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Count Arthur Strong

Guest MikeD

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Is this the least funny thing ever to appear on tv? And I include fucking Vic and cunting Bob in this.

Fuck me, there's been some up it's own arse fucking wank before but this reaches completely new levels of utter cuntishness.

The cunt who wrote this should be tied between two lorries and fucking pulled apart slowly.

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Concur MD .. utter pish ..and in all probability written by some arsewipe Oxford graduate. 

When it all gets too much I just stick in a Bilko/Phil Silvers episode and all is well with the world.

Thank fuck it's not just me, I couldn't believe anything this bad had actually made it to telly.

I'd rather go the dentist than be subjected to this fucking shite.

But as you say, some box-ticking bastard obviously thought this was a good idea.

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Guest KuntaCunty

It's rather refreshing to see a nomination like this.  It hasn't been derailed by some cunt with a shite life and a greasy kebab claiming it to be brilliant, or by some obese sexual deviant with a feces covered plastic katana making an awful animated porn video of it.  No this one, is steadfastly and universally despised, and judged accordingly as as saturated with pure cuntishness.  Excellent job, lads! 


Scotty, I think that in situations such as this, you can go ahead and pass judgment.  

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Is this the least funny thing ever to appear on tv? And I include fucking Vic and cunting Bob in this.

Fuck me, there's been some up it's own arse fucking wank before but this reaches completely new levels of utter cuntishness.

The cunt who wrote this should be tied between two lorries and fucking pulled apart slowly.

Even unfunnier than that alleged comedy with Barry McGuigan dressed as a woman saying 'feck' and 'fecking' every fucking sentence?

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It's as unfunny as citizen khan, in fact nearly all tv comedy today is utter horse wank.


Frau Rat was just telling me something 'important' and as usual I stealthily zoned out. Then I read this comment and burst out laughing. Quite unable to stop, or even share the gag with her, I am now in the doghouse. Good 'ole Barney.

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Guest JackoTC

You mentioned Vic and Bob.... now you have set the bar pretty low...


How about Enfields cunting "mate" off the aviva adverts?

I hate to use the words "sold out", but any chance of him being remembered as a decent comedian disappeared with those ads. Dull, boring unfunny shite.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I hate to use the words "sold out", but any chance of him being remembered as a decent comedian disappeared with those ads. Dull, boring unfunny shite.


Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was always the winnet...



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I hate to use the words "sold out", but any chance of him being remembered as a decent comedian disappeared with those ads. Dull, boring unfunny shite.

Can't blame him really. He was a passenger in the Harry Enfield stuff so unless Enfield writes some more stuff he won't be doing much. I guess its the ads or the reality tv shite.

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