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the racists are at it again


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On average Jews are twice as wealthy as joe public, 4 times as likely to be running a top 100 company and 22 are MP'S. Not bad out of a population of less that half of one percent oh and out of the 100 uk billionaires a 5th are Jewish.

Indian women are 8 times as likely to be running your local chemist 

Romanians are more likely to be pickpockets

Blacks are four times more likely to commit a Robbery and twice as likely to commit a violent crime 

Whites are more likely to commit alcohol related crime

And Muslim men are most likely to be involved in grooming

irish run the building trade

another sweeping statement by that well known racist Trevor Philips. 



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Why is it that Jewish people do so well in business?  They have a lot of rasberries amongst them as well, probably due to generations of inbreeding.  Their culture is quite a mystery to me and not at all inclusive.  It's the only religion you can't convert to without marrying into it..I might be wrong, but any religion that has it's own ambulances ffs is taking the piss in my opinion.

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Guest Snatch

Fucking hell,get the Judge quick.

Blacks,Jews,Pikeys and the fucking rest.

How racist is this thread? He'll be wanking himself stupid when he reads this. (No change there then).


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On average Jews are twice as wealthy as joe public, 4 times as likely to be running a top 100 company and 22 are MP'S. Not bad out of a population of less that half of one percent oh and out of the 100 uk billionaires a 5th are Jewish.

Indian women are 8 times as likely to be running your local chemist 

Romanians are more likely to be pickpockets

Blacks are four times more likely to commit a Robbery and twice as likely to commit a violent crime 

Whites are more likely to commit alcohol related crime

And Muslim men are most likely to be involved in grooming

irish run the building trade

another sweeping statement by that well known racist Trevor Philips. 



​At least the bugger left us gypsies out. But no doubt he'll say the term 'gypsy' is racist in itself.

I remember some white middle class Graudian reader said that and that I should term myself 'Roma or Romani'.I told the stupid cunt to read up 'proper' history on British gypsies, to which he would find that I am no why related to the Roma. Ignorant arsehole.

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Why is it that Jewish people do so well in business?  They have a lot of rasberries amongst them as well, probably due to generations of inbreeding.  Their culture is quite a mystery to me and not at all inclusive.  It's the only religion you can't convert to without marrying into it..I might be wrong, but any religion that has it's own ambulances ffs is taking the piss in my opinion.

​It's because the vast majority of them were banned from farming or the trades (don't ask me when, probably BC) so they mostly went into money lending. Mostly!

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I realise that starting a sentence with "I'm not antisemitic, but...." normally means that, actually, said fucker is probably part of an SS death camp reenactment society. So I won't start off like that, because I am genuinely not racist in any shape or form. Some of my early work on here directed towards Londonm was purely intended to wind the Palestinian hater up. However, I do wonder why for thousands of years, and in all of the hundreds of societies they've lived among, Jewish people have been vehemently hated. Not just hated, but persecuted and killed. It doesn't matter what time period or country, the result is always the same. The only common denominator are the Jews themselves. In my mind their society is completely unexclusive, borderline xenophobic towards gentiles, and has an ingrained custom of non integration. If you're a small, homeless and scattered race, its not a good idea to go around the globe with a superiority complex. Your fingers will eventually get burnt which is what has happened to the Jews time and time again.

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Guest DingTheRioja

At least they don't fly airliners into buildings, butcher people on London's Streets, or burn them in cages?

​That is a plus point...

...any others?


Back to Decimus' point about history, they have mostly been bankers, (or rather, most bankers have been jewish) and the world has a (justified) in-built hatred of these wankers (the bankers)... so a large section of the anti-semitic feeling could stem from that... and the fact they hate every fucker else and believe us all to be beneath them....

Sweeping statements, yes, but not much wrong there I don't think...


The mozzies hate us so bomb us, the jews lend us money... which is worse?

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Guest JackoTC


On average Jews are twice as wealthy as joe public, 4 times as likely to be running a top 100 company and 22 are MP'S. Not bad out of a population of less that half of one percent oh and out of the 100 uk billionaires a 5th are Jewish.

Indian women are 8 times as likely to be running your local chemist

Romanians are more likely to be pickpockets

Blacks are four times more likely to commit a Robbery and twice as likely to commit a violent crime

Whites are more likely to commit alcohol related crime

And Muslim men are most likely to be involved in grooming

irish run the building trade

another sweeping statement by that well known racist Trevor Philips. 



​I don't understand - isn't that all true ?? Statistics don't lie. 63 out of 75 people would agree with me.

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He was quoted as saying " I'm half jewish ", did not know you could actually be half Jewish , is it a race or religion , if it's a religion then how can you be half of it , never heard anyone saying I'm half Christian .

Ah, cheers.

I was expecting a punchline, but couldn't imagine what it might be.

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Guest JackoTC

 never heard anyone saying I'm half Christian .

It may have been said in The Colosseum circa 40BC, when some poor cunt had his legs bitten off by a lion ? But probably not.......just saying.

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​I don't know, but I reckon Elton John's chin has seen more balls than Beckham's boots.

Beckam's boots have been produced from the finest sun-tanned lizard and calf. They are nor designed for ordinary pursuits but rather for frolicking around fancy pants boutiques and beauty salons. This wanker woldn't tell a difference between football and a boiled egg if it hit him in the face. Neutered wifelet cunt.

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Guest judgetwi

Fucking hell,get the Judge quick.

Blacks,Jews,Pikeys and the fucking rest.

How racist is this thread? He'll be wanking himself stupid when he reads this. (No change there then).


​Thank you for the introduction Mr. Snitch, it's far more than i deserve. I saw this program and the sight of that Bairite, compulsory Islington dinner party guest, backstairs gutter crawler, New Labour apparatchik made me want to puke. You were so convinced you were right weren't you Trevor, but you completely fucked it up didn't you? No matter, just make another TV program lecturing us  all about how right you are now. You total bag of shit! I can't remember the last time i spent 90 fucking minutes being lectured about the bleeding obvious by a total fucking cunt. Oh.......yes i can......the last "course" i was forced to go on by another braindead arse crawler. I was very impressed by the total disdain Farage had for this fucking bastard. His body language said it all and he went up about 20 points in my book. The Blair cunt also made an impression on me. Where the fuck did he get those piercing blue eyes? He must be wearing those coloured lenses the fucking mass murdering international money making machine. And what has happened to the fucker's teeth? I don't remember them looking like a line of dodgy railings when he was bombing the fuck out of poor innocent cunts and filling his pockets at the same time. Maybe a life time of arse licking and cock sucking catches up with you eventually? Let's ask an expert............over to you Frank.

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Guest deebom

The question of the Jews is a funny one. On the one hand history teaches us that they are the most persecuted bunch of people on the planet and always have been. We can see this in things like the inquisition ad the churches hounding of them for killing the sky pixies son. Then there is the wealth they have, obviously this is because they don't have any beliefs/laws on ursury unlike Christians and Muslims which led to them becoming incredibly rich as a people. But... As Decimus says, they have been despised since before biblical times by pretty much everyone who has come into contact with them. Some of the most intelligent and clever learned people have said "watch out for these fuckers." Strange that....

Then there is no denying that they pretty much own the fucking planet these days. They have control of the banks, the media, and world Govts. Which leads me to ask 'Are they the most persecuted?' Or have they used their power/money/influence to shape history to put this message across?

There is a telling phrase. "If you want to know who's in charge, look for who you cant critcise."

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Trevor Philips 180 is stomach turning, when he was in charge of equality under the Blair mong, sir paul condon made the mistake of stating the fact that most muggings were carried out by blacks , as Trevor mentioned a fact can't be racist , however Condon was vilified in the media. This witch hunt for 'racisits' allowed pedophile Asian gangs to ruin the lives of hundreds of young vulnerable children. The climate of fear this wank stain helped produce has a direct link to the to these pedo gangs going unchallenged for years. Philip although obviously meaning well fucked up big. Now we listen to his new opinions it reminds me of the tale of the emperors new clothes 

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