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People Who Dump Sick Loved Ones In Care Homes

Guest KuntaCunty

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Guest KuntaCunty

The first sign that an older member of the family isn't doing well, and they can't get them locked in quickly enough.  What cunts!  These are the same people that cared for you when you were new to this world, protected you from harm, even from the monsters in your closet, and now they need a little extra care and attention, and you fuck them off into a home.  Fuck off!  Those places are depressing, not just for the patient, but for visitors.  These places should be a last resort.  If the patient is completely unable to assist in their own care and functioning, or have a terminal and painful condition that requires monitoring and administration of pain medications, then they are appropriate.  Otherwise, step up, and stop being a self centered cunt. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

I couldnt agree more. I plan to kill my mother as soon as she reaches 70.


70 is the new 50, mate.  When you can no longer get your wife to change your mum's Tena, and Mum smiles when she's filling one, you'll be doing her a favour. 

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Guest cuntcrapper

Locked my old relative up in a Stalag 17 at the age of 95 after he started pissing and shitting firstly in a wardrobe, then more extensively. The cunt nearly made a 100, sucked all the pleasure out of any inheritance and left me skint!

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I always told old aunt Maria to wear her colostomy bag, ALWAYS. Don't know how much detail I need to go into, but after she let the shit keep running down her entire body, I had to push her down the staircase after she refused to adopt an asexual lifestyle on top of everything else.

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Guest nobgobbler

I agree, you're supposed to look after your family. But I've told mine, if I get Alzheimer's to dump me in the furthest home that's prepared to take it on, and don't look back. I couldn't inflict it on my loved ones. Alzheimer's is a cunt.

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My mum was dumped in a home.  She loved it and we loved visiting her there and having our dinner cooked for us by the carers.  She kept her dignity intact as i didn't have to clean her arse every day and I didn't resent the £100,000 it cost over the course of 8 years one little bit...oh no sir...not one little bit............ :unsure: 

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My mum was dumped in a home.  She loved it and we loved visiting her there and having our dinner cooked for us by the carers.  She kept her dignity intact as i didn't have to clean her arse every day and I didn't resent the £100,000 it cost over the course of 8 years one little bit...oh no sir...not one little bit............ :unsure: 

£100,000 = 3 tolerable bottles of wine a day for every single day of each of those 8 years. No, not one little bit....... :P

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Guest KuntaCunty

Some of the comments in this thread are insensitive and indecent.  Maybe Jizz can whinge to the mods to have them deleted? 


The oldies worked their entire lives, harder work than most of us will ever endure, to get by and own their own home.  I find it reprehensible that some lazy cunt would deny them the dignity of dying where they are comfortable, and in familiar settings, just because they can't be bothered to provide some love and comfort in their final days/months/years.  Sometimes, as in the case of a terminal cancer patient, being eaten away from the inside out, a hospice is the only way to provide them any relief from the agony.  In most other instances, however, it is nothing but pure cuntishness to lock them away, and sue for the right to handle the finances. 

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Guest nobgobbler

Sorry. I've completely forgotten what I was going to say now.

You were about to tell me your pin number. And that credit card you promised me would be best sent first class so I will receive it before christmas. 

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Guest nobgobbler

Oh yeah, that's right. Im afraid it was returned. They said they didn't have a patient called nobgobbler in Broadmoor.

Oh, just withdraw the lot in cash and I'll collect it.

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Usually, a care home is more likely to preserve a decent family relationship than the alternative of diy homecare. They are far better equipped to deal with the everyday needs of an elderly person, such as feeding, medication and hygiene than your average Joe Public will ever be. Look at Norman Bates mother, she'd have been alright tucked up in Happy Pastures in Glendale or something and that Vivien Leigh bird wouldn't of got stabbed in the shower.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Usually, a care home is more likely to preserve a decent family relationship than the alternative of diy homecare. They are far better equipped to deal with the everyday needs of an elderly person, such as feeding, medication and hygiene than your average Joe Public will ever be. Look at Norman Bates mother, she'd have been alright tucked up in Happy Pastures in Glendale or something and that Vivien Leigh bird wouldn't of got stabbed in the shower.


When you have an elderly person who is suffering from numerous conditions such as Alzheimer's, combined with mobility problems, then I might be inclined to agree with you.  I'm talking about the cunts who have their poor mum locked away if she breaks a hip after one of their children left a toy on the staircase, and they have their hopes set on moving into the mum's home, or gaining control of the healthy bank account.  Most doctors will be the first to tell you the best place for healing to occur, is in the home, where the patient is comfortable and still maintains some control of their surroundings.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Or take a nice holiday to Switzerland and relax with a barbitol and parecetomal cocktail


Fuck knows we can't get anything so wonderful here, except in the seedier chav councils.

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