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The media's inevitable hysterical fucking overreaction to winter

Guest MikeD

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'ARCTIC BLASTS' and so on. What? You mean it's going to be cold in the UK in winter?

Thank fuck you told me, I was all ready to go out with a t-shirt and fucking flip-flops on!

Fuck off you stupid scaremongering bastards.

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Guest KuntaCunty

These cunts can't do their job without the sensationalised rubbish.  Just reporting weather in a calm professional way doesn't boost ratings.  So they will shove some thick cunt that barely made it out of secondary school, but who looks good on camera, teach the fucker to read a prompter and to pretend they know what they're doing, and then hype the fuck out of the smallest fucking weather change.  That gets viewers, that boosts ratings, and that gets sad cunts large bonuses to repeat the cycle of idiocy.

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And the fuckwits fall for it and end up abandoning their cars in a couple of inches of snow.

Every fucking year it's the same, you'd think we were living in the fucking Bahamas and never seen it before.

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Guest cuntcrapper

This bollocks has been increasing relentlessly over the past decade, seemingly inflamed by the crass chav+1 ego's of the pregnant bitches that present this fucking shite. Along with gormless photo's from viewers, gonks and the glutinous eccedentesiast gushings they squark out. According to them, we have to exist, in year round constant volcanic temperatures and any rain - fucking disaster! The fact we need it to fill the shrinking catchment capacity for all the fucking, stinking, Dianne Abbotesque cunting immigrants, doesn't apply to their dickheaded thinking. Then there follows the whining apologies for either any moisture, or a temperature below 30c. Finally the cretinous unreal, unfunny, meaningless exchanges with even more air-headed bitches precedes the news etc. Just read out the weather showing a fucking map, with sub titles for the deaf, no bitch, no opinions, free from their tireless, on screen, career upping manoeuvres! Fuck em all...

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Guest cuntcrapper

concur entirely crapper old bean - although my not so guilty pleasure is the morning sight of the rack on that scottish weather woman on bbc tv .


Know what you mean, we've got a couple down here, Wendy Hurrell (BBC) a lovely juicy thingy, I just turn the sound down and letch!

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Guest nobgobbler

The first two thirds of the weather report is always about what happened earlier and what's happening now. I know it was raining earlier coz I got wet, and I know its still raining now coz I can see it through any one of my windows. Then they guess the rest 50/50 chance of being right/wrong. Giz a job, I can do that.

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Together with all this mumsy 'wrap up warm if you're going out because there may be spits and spots of rain' sanitised weather-speak.

Carol McFuck is one of the first weather-bitches n a wind tunnel with a bag of sharpened spanners, come the revolution.

There may be 'spits and spots of blood' on the turbine afterwards

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Where is the UK ? Let me think yes its a collection of windswept rocks just off the northwestern coast of continental Europe surrounded by water including the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. As such you'd think the natives would be used to the occassional gust of wind , rain , sleet , hail , falling leaves and snow at this time of year. But no. Every year parts of the country come to a standstill at the first dusting of snow. Strange how the Scandinavians and people in Canada carry on as normal.

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This bollocks has been increasing relentlessly over the past decade, seemingly inflamed by the crass chav+1 ego's of the pregnant bitches that present this fucking shite. Along with gormless photo's from viewers, gonks and the glutinous eccedentesiast gushings they squark out. According to them, we have to exist, in year round constant volcanic temperatures and any rain - fucking disaster! The fact we need it to fill the shrinking catchment capacity for all the fucking, stinking, Dianne Abbotesque cunting immigrants, doesn't apply to their dickheaded thinking. Then there follows the whining apologies for either any moisture, or a temperature below 30c. Finally the cretinous unreal, unfunny, meaningless exchanges with even more air-headed bitches precedes the news etc. Just read out the weather showing a fucking map, with sub titles for the deaf, no bitch, no opinions, free from their tireless, on screen, career upping manoeuvres! Fuck em all...

And they always have to fucking well thank each other. “Thanks, Tomasz, thanks for that.” Simper, simper.


Yes, thanks Tomasz, you great fucking mincing piece of shit, thanks for doing YOUR FUCKING JOB! The rot started when newsreaders stopped wearing dinner jackets, sometime around the invention of colour. (And no, you racist cunts, I don't mean when Moira Stewart started...)

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Guest KuntaCunty

Know what you mean, we've got a couple down here, Wendy Hurrell (BBC) a lovely juicy thingy, I just turn the sound down and letch!


These ladies could tell me that a massive solar flare is going to fry the entire planet, and I'd be fine with it as long as they had their tits proudly sticking out while they said it! 

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Senga is (or was) a name favoured in the lower dens of some Scottish inner cities. It's Agnes backwards, and this sole premise was supposed to give it an alluring, exotic and mysterious je ne sais quoi. Nuff said?


fuckin hell, scum trying to 'improve' themselves! It's this sort that wore grey leather shoes to weddings. I'd gas their sorry arses to buggery

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Guest cuntcrapper

Carol Kirkwood is the Scottish woman, a lovely set of knockers.

Saw her lunchtime today, trouble is she didn't have a good rack stretching top on, never mind keep hoping. Maybe she looks in on us Cunts and may be encouraged to bristle a bit more...

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Quite. I get the impression she might drink from the furry goblet, but they are a splendid pair of tits. She definitely ought to rid her wardrobe of all those tops that look like she's trying to disguise a colostomy bag and at least show a bit of cleavage. If you're reading this Carol, PM me.

She was married to a man for many years. Think she is still straight.
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