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Furtive Pervage

Guest luke swarm

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Guest Alfie Noakes

We're all perverts if we look at a woman but have you ever seen footage of women on a hen night or with a male stripper?

Ten times fucking worse than any bloke, hypocritical cunts.

When I lived in Brighton the town was invaded by these harpies every weekend. They were always much more hardcore than the stag nights.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

even with the cleft palette, webbed hands and clubbed feet Dec?

Suzy, is that you?  Haven't seen you since uni. Do you still do that trick with the oar and cocoa fisting butter? 

Youre giving me the horn!

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Suzy, is that you?  Haven't seen you since uni. Do you still do that trick with the oar and cocoa fisting butter? 

Youre giving me the horn!

I have to admit, that out of all the characters on here, Yazzer turns me on the most. Her screen name and aknowledgement of Japanese culture makes it a dead cert that she's into Bukkake. Added to that she obviously prefers the traditional pillow over the face to the fancy southern practice of administering rohypnol, makes her my dream woman. I'm a sucker for a traditionalist.

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You know the routine, out in the town doing some shopping and good natured light pervage....one spots a well dressed and attractive woman and furtively throw a glance towards her when you think she's not looking. She sees the glance and returns your appreciation with a grimace and angry look that  says can you please stop looking at me you fucking potential rapist cunt.

Now I am not saying that woman should dress like Catweazle or Worzel Gummidge to discourage this harmless interaction but for fucks sake show a little understanding for the middle aged gentlemen who appreciates a good looking female and allow us to kindle our erotic thoughts without feeling like a drab rain coated pervert caught flashing our bits to the kiddies in the park. 




You're welcome to leer at me anytime you want Luke. Just don't knock one out like you did last time. Right in front of the Early Learning Centre was a bit much. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I've said that to quite a few girls in my time

 Moments later, you're getting the club to the ribs, and stuffed into the back of a police vehicle.  What ever happened to a lad being allowed to vocalize interest in the ladies without the accusations of wrong doing, and the inevitable police involvement.  

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Guest luke swarm

You're welcome to leer at me anytime you want Luke. Just don't knock one out like you did last time. Right in front of the Early Learning Centre was a bit much. 

Its no fun if you enjoy it Gyps.......and its about time these kids learnt about the birds and the bees, what better example than a demo in self gratification.  

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Guest judgetwi

It's amazing the number of saddos on internet forums who have to constantly emphasize their heterosexuality.........."Ooooh look at me i fancy birds i do.......no, i really do." They must have some serious insecurities about their sexuality to keep banging on about it every fucking day of their made up lives. I reckon some young social science graduate could get a Ph.D thesis out of it if he or she gave it some consideration. Too late for me sadly.........i'm just left to take the piss out of the wankers.:rolleyes: Life is a cunt innit?

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Guest Alfie Noakes

It's amazing the number of saddos on internet forums who have to constantly emphasize their heterosexuality.........."Ooooh look at me i fancy birds i do.......no, i really do." They must have some serious insecurities about their sexuality to keep banging on about it every fucking day of their made up lives. I reckon some young social science graduate could get a Ph.D thesis out of it if he or she gave it some consideration. Too late for me sadly.........i'm just left to take the piss out of the wankers.:rolleyes: Life is a cunt innit?

But faggots are the worst for that you blithering buffoon, hence all the fucking pride parades. We aren't allowed to be straight and proud as it is discrimination, but they (you) can parade about shouting to the world about where they (you) like to play hide the sausage.

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Guest luke swarm

It's amazing the number of saddos on internet forums who have to constantly emphasize their heterosexuality.........."Ooooh look at me i fancy birds i do.......no, i really do." They must have some serious insecurities about their sexuality to keep banging on about it every fucking day of their made up lives. I reckon some young social science graduate could get a Ph.D thesis out of it if he or she gave it some consideration. Too late for me sadly.........i'm just left to take the piss out of the wankers.:rolleyes: Life is a cunt innit?

No bang to rights Judy....that's me in a nutshell...an insecure heterosexual who has to prove I am heterosexual, I have found that being married (to a woman) and having a shedload of sprogs was no enough to ease my insecurities.....yep I have to admit your intuitiveness and astute mind has found me out.

I would agree that life for you is a cunt....I assume that you do have a life outside the cottageing and kebab munching that so consumes your time.    

Edited by luke swarm
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But faggots are the worst for that you blithering buffoon, hence all the fucking pride parades. We aren't allowed to be straight and proud as it is discrimination, but they (you) can parade about shouting to the world about where they (you) like to play hide the sausage.

Your wasting you time Alfie. Judge is constantly commenting on subjects he knows fuck all about. E.g.,Women.


Judge,your a joke. Another Frank. Another ProfB.

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Guest judgetwi

Well, i mentioned no names but thank you gentlemen for volunteering yourselves. That takes some bottle, a quality i much admire. You'd better fuck off now before the villagers notice you are missing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

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Guest judgetwi

Your wasting you time Alfie. Judge is constantly commenting on subjects he knows fuck all about. E.g.,Women.


Judge,your a joke. Another Frank. Another ProfB.

It's YOU'RE Snitcher my old pal. The English language is definitely something i know about, trust me.:D

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Well, i mentioned no names but thank you gentlemen for volunteering yourselves. That takes some bottle, a quality i much admire. You'd better fuck off now before the villagers notice you are missing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

A typical droll post.

Don't forget it's I not i you waste of breath.

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Guest luke swarm

Well, i mentioned no names but thank you gentlemen for volunteering yourselves. That takes some bottle, a quality i much admire. You'd better fuck off now before the villagers notice you are missing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

still a bit sore  from last nights action eh Judy, have a lie down and keep using that lanocane ointment....the bleeding should subside eventually but be careful not to get any on the bed....you know how annoyed your landlord gets should you damage his bedsit.

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It's YOU'RE Snitcher my old pal. The English language is definitely something i know about, trust me.:D

Are you some kind of Professor then? And there was me thinking you were some kind of cunt.

I you cunt I not i. How many more times. And you know about the English language.


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Guest DingTheRioja

I was watching a bit of Andrew Marr this morning (the bit that works..) and they were doing the papers with 2 women, 1 was some journo, the other some "feminist"... on about the rugby... yep.. rugby...

..anyway.. after the rugby story, they mentioned womens sports, and said how much there has been and its better on TV now (football was mentioned, then fucking tennis....) and womens rugby.. journo couldnt believe there was "womens rugby".. "but we're too tender up there..." (her words)... feminist bird said "so what? men are a bit tender somewhere else"... she went up in my estimation a few pegs... journo was still askance.. dozy bint...

.....then Andrew said if he mentioned womens shorts in tennis he'd get shot, after they were on about watching a bunch of fit men in shorts, they said, "ah, but women being sexist is not backed up by hundreds of years of misogyny...so it's allowed..."

Down a few pegs...

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Guest Wizardsleeve

The feminist double standard is more despicable than the original act of misogyny. They want to try and grab the moral high ground by denouncing the (real or perceived ) actions of men, all the while lowering themselves, by design to be even more cuntish. A few hours of harsh painal should sort them out. 

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I see Germaine Greer is in the shit with some militant feminists for saying Trans gender chaps/chapesses are not real women. Shock, horror, probe........You couldn't make it up!

I thought she was on the side of these weirdos and wankers.

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