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Shadowy figures skewing the news, vis a vis HSBC Bank, at the Daily Telegraph.


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Nothing will happen to these cunts.

Some will get paid off with large sums of money,some will remain in their jobs or get another position with large sums of money and so much shite will get brushed under the carpet not even a steamroller could flatten the fucker.

Corruption at it's very best.

Now,you see what happens when you don't pay your next parking ticket.


I notice at the bottom of the page as I write that Facebook is a guest looking in. Fuck off Zuckerberg you American cunt.

(Stick that on your shite website.)

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Guest DingTheRioja

Ypu are all wrong,...


Some poor hapless idiot who managed to get himslef promoted somewhere vaguely near middle-management cos he was shagging the bosses son/daughter will take the fall... and then everyone else will carry on as normal...

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