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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Out of likes, Bill, unfortunately a bit like the Trumpster, but it ain't over till the fat lady recounts the votes.
  2. That's quite harsh, Franco, considering you've been the warm up act this year. Like a poor man's Bobby Davro...
  3. Preserved via formaldehyde in a glass cabinet under his staircase, I'd imagine...
  4. Me neither, but considering he's now royally fucked as a commercial landlord, I can see him spending his days penning letters to Butlins in the desperate hope of becoming a Bluecoat...
  5. I'd wager heavily that you were sporting an erection to rival Lady P's after reading my post, Mr Tatchell!
  6. I'm actually quite surprised you chose Northern Spain, Franco. Normally you holiday in the Southern port cities where there's a regular supply of Moroccan pork sword, and an intimate knowledge of the pink boozers.
  7. I think Harry has set a record for the highest number of pointless posts to lack of likes in the Corners history. I'd even go as far to say he makes Frank look vintage. He's a devout communist which is probably gonna bode well for the future. He's harmless though, and certainly more amusing than Johnny Shitepants...
  8. Frank, you are now free to actually contribute an opinion, or making the faithful laugh, but the question is are you still up to it. Even Lord Haw Haw has made me laugh recently...
  9. Plus the elite '40 Thieves' regiment. I've heard their forever stealing the enemies weapons.
  10. Fuck off, and stick your overpriced kitchen bin up your harris, Francois.
  11. I've just seen the latest 'Charlie Hebdo' front page and I'll give le frogs some credit. If 'Private Eye' had the bollocks to do a caricature like that then I might consider reading it again. The fact they're not caving into the Ostrich jockeys brings me hope all is not lost. Maybe we should take a page out of their book!
  12. I think you're getting the wrong end of the stick, or "chocolate log" in this case.
  13. Rumour has it you've been engaged more times than a switchboard, Bill. Did you ever date any of the brasses, or was it strictly working relationships? I'm still waiting on the 'CC' discount code...
  14. Fantastic news, Withers. Hopefully it's enough to drive him suicidal. Failing that a return to the hipster cunts 2014 material.
  15. Now there's a couple who are certainly swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
  16. 'The Oracle'. Well, she likes to think she is. However, I don't remember her firing up Google before bestowing her wisdom upon 'Neyo' in the whole trilogy...
  17. In the words of @King Billy "just fuck off". You can bang on till the cows come home about lack of evidence, but your usual approach is completely flawed. These cunts are not going to openly announce their plans for a global socialist society are they? Its done in incremental steps just like the Nazis, who didn't seize power and immediately start gassing Jews. The true mark of the "sheeple" is an inability to question the world around them, and particularly its power brokers.
  18. The fact that they're now openly flaunting global socialism is a sobering thought, Bill. There's a theory that China's rise has been a carefully orchestrated one by the likes of Soros and the 'Council on Foreign Relations' ect. A petri dish of sorts to try out various nefarious means of social engineering under the big brother state. Covid's just been one more move on the global chessboard, and if that cunt Biden wins America falls. I'm of to make a new tinfoil hat in preparation for Roops's predictable response...
  19. Although most of these cunts will claim to be working on human rights cases out of a sense of deep moral obligation and a social conscious. We all know that it's about the vast sums they can claim in legal fees, and the all important fithteen minutes of fame on a BBC news segment. Its fine to defend convicted rapists and other violent criminals facing deportation from your Chelsea ivory tower, when there's no chance of the cunt moving next door. Priti's making all the right noises in her rhetoric, and hopefully follows it up with policy.
  20. That's the bloke, Weary. Cheers for the memory jog!
  21. Quite ironic considering his name is rhyming slang for doing the off. I always get him confused with that cunt with the giant paper machete head.
  22. I was an occasional visitor for a few years when I needed a good laugh so am familiar with the man. You could certainly take a leaf out of his book though. Nobody likes a know it all, Roops, as you're no doubt well aware...
  23. I take it that picture been deleted courtesy of Rick_B. That man was definitely not moderator material.
  24. I'd still rather be English than French, Withers. If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German now. You had an army in numbers to fend of ze krauts, but unfortunately neither the tactics or the backbone. You're all cunts bar Voltaire, and Pascal.
  25. Yes we did, officially. However, considering we're still in the transition phase fuck all has changed yet. Freedom of movement is still unrestricted, and we're still in the customs union ect. Its been several empty trips to Brussels, and still no deal. We should have told them to fuck off in 2016.
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