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Bacon causes cancer

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

If you believe the latest bullshit from the world health organisation over 80 grams of sausage or bacon a day gives you an 18% increase in the risk of bowel cancer. Also red meat might but they are unsure how much.

When will they fuck off, they told us to cut out essential fats for years and that sugar was ok? Now they have backpedalled on that I wonder when this bullshit will be retracted.

Eat what you want, you could die tomorrow from something unrelated to diet!



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Guest luke swarm

there's not much that wont give you cancer these day.....I am surprised that anyone takes these research twats seriously anymore as they change tune every couple of years.

Next thing you know they will be saying leftover Doner Kebab and Carling Lager are not a healthy way to start the day...imbeciles 

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Guest Bill Stickers

Perhaps we should start a communal whipround fund for Frank... If we raise enough money we could potentially buy him full English breakfasts and mixed grill dinners for life.

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Apparently the more moles you have on your arm the bigger the chance of getting cancer.

For fucks sake. Years ago coffee was bad for you,then it was god for you and now it's probably both good and bad for you.

And to think these cunts get paid thousands for their so called research.

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Apparently the more moles you have on your arm the bigger the chance of getting cancer.

For fucks sake. Years ago coffee was bad for you,then it was god for you and now it's probably both good and bad for you.

And to think these cunts get paid thousands for their so called research.

Spot on. (arf)

They sold us hydrogenated fats, because they were less unhealthy than butter. Then they informed us that actually they're worse,  because the hydrogenated fats slip unnoticed into the bloodstream and cause horrendous problems within it. 

They sold us saccharine drinks because they are healthier than sugary ones. Then they told us that it massively increases the risk of diabetes because the body recognises a hit of sugar that doesn't arrive. 

All of this utter bollocks was decades after we'd been ingesting this shit, believing it was good for us. 

I don't trust these cunts any farther than I can throw them.  And that's not very far.


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Guest DingTheRioja

When will they fuck off, they told us to cut out essential fats for years and that sugar was ok? Now they have backpedalled on that I wonder when this bullshit will be retracted.

You forgot the margerine fiasco... neatly swept under the carpet....

Next thing you know they will be saying leftover Doner Kebab and Carling Lager are not a healthy way to start the day...imbeciles 

They wouldn't fucking dare!!!!

And people said the Islamo-Judaic religions were completely fucking stupid!

Shhh... this is simply a ploy to make sure there are no backsliders over there... leaves all the more bacon for us sensible people...

This has been known for years. Back in the 30s Drs in Germany were putting this forward. That's why Hitler turned vegetarian.

German scientists also proved that the Aryan race was superior to everyone else... just saying...

Apparently the more moles you have on your arm the bigger the chance of getting cancer.

For fucks sake. Years ago coffee was bad for you,then it was god for you and now it's probably both good and bad for you.

And to think these cunts get paid thousands for their so called research.

When I worked for the health service, I had the full report from the Lancet (iirc) proving that 1 to 2 glasses of red wine every day improved your health massively, and that the negatives were minor enough to enable you to simply eat an extra portion of fruit & veg to counterbalance it, tomatoes being the veg of preference for some reason...

Wish I'd kept it...

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When I worked for the health service, I had the full report from the Lancet (iirc) proving that 1 to 2 glasses of red wine every day improved your health massively, and that the negatives were minor enough to enable you to simply eat an extra portion of fruit & veg to counterbalance it, tomatoes being the veg of preference for some reason...

Wish I'd kept it...

Going by that theory if you don't drink 1-2 glasses of red wine you won't need to eat an extra portion of fruit and veg to counter balance the negatives.

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It's all an Industry. "Let's do some dodgy research that no one will either understand or give a fuck about, shake it about a bit with bullshit statistical analysis and rape Manky's taxes while we are living a life of luxury"

Bunch of cunts.

"Oh, and while we're at it, Tristram in the next office can investigate the correlation between falling off tall buildings and death because he needs a new Mercedes"

As I said, freeloading, avaricious cunts.

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Guest Bill Stickers

It's all an Industry. "Let's do some dodgy research that no one will either understand or give a fuck about, shake it about a bit with bullshit statistical analysis and rape Manky's taxes while we are living a life of luxury"

Bunch of cunts.

"Oh, and while we're at it, Tristram in the next office can investigate the correlation between falling off tall buildings and death because he needs a new Mercedes"

As I said, freeloading, avaricious cunts.

You don't pay any tax, you unicycle peddling fuck-stick!

Pull Armstrong's one remaining bollock out of your mouth before you next post something.

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You don't pay any tax, you unicycle peddling fuck-stick!

Pull Armstrong's one remaining bollock out of your mouth before you next post something.

Go eat some bacon you odious cunt. It is 2 wheels, or 4  if you count the stabilisers.

Edited by Manky
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Guest Gong Farmer

It's all to with eventually sticking heavy taxes on meat. Everything will be so heavily taxed that only the wealthy upper echelons of society will be able to afford meat. Think 'Solent Green' and that's were they're going with stuff like this,

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Guest luke swarm

They told me I'd go blind if I wanked too much! (thank fuck for siri!)

somehow, somehow, you always seem to find a tenuous link between the topic being discussed and your favourite solo pastime...remarkable adaptive skills.


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Guest Wizardsleeve

I remember some 12-15 years ago these same nutter researchers flip-flopping on the health benefits of eggs; they're the perfect food, containing the right proteins and each takes more calories to burn than they contain; no, they're a cardiovascular time bomb with all the cholesterol in them; they're good so long as you only eat the whites and then back full circle to being the near perfect food. These researchers are boosting or sub doing certain markets based on agricultural speculation reports, so if beef futures are down, you can count on the virtues of red meat building lean muscle. 

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I remember some 12-15 years ago these same nutter researchers flip-flopping on the health benefits of eggs; they're the perfect food, containing the right proteins and each takes more calories to burn than they contain; no, they're a cardiovascular time bomb with all the cholesterol in them; they're good so long as you only eat the whites and then back full circle to being the near perfect food. These researchers are boosting or sub doing certain markets based on agricultural speculation reports, so if beef futures are down, you can count on the virtues of red meat building lean muscle. 

And the latest gem is that apparently the more of the aforementioned bacon you eat, the greater your chance of cancer.

Fuck knows how we'd manage without these people.

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Can't argue that at all mike, these cunts change their fucking minds with the weather. 

Their favourite quote is "research shows".

So they say. That could mean fucking anything and we've no way of disproving it.

Fuck them. Where's that frying pan?

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