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Tea Break Cunts


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There appears to be a breed of people whose working day revolves entirely around their tea breaks. The thing is, although the break itself "should" last 15 mins, there are pre and post break rituals that result in the lazy cunts doing nothing for well over half an hour. Dare to ask one to do something for you within the 15 minute pre-break window and you are told that "it's nearly tea time", which means you've got no chance for atleast half an hour. There was a cunt I used to work with we actually named Arthur Tea, as any request to actually do something was almost exclusively answered with.....well, you can work it out. Every one of the cunts reads The Sun too.

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It is indeed cuntagonal. Without giving too much away, in my work there are admin/support staff who religiously take their tea breaks and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't care if they fail to meet a deadline. Then there's the professional staff who work like fuck and possibly make a coffee only to see it go cold. We do get paid a lot more though.

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It is indeed cuntagonal. Without giving too much away, in my work there are admin/support staff who religiously take their tea breaks and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't care if they fail to meet a deadline. Then there's the professional staff who work like fuck and possibly make a coffee only to see it go cold. We do get paid a lot more though.

Sounds very familiar........
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Guest JackoTC

It is indeed cuntagonal. Without giving too much away, in my work there are admin/support staff who religiously take their tea breaks and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't care if they fail to meet a deadline. Then there's the professional staff who work like fuck and possibly make a coffee only to see it go cold. We do get paid a lot more though.

What ? the kind of better paid hard workers that could fuck about on here at 2.19pm ? 

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Guest nobgobbler

There appears to be a breed of people whose working day revolves entirely around their tea breaks. The thing is, although the break itself "should" last 15 mins, there are pre and post break rituals that result in the lazy cunts doing nothing for well over half an hour. Dare to ask one to do something for you within the 15 minute pre-break window and you are told that "it's nearly tea time", which means you've got no chance for atleast half an hour. There was a cunt I used to work with we actually named Arthur Tea, as any request to actually do something was almost exclusively answered with.....well, you can work it out. Every one of the cunts reads The Sun too.

You can't beat them adape, you have to join them. Many moons ago when working for a for cunt when I was 16, I went to the loo towards the end of my lunch break resulting in me being back just 1 minute late. The loo was 5 minutes walk from the office across the factory floor (had to put up with the fucking wolf whistles as well) and out the other side. So the whole trip took about 15 minutes. After the cunt gave me a public cunting for being 1 minute late I never went in my own time again, not only that, I made sure I went at least 3 times a day whether I needed to or not. That 1 minute cunt trick cost her 45 minutes a day for a year. Result, cunt.

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When i was on the building sites, this bollocks used to drive me mad, three breaks in a fucking day all adding up to almost two wasted hours, now i work in a small private firm, i break for about 20 minutes at lunch and two or three 5 minute smoke breaks, 40 minutes during the day, get the work done and get home early.

Why were you hanging around building sites?

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