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American gun laws


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It's probably time for a change in the good ole U.S of A. I do not see any benefit of being lawfully permitted to carry a gun. If you enjoy shooting, then a gun club with a range is adequate. Not a vote winner, and obama will have his work cut out pushing for reforms. Imagine if we were allowed hand guns, picture the scenario,  bad day at work, few pints to wind down then you bump in to Frank...not a happy ending

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Guest DingTheRioja

I like how that cunt said "this doesn't happen in other countries" or some such shit...


Wrong, it does happen elsewhere, you are not special in that way, you are just special in the way that your dozy cunts do it more often since you let every fucking moron get an assault rifle for shooting gophers in a 20x20 "back yard"...

..and yes, they are assault rifles if anyone wants to argue...

(had an argument with some pro-gun lobby yank once about assault rifles... the one with that kid who used his "moms" ARs and handguns in school the other year... he came out with some spurious definition of what a AR is, "according to the NRA...", I sent him some links to the manufacturers data sheets, the US Army designation and the US Govt designation for that particular model of rifle, all stating point blank (geddit?) "Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle" as the type... he went all "but.. but.. but....the NRA says...."... oh how I laughed... yes.. i can occasionally be that sad... )


Can you clarify exactly what you mean by a "happy ending"?

"Ooops, I just shot me load..."...??

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Guest Lady Penelope

Some pilloch checked if his gunt still had a bullet in the chamber by putting the gun to his head .. the result was a bit like a selfie where the picture doesn't come out.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

You will never stop the Americans fighting the war of independence. The right to bear arms was to stop King George from regaining the colony. In a modern world it seems  only police, armed forces, criminals and group four securitas should carry guns.

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Guest Bill Stickers

You will never stop the Americans fighting the war of independence. The right to bear arms was to stop King George from regaining the colony. In a modern world it seems  only police, armed forces, criminals and group four securitas should carry guns.

Another sterling history lesson from our very own Niall Ferguson.

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Just had to google Niall Ferguson.... Interesting no-it-all fucker ...

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned give the good old 'merican public more access to military grade automatic weapons. After all, they have a lot of other armed nutters to be getting delusionally paranoid about. Self fulfilling prophecy?...


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Guest DingTheRioja

''Owning a gun is our constitutional right.'' Dontcha fuckin know? Cunts.

It isn't actually, it's not quite written in the way the NRA cunts think...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Gong Farmer

I'm all for Americans having guns. By taking away the right of decent law abiding citizens to have guns will leave them without the possibility of being  able to protect and defend themselves from the criminal element in their society that will still have guns. If I lived in the States I'd have a gun, in fact I'd open carry just as a message to anyone stupidly thinking of trying it on to move onto some other sap that hasn't got a gun. Guns don't kill, they are inanimate objects, people kill and they don't necessarily need a gun to do it.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

i think you will find that the bullet does the killing. The gun just sets it on its way.

dont ban guns. Ban bullets............and ginger haired cunts.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Those magnificent Americans and their killing machines!  The nutters keep quoting their Second Amendment, which states [paraphrased] in order to maintain an organized militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  The daft cunts all think they're militia.  That all went pear shaped at roughly the same time as the National Guard was established in each state.  By literal definition, in modern terms, they're all "illegally packing!"  When the yanks ratified the Constitution, the people were the militia and they became the army.  If they were to tweak the wording just a bit, to read something like keeping and bearing arms shall be limited to national guard and armed forces.  Those cunts, as we have all seen, will shoot anybody else carrying a gun.  Does a better armed force with greater numbers and higher calibers put them on the road to problem solved? 

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Guest DingTheRioja

Those magnificent Americans and their killing machines!  The nutters keep quoting their Second Amendment, which states [paraphrased] in order to maintain an organized militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  The daft cunts all think they're militia.  That all went pear shaped at roughly the same time as the National Guard was established in each state.  By literal definition, in modern terms, they're all "illegally packing!"  When the yanks ratified the Constitution, the people were the militia and they became the army.  If they were to tweak the wording just a bit, to read something like keeping and bearing arms shall be limited to national guard and armed forces.  Those cunts, as we have all seen, will shoot anybody else carrying a gun.  Does a better armed force with greater numbers and higher calibers put them on the road to problem solved? 

I have no idea what you said there, but if the yanks all have guns and shoot each other there are less yanks in the world... bonus...

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I have no idea what you said there, but if the yanks all have guns and shoot each other there are less yanks in the world... bonus...

In practical terms you're right.  However, those daffy cunts have an annoying habit of joining together at the most inopportune times.  They all get the "you can't do that to our stooges, only WE can do that to our stooges," and the entire world was goes tits up!  

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Guest deebom

The law in Switzerland states that every adult must own a gun. You don't hear of them shooting each other all the fucking time. Americas just fucked and will implode in civil war at some point.

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Guest DingTheRioja

The law in Switzerland states that every adult must own a gun. You don't hear of them shooting each other all the fucking time. Americas just fucked and will implode in civil war at some point.

I am currently praying to Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Jehova and anything or anyone else I can in the hope that you are right...

..in fact, I think we should set up our own Cunts Corner Cunting Cult ©®™... and promote gun freedom throughout the USA but insist that Passports are The Devils Work and must be burnt immediately by all 'Murrican Citizens... and no flights are allowed to leave US airspace because they'll melt by getting too close to the sun and then fall off the edge of the earth...

Should work..................................


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Guest nobgobbler

Which yankee cunt thought it sensible to let the general public have access to guns? Even I can immediately think of one person I would have happily shot in the head if I'd had the means to do so at the time. I wouldn't have felt bad afterwards either, some cunts are worth a stretch in the big house. The punishment hardly ever fits the crime. 

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Americans killing Americans because the constitution gives them the right to bear arms?

That's the bottom of the food chain your looking at right there. It's 'Darwin on speed'. The problem is not guns - it's not enough big fucking guns. That way the dopey cunts could kill themselves a lot quicker.


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Guest nobgobbler

Americans killing Americans because the constitution gives them the right to bear arms?

That's the bottom of the food chain your looking at right there. It's 'Darwin on speed'. The problem is not guns - it's not enough big fucking guns. That way the dopey cunts could kill themselves a lot quicker.


It seems the average americunt needs to have a gun "furr purterrrkshurn" from other average americunts with guns. Its the yankee answer to everything. It takes shitting on your own doorstep a bit too far. They see unrest in other parts of the world, what do they do, give them arms and ammo. Resisting the urge to push the button to start the next world war must be killing em like a drying out alki with the DT's. Warmongering Cunts.

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Guest Gong Farmer

i think you will find that the bullet does the killing. The gun just sets it on its way.

dont ban guns. Ban bullets............and ginger haired cunts.

Or use soulless ginger haired cunts for moving target practice. 

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Guest MikeD

I went to visit friends in Texas and my mate suggested we go and shoot something. I was in Texas, after all.

We went to an indoor range which my mate had been to before and I explained to the guy who ran it that I'd never fired a gun in my life.

'No problem buddy, read this and sign it.'

It was a document saying more or less that:

1. I wasn't going to shoot anyone.

2. I wasn't going to shoot myself.

3. If I looked like I was going to shoot anything other than the paper targets, they were quite entitled to come in and blow my fucking brains out.

If it's that easy to pick up a gun and fire it, what hope is there for the mad bastards?

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