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Dr. Peter Carter


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So called head of the Royal college of nurses. This morning, in one of the newsrags, he is talking sense, stating that nursing care is not in a good state and for the most is left to unqualified care assistants. He also was unhappy with nurses training. All of this I agree with even if it is 15 years later than when it should have been said. However, fast forward to this afternoon, on radio 4, he completely back tracked, saying he had been misquoted. The RCN is a sick joke. It is not a trade union as it is not part of the trades union congress. It is merely a revenue collection agency which enjoys royal patronage. Nurses are their own worst enemies putting up with this. Instead they keep electing people like Carter who pay lip service to the government of the day.

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  • 6 months later...

At last this useless uber sack of shit is moving on. No doubt the RCN council will appoint another corporate arse licker who doesn't give two shits for hard working nurses.

​I look forward to a day when you post something that isn't related to your income streat.  You utter income stream poster you.

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​You've been on the booze again. Consider this. If I didn't give a shit about what I do, I would stop moaning about it. The job has been good to me, but I see things getting a lot worse for Joe Public, especially elderly people. For the last few months there have been queues of ambulances outside A&E's, most with older people in them. If it was children, it would not be tolerated. I must be a thick cunt, I just don't see how a so called union or representative body can have so many members and not have teeth to get things done or change things. Silly me, I just realised, it appoints the sort of cunts like Carter who have climbed the greasy pole to become a chief executive of a hospital trust. Controlling, manipulative, duplicitous and underhand. Now the cunt is leaving the RCN, he is going on to help failing trusts. And so the circle of venal and self serving hypocrisy goes on. 

​....and every lucky day you have on the Forex exchange is destroying any hope of socialism and compassion this country has.

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​Socialism never was in the UK plc. Compassion and decency for others is not a currency or political philosophy. It is a value for ones own family and friends. It is only the uber cunts who attach a cost to it.

​Lighten up you boring old sap.

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Haven't you killed this Greek cunt off yet? Get on with it for fucks sake, the cunts more tired than the come dine with me format.

​It's only me… Kleftiko. I have nothing else to offer.

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Haven't you killed this Greek cunt off yet? Get on with it for fucks sake, the cunts more tired than the come dine with me format.

​I've just watched Come Dine with Me, it's a winning formula which has me coming back for more and more.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I used to work in the NHS/DH, anyone I met from "higher up" in the RCN was always a total cunt, the "lower level" RCN bods were generally cunts in the making, typical no-use busy bodies who were more than likely also serving on the School board of Governors and the local Parish Council... petty minded, smiling simpletons, supposedly promoted out of the way of the Public who need nurses not self-aggrandising twats.

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