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Cunty BigBollox

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Everything posted by Cunty BigBollox

  1. If this carries on I might have to consider raising the rent for my tenants. You're right, it is a bit of a disaster out there for the time being, on a brighter note though, at least my cash in the bank is giving a decent return now - 5.7% tax free woohoo! Fuck off
  2. I note that they let it sit in the car and then get out to dance like a badly dressed Gibbon but they don't dare let them monkey feet operate the pedals to actually drive the thing.
  3. "Izzit cuz I ez Blak?" "No love, it's because you're a hideous obese monster" Fuck off.
  4. Here's another one for you @Zev, is it 'smelt' or 'smelled'? Ask a grown up if you're stuck.
  5. Thanks, It wasn't at all difficult though, a victory as hollow as Heather Mills' leg.
  6. Not, 'or otherwise', you dozy fucking prick. It actually states FORMAL. I formally confirm that you're a thick cunt.
  7. Thick cunt. "A formal address or discourse delivered to an audience" That's the usual context experienced at a demonstration. 6/10, get to the end before drawing a conclusion you thick cunt.
  8. I wouldn't exactly describe, "Fuck off you queer cunts" as a speech.
  9. Shit stabbing fucking poofs should respect other people's religious beliefs. Imagine how I would feel if this pair of cunts turned down an invite to join me and my mates on a night out in Caistor doing a bit of queer bashing. Sorry Decs, but everyone's got to have a hobby.
  10. Very unlike a frog to be respectful of rules, you garlic chomping cunt.
  11. Calling someone else (Israelis) racist, makes you racist don't you know - especially if you're white, English and male. Reported.
  12. The first four words would have been sufficient.......in response to anything apart from flying toys or how to be a rattled bell-end. Ha Ha Ha.
  13. Yes. A joystick from a remote control for a toy helicopter. Best not to ask.
  14. What? Not even been in Casualty? Even I've been in Casualty...., not the TV series though. And, before the usual suspects start, no, it wasn't for a stomach pump or to remove a strange object from my arse etc...
  15. Was???? You mean he really is dead and not running around in a landfill site like some Stig of the Dump character. That was a classic kids show of the 80's with Keith Jayne playing the part of Stig.
  16. I think you'll find Airman McKeague was the colossal drunken dickhead.
  17. That sounds very strange Eric. Have you even got a cunt?
  18. What's the real story with you and your bunch of descendants of criminals mates that don't want to host the Commonwealth Games now?
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