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A big thank you to all those who voted REMAIN

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 minutes ago, Sancho Cuntza said:

I'm probably going to get castigated for this, but fuck it.

I'm a proponent of open borders and I genuinely think that the immigration that this country has experienced has been a plus to our society.

The leave voters would have you believe that the millions of migrants who have entered this country are all feckless, work shy free loaders who have absolutely nothing to contribute. The fact is, E.U. or no E.U., mass immigration has been allowed on the basis that they provide a cheap labour force, and also one that contributes a large amount of tax to the British exchequer. The average little Englander might moan that they put a strain on public services, but they are still too bigoted to blame the British politicians who do not invest the extra tax revenue on providing more hospitals and schools. Migrants, as at any point in history, are the easiest scapegoats for the uninformed uneducated classes. The money is there, but OUR government, not the E.U., channel it elsewhere.

If you are naive and stupid enough to blame immigration on the E.U. and think that anything will change, then may I point you to the mass commonwealth migration of the 50's and 60's. Its been happening for years and won't stop now, because despite the narrow minded racism of the majority of this country, immigration is a positive aspect of modern society and will continue for years to come.

Sancho. Well said. I have the feeling you're going to get on ok here. Fuck being castigated, at least half here are sensible. My main thing at the moment is that the thick squad are focused solely upon migration and blithely pffffff about economics.

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4 hours ago, CaptainCuntoff said:

@Monumental cunt I do believe we a Nation can move onwards and upwards from this EU spunk-filled-snickers-wrapper of a mess , but it will be with hard work and I don't think that's a problem , BUT I wonder how many and who will decide it is a problem and leave ? I glad we are out personally 

At least now if it's a fuck up....it's OUR fuck up.  Those unelected wankers have only themselves to blame. 15 years ago this would not have happened, but blazay attitudes, arrogance and the usual frenchness of some of the cunts at the EU left us with no choice but a vote of no confidence.     Let's all work hard and stick together for a brighter future.  Anyone can leave if they don't like it, but having lived abroad I know that after a few months or years they will find Britain is a good place to be.    That's why all the world appears hell bent on coming here!

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Guest CaptainCuntoff

I work with plenty of foreign workers , mostly Polish and indeed they are hard working cunts who always are on time , good work ethic and all that , plus the ladies are lovely , beats the average over fed versions we have , however , I worked for a English , Family run company that is steeped in tradition and they decided there was a shortage of chefs in this country so they held recruitment days - in Bulgaria. There are no chef shortages here . Those chefs here just won't do it for the pitance their trying to push , so they got cheap , willing labour elsewhere . So the chefs here ? Some have gone to Dubai , Australia and America , some have retrained for other roles and the remainder who stick it out wish they didn't because they can barely afford the cocaine , alcohol and ciggies that those cunts are fueled on . There is so many other examples how uncontrolled immigration has made the rich richer and the workers poorer .

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Guest JackoTC
On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 10:03 PM, Punkape said:

Northern Ireland will eventually be assimilated by the South and rightly so.

Nice try Punk. I thought you posh boys would all be loyalists ?

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11 hours ago, CaptainCuntoff said:

I work with plenty of foreign workers , mostly Polish and indeed they are hard working cunts who always are on time , good work ethic and all that , plus the ladies are lovely , beats the average over fed versions we have , however , I worked for a English , Family run company that is steeped in tradition and they decided there was a shortage of chefs in this country so they held recruitment days - in Bulgaria. There are no chef shortages here . Those chefs here just won't do it for the pitance their trying to push , so they got cheap , willing labour elsewhere . So the chefs here ? Some have gone to Dubai , Australia and America , some have retrained for other roles and the remainder who stick it out wish they didn't because they can barely afford the cocaine , alcohol and ciggies that those cunts are fueled on . There is so many other examples how uncontrolled immigration has made the rich richer and the workers poorer .

Fascinating. Fuck off you illiterate twat. 

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Guest Manky

Once the land area can't feed the population. Once water resources are stressed by too many people. Where the population density gets too high. Then it is time to reduce the population. Halt immigration or shoot the first born of each family. Your shout. Opposition to immigration is not just racist so fuck off you holier than thou cock suckers who enjoy talking down to us thick cunts. Knobends.

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Guest Manky

I don't think Iceland will beat us in the Group of 18 because they have never won the Eurovision Song Contest with a transvestite ladyboy freak singing

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Guest DingTheRioja
19 hours ago, Sancho Cuntza said:

I'm probably going to get castigated for this, but fuck it.

I'm a proponent of open borders and I genuinely think that the immigration that this country has experienced has been a plus to our society.

The leave voters would have you believe that the millions of migrants who have entered this country are all feckless, work shy free loaders who have absolutely nothing to contribute. The fact is, E.U. or no E.U., mass immigration has been allowed on the basis that they provide a cheap labour force, and also one that contributes a large amount of tax to the British exchequer. The average little Englander might moan that they put a strain on public services, but they are still too bigoted to blame the British politicians who do not invest the extra tax revenue on providing more hospitals and schools. Migrants, as at any point in history, are the easiest scapegoats for the uninformed uneducated classes. The money is there, but OUR government, not the E.U., channel it elsewhere.

If you are naive and stupid enough to blame immigration on the E.U. and think that anything will change, then may I point you to the mass commonwealth migration of the 50's and 60's. Its been happening for years and won't stop now, because despite the narrow minded racism of the majority of this country, immigration is a positive aspect of modern society and will continue for years to come.

That is 50% bollocks and you know it.


The previous mass migration you mention was at our request, we needed the workforce and offered it to "our colonies", to whom we probably owed a favour anyway.

The current unrestricted immigration is causing us problems, we have a large base of foreigners using services but not having paid into it in the first place (and the argument about I paid fuckall until I was 18 is irrelevant, my parents, uncles, family etc did pay in).  This is forced upon us by the EU through the free movement of people agenda.

Most of us do not reckon the immigrants are all feckless cunts, the feckless ones are a tiny minority, but the "good ones" still cause us problems.

We "little englanders" do blame the current fucking cunt politicians for cutting services, but we also blame the last cunts who spent the fucking inheritance and got us into shit in the first place. 

We also blame the EU for wasting billions through inefficiences, gravytrains and being a third layer of crap, we also blame them for spending billions on "proper" projects that are a fucking waste... have you seen the motorways in Spain and Portugal we paid for? 3 beautiful sweeping lanes of tarmac, landscape rest facilities with expensive artwork, fanatastical irrigation and water reclamation units... if you're lucky you can see 4 fucking cars in the next 20 miles... counting both directions... we paid for the fucker.  Pointless.

Controlled and responsible immigration if fucking great, uncontrolled mass immigration swamps the place and fucks it up. 

In 10 years time all the Polish and the rest will fuck off back home to lovely houses they built from money earned here, driving on motorways we paid for, laughing at us.  I don't fucking blame them at all, if I lived in their countries and had that opportunity, I would fucking well do it...


28 minutes ago, Punkape said:

I'm an elite Catholic.

25 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Your a twat.

You mean "you're and elite twat"


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22 hours ago, Sancho Cuntza said:

I'm probably going to get castigated for this, but fuck it.

I'm a proponent of open borders and I genuinely think that the immigration that this country has experienced has been a plus to our society.

The leave voters would have you believe that the millions of migrants who have entered this country are all feckless, work shy free loaders who have absolutely nothing to contribute. The fact is, E.U. or no E.U., mass immigration has been allowed on the basis that they provide a cheap labour force, and also one that contributes a large amount of tax to the British exchequer. The average little Englander might moan that they put a strain on public services, but they are still too bigoted to blame the British politicians who do not invest the extra tax revenue on providing more hospitals and schools. Migrants, as at any point in history, are the easiest scapegoats for the uninformed uneducated classes. The money is there, but OUR government, not the E.U., channel it elsewhere.

If you are naive and stupid enough to blame immigration on the E.U. and think that anything will change, then may I point you to the mass commonwealth migration of the 50's and 60's. Its been happening for years and won't stop now, because despite the narrow minded racism of the majority of this country, immigration is a positive aspect of modern society and will continue for years to come.

Welcome back Decs

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

That is 50% bollocks and you know it.


The previous mass migration you mention was at our request, we needed the workforce and offered it to "our colonies", to whom we probably owed a favour anyway.

The current unrestricted immigration is causing us problems, we have a large base of foreigners using services but not having paid into it in the first place (and the argument about I paid fuckall until I was 18 is irrelevant, my parents, uncles, family etc did pay in).  This is forced upon us by the EU through the free movement of people agenda.

Most of us do not reckon the immigrants are all feckless cunts, the feckless ones are a tiny minority, but the "good ones" still cause us problems.

We "little englanders" do blame the current fucking cunt politicians for cutting services, but we also blame the last cunts who spent the fucking inheritance and got us into shit in the first place. 

We also blame the EU for wasting billions through inefficiences, gravytrains and being a third layer of crap, we also blame them for spending billions on "proper" projects that are a fucking waste... have you seen the motorways in Spain and Portugal we paid for? 3 beautiful sweeping lanes of tarmac, landscape rest facilities with expensive artwork, fanatastical irrigation and water reclamation units... if you're lucky you can see 4 fucking cars in the next 20 miles... counting both directions... we paid for the fucker.  Pointless.

Controlled and responsible immigration if fucking great, uncontrolled mass immigration swamps the place and fucks it up. 

In 10 years time all the Polish and the rest will fuck off back home to lovely houses they built from money earned here, driving on motorways we paid for, laughing at us.  I don't fucking blame them at all, if I lived in their countries and had that opportunity, I would fucking well do it...


You mean "you're and elite twat"


Shut your fucking trap you cunt.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

That is 50% bollocks and you know it.


The previous mass migration you mention was at our request, we needed the workforce and offered it to "our colonies", to whom we probably owed a favour anyway.

The current unrestricted immigration is causing us problems, we have a large base of foreigners using services but not having paid into it in the first place (and the argument about I paid fuckall until I was 18 is irrelevant, my parents, uncles, family etc did pay in).  This is forced upon us by the EU through the free movement of people agenda.

Most of us do not reckon the immigrants are all feckless cunts, the feckless ones are a tiny minority, but the "good ones" still cause us problems.

We "little englanders" do blame the current fucking cunt politicians for cutting services, but we also blame the last cunts who spent the fucking inheritance and got us into shit in the first place. 

We also blame the EU for wasting billions through inefficiences, gravytrains and being a third layer of crap, we also blame them for spending billions on "proper" projects that are a fucking waste... have you seen the motorways in Spain and Portugal we paid for? 3 beautiful sweeping lanes of tarmac, landscape rest facilities with expensive artwork, fanatastical irrigation and water reclamation units... if you're lucky you can see 4 fucking cars in the next 20 miles... counting both directions... we paid for the fucker.  Pointless.

Controlled and responsible immigration if fucking great, uncontrolled mass immigration swamps the place and fucks it up. 

In 10 years time all the Polish and the rest will fuck off back home to lovely houses they built from money earned here, driving on motorways we paid for, laughing at us.  I don't fucking blame them at all, if I lived in their countries and had that opportunity, I would fucking well do it...


You mean "you're and elite twat"


What immigration problem. There's an emigration problem- you're still here. Get on a boat and fuck off. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Shut your fucking trap you cunt.


6 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

What immigration problem. There's an emigration problem- you're still here. Get on a boat and fuck off. 

Nice discussion points there.


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Guest CaptainCuntoff
17 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Why a boat? A plane's fucking quicker.

I'd use the Channel Tunnel , it's more efficent , provided the tracks aren't obstructed by immigrants 

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On 25 June 2016 at 8:25 PM, Bill Stickers said:

Immigration is a massive thing... As the whitest, least ethnically diverse places all vote out. 

Utter shit...... Are you telling me 17 million bnp rasists voted out.   Votes came from all backgrounds, social classes, cultures.  Birmingham is fucking not white and it was the key vote out you dick.  Black, White, Muslims, Chinese, young and old all voted out in large numbers. And don't fucking say no youngster voted out.....over 1 million 18 to 25 did !!! 

If you don't like the decision, fuck off to Somalia.  They will show you what rasicm is all about....they cut cunts like you up with big knives for looking at them funny and don't think twice about ethnically cleansing an entire village before lunch.  Don't call anyone rasist just because they are concerned about life quality issues brought on by mass unbridled immigration......we simply cannot cope.  Stop being an immigration Nazi stifling the debate and saying it's not a fucking problem.

now go and spend the summer dancing in Ibiza with your gay friends and feel lucky the adults allow you freedom to do so in our culture.....rather than machine gunning the lot of you.   Which is tempting at the moment due to all this whinging shit.


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10 hours ago, Manky said:

Once the land area can't feed the population. Once water resources are stressed by too many people. Where the population density gets too high. Then it is time to reduce the population. Halt immigration or shoot the first born of each family. Your shout. Opposition to immigration is not just racist so fuck off you holier than thou cock suckers who enjoy talking down to us thick cunts. Knobends.

Can we introduce the new law ...shoot the first born...in the first British Parliament after Independence Day.   That's should deal with, Ape, Punkape, Bubbles and Quincy cock cunt.   That will make space for 4 fit tight Eastern European hookers to,take their place on a new points system.  The hookers will all have to take it up the arse, swallow spunk and do it for less than £20 ....otherwise Bubbles and Quincy will score more points than them, as they do all of the above for free.   Seems a fair immigration policy.

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