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You lazy cunts.


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Withers, you dirty French slime. CC is fast running out of nom's because of your excellent input over the last few weeks. 

Highlights include something about wine from your son who clearly hates you, Norfolk, and 2 about dead people. 

I shall be happy when the the 3rd nom about dead people from your account is your wife posting your obituary. 

Va te faire foutre

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44 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

I nominate the French, and all who sail in her.


There you go you half-breed fuckwit, happy now?

There you go then Dung , you haven't nommed it though have you , you've posted it here. Safer that way I suppose , it would have been shit , if your past noms are anything to go by.

I am very happy thank you , just strolling down to my local for aperos and le dejeuner .

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Guest Manky
23 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:


I am very happy thank you , just strolling down to my local for aperos and le dejeuner .

I know your laws compel you to wear a string of onions round your neck when you call in Le McDonalds for your Big Mac with frogs legs happy meal but I would advise you to carry a pocket full of sauerkraut and a couple of bratwurst in case the German army turn up again..

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Guest Bill Stickers

Ah Withers. I can tell you are a mongrel half breed, constituting the worst of both nations and none of their positive traits.

A real French man would have come on here, seen the lack of noms, given it a Gallic shrug, smoked a cigarette and fucked off for an extended lunch break and an afternoon employment strike.

But you, whilst being a goose fucking, garlic crunching, cheese scoffing, armistice agreeing cunt, have retained the English trait of being a gobby, whinging fucking wanker.

Please, take a weekend off in a Marseille suburb wearing only a t shirt with picture of bin laden getting spit roasted.

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