seemed a bit of a weird one.
  13. They look like they're having a laugh with it. Good on them, I like the 'pirate noir' theme, and the bloke decked out as beetlejuice is good. I remember the team getting criticism in the 80s and 90s for promoting gang culture, probably because plastic gangster cunts like NWA were wearing their stuff.
  14. I don't like American football, but those black LA Raiders jackets that all the 'homies' adopted as gang colours in the 80s were fucking cool.
  15. Her cricket knowledge is more than impressive. However, attempting to explain the offside rule would be futile. No woman has ever understood it, not never, ever. Yes Gyps. I know it's for irons.
  16. Oxycodone. Morphine is so last year.
  17. It's Polish for fuck off. Just say 'Stara Kuruva', and exit before the inevitable reaction to being called an 'old whore'. But you already know all this.
  18. Eric Cuntman

    Ben Wadey

    Or crash a runaway 18 wheeler through the middle of it, and didn't they crash a helicopter into a church as well? I don't remember any of that sort of thing down the road in Last of the summer wine.
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