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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, nocti said:

What if it was just coincidence? Should they out one of them and pop a token black one in for the sake of "diversity"? Not being adversarial here, just wondering if that's what people think should actually happen should, God forbid, Will Smith just not be as good as a few other actors ever again. 

My old workplace. (Dept of Health) had a training beano once when I was there.. and we "had" to debate something..

The title given was "Does positive discrimination contradict Equal Opportunities"...

....for some reason they didn't like it when I immediately said "yes of course it does, any discrimination is still discrimination and therefore NOT equal, job done, where's the bar?"

Some cunts insisted we had "a proper debate".. to which my point was more or less the above, repeated louder..



Ask the blacks/leftie white cunts who are complaining on the lack of black nominees about why they are so fucking whinge arse when the hispanics (who outnumber them 4:3) aren't saying a fucking word?


And then ask what happened to the Native Americans who techically should still own the whole fucking place...??


1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

Of course there will be no such debate in the future since there is so much multiculturalism everybody including actors will all be brown. Until then the blacks will still insist their brown coloured mixed race offspring are black not brown. You can mix as many colours together as you like, it all ends up brown. Hence the colour of shit, which is nearly always hazelnut brown and does tend to have nuts in it even if you haven't eaten any. Unless you've actually GOT the shits then it can light brown. If that doesn't flush Bill out I don't know what will.

You're thinking of plasticine....

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Sorry but the database (http://awardsdatabase.oscars.org/ampas_awards/BasicSearchInput.jsp) only shows to me that nominating anyone other than what they did, for those particular movies which completely swept the box office at the time, would've done a complete disservice to the ceremony itself. This year is no different. The NWA movie was wank, and I have not heard a single person mention Will Smith's performance, or film in fact, whereas the others on the shortlist are on the tip of everyone's tongue.

A pile of shit-stirring bollocks if you ask me. They've planted good seeds for next year though, where I expect to see 3/4 black actors on the list just to appease those that have been terribly afflicted by the past two years.

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16 minutes ago, Snatch said:

In my music collection the only black artist I have is Jimi Hendrix,all the rest are white.

Does that make me racist?

You evil bastard. One step away from the KKK I'd say.

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I suppose that since the film industry is so racist and corrupt all these actors won't want their next multi-million pound pay-day.

And obviously they'll hand back all the money they've previously made from the terrible white men in charge of it.

Hypocritical cunts, fuck off.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Spike Lee complaining there was "no flava" in the nominees...

..and that's because he so gangsta in his multimillion dollar mansion with maids and manicures...


Nevermind that that is possibly a racist term... same as "lily white"... if we said the MOBOs were a bit too dusky they;d play holy fuck..

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3 minutes ago, MikeD said:

I suppose that since the film industry is so racist and corrupt all these actors won't want their next multi-million pound pay-day.

And obviously they'll hand back all the money they've previously made from the terrible white men in charge of it.

Hypocritical cunts, fuck off.

Oh hang on,I've just found some Bodycount.

Hooray,I'm saved!!

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The black male actors can take solace in  every single advert on TV always has a white women with a black man.  The poor male white jobbing actor does not get a look in. Seeing only 1 in 10 realationships in the UK are 'mixed' they are doing bloody well in advertising and kids shows and reading the news.

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2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The black male actors can take solace in  every single advert on TV always has a white women with a black man.  The poor male white jobbing actor does not get a look in. Seeing only 1 in 10 realationships in the UK are 'mixed' they are doing bloody well in advertising and kids shows and reading the news.

It wouldn't matter if every fucking actor was black, they'd just moan that it didn't happen soon enough.

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The black male actors can take solace in  every single advert on TV always has a white women with a black man.  The poor male white jobbing actor does not get a look in. Seeing only 1 in 10 realationships in the UK are 'mixed' they are doing bloody well in advertising and kids shows and reading the news.

Yeh and what about the Black & White Minstrel Show in the '60s & '70s , they were all black ....erm , wait a minute ....

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1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

Yeh and what about the Black & White Minstrel Show in the '60s & '70s , they were all black ....erm , wait a minute ....

I believe that got taken off because the racist card was thrown.

I quote Wiki.

The show's premise began to be seen as offensive on account of its portrayal of blacked-up characters behaving in a stereotypical manner and a petition against it was received by the BBC in 1967.[7] In 1969, due to continuing accusations of racism, Music Music Music, a spin-off series in which the minstrels appeared without their blackface make-up, replaced The Black and White Minstrel Show. It failed badly, was cancelled after 10 episodes and The Black and White Minstrel Show returned to win back viewers.

Since its cancellation, The Black and White Minstrel Show has come to be seen more widely as an embarrassment, despite its huge popularity at the time.

Same as It ain't half hot Mum with Michael Bate's Indian character..

I quote those wiki types once again because I can't be arsed to type it all out.

More recent critics viewed the casting of the white actor Michael Bates as the Indian bearer Rangi Ram as an example of blackface,[1] a perception that may have contributed to the programme being very rarely repeated on British television.[2] "All Michael Bates [...] wore was a light tan", protested Jimmy Perry in a 2013 interview with the journalist Neil Clark, an admirer of the series.[3] In his view the series is "wrongly attacked by the PC brigade for being racist and homophobic".[4]

The show's producers had been very averse to the idea of casting a white actor to play one of the Indian characters, but were forced to relent owing to the lack of high-profile Indian actors available at the time. Since the Anglo-Indian Bates,[5] a prominent character actor of the time, was born in India and spoke Hindi before learning English, he was cast in the role as a trade-off between giving the series greater credibility and giving the character a degree of Indian authenticity.

It seems that the PC Brigade is older than I thought.

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It actually took Spike Lee longer than I thought to stick his fucking oar in. That hateful racist cunt has nothing else to talk about other than race issues.

The poor oppressed, down-trodden, multi-millionaire, I feel sorry for the cunt.

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1 minute ago, ProfB said:

You are right Scroto:

145 Table './goan9938_oakleyusa/whos_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
[delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1453229800']

Oh yeah,

Love ProfB XXX

dunno what site I was on, but there you go  - it happens to the best of us?


Prof, where do you get your drugs?

They seem to be fucking fantastic.

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Guest luke swarm
6 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Well that's OK if you believe that in a country as diverse as the US all of the best actors in the last two years just happened coincidentally be be white.

don't waste your breath mate.....this is cunts corner and cunts will be cunts.

.......playing the race card is as rare as accusations of false rape.....it does happen but it is still very rare, most people know that a false accusation would make life difficult for genuine cases which unfortunately do occur more often....My only regret that it is this stupid Oscars nonsense which is possibly being boycotted when it should be something important.......I do not think anybody outside the film industry really gives a fuck. 

It is descending into a real right wing turdfest here recently.......I don't have any great affection for Blacks, Muzzies, Spics, Gingers,welsh or any other ethnic group or creed.....in my experience if a person or group is deserving of the nomenclature of Cunt....then I treat that individual/collective accordingly.,,,,,,,Cuntism is an affliction that does not respect borders or nationalities.     


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6 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

I think that is a workable "rule of thumb". The problem with the colonies is  that they are so far up their collective , uninformed , half educated , politically correct arses that they can't seem to truly understand that airbrushing embarrassing truths out of history doesn't mean that  they haven't happened. Plus, it doesn't also mean that you have suddenly stopped being collectively and institutionally racist. White America isn't handling this very well.


Yes, someone tell the president 

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28 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Yes, someone tell the president 

That'll be the half black half white president who's black father fucked off when he was a kid and then bought up by his white mother and grandparents with white values.

But they forgot to mention that when he got voted in.

So he his actually Americas first half caste President.

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11 minutes ago, Snatch said:

That'll be the half black half white president who's black father fucked off when he was a kid and then bought up by his white mother and grandparents with white values.

But they forgot to mention that when he got voted in.

So he his actually Americas first half caste President.

But look at all the good he's done since he got in.

There's .....erm.....and....erm.....and also.......

I'll get back to you on that.

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Idris Elba has stuck his two penneth in as well,fucking amazing how we are all expected to "see no colour" and yet all these cunts see is whites 'oppressing them,have you seen that cunt comedian call Paul Choudary?,he walks on stage every fucking gig and the first thing out of his mouth is "alright white people?",just imagine a white comedian doing the same "alright black people"?...cue another 2 weeks of rioting and looting

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4 minutes ago, neil298 said:

Idris Elba has stuck his two penneth in as well,fucking amazing how we are all expected to "see no colour" and yet all these cunts see is whites 'oppressing them,have you seen that cunt comedian call Paul Choudary?,he walks on stage every fucking gig and the first thing out of his mouth is "alright white people?",just imagine a white comedian doing the same "alright black people"?...cue another 2 weeks of rioting and looting

Idris Elba is well known for his portrayal of a drug lord in The Wire. A series on HBO.

I suppose stereotyping is ok when you earn a few million out of it.

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2 minutes ago, neil298 said:

Idris Elba has stuck his two penneth in as well,fucking amazing how we are all expected to "see no colour" and yet all these cunts see is whites 'oppressing them,have you seen that cunt comedian call Paul Choudary?,he walks on stage every fucking gig and the first thing out of his mouth is "alright white people?",just imagine a white comedian doing the same "alright black people"?...cue another 2 weeks of rioting and looting

Oh, that bastard.

A proper, racist, hateful cunt who's entire act is based on having a go at white people.

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1 minute ago, Properkhunt said:

Yes, he has been largely ineffective, but judging by his cunt predecessor from the Bush dynasty, he hasn't done anything fucking stupid.

Theres still time.

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