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Guest Wizardsleeve

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Guest Wizardsleeve

What complete and utter fucking cunts!  Had a brief run up with one of these bastards recently, and the fucking gormless bastard is a bit worse for the encounter.  My wife and I both asked him, with the utmost politeness and respect, to let us pass, and he just kept up with his shite.  My wife landed a knee in the cunt's fucking balls, and he fell like a stone!  

What motivates these arse bandits to commit acts of such profound buggery that everybody feels compelled to perform acts of violence against them?  Why do they never take the friendly advice of fuck off to heart, and save themselves the daily physical abuse, they must certainly endure?  How can we, as responsible parties to identifying and shaming the cunts of this world, make it clearer faster to them, that we know what's best for them?  Why are we not petitioning our MP's to write laws allowing a yearly "season" to dispatch these fuckers and cull the herd?  

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Sounds like Mrs. W. had a stroke of luck. She could of badly hurt her knee if the twat had closed his invisible door.

Marcel Marceau was an invisible rope pulling,window closing cunt.

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1 hour ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I was never so proud of her than when she stood over him, putting her shoes into his ribs calling him an irksome soppy fucking cunt!  

I hope she stayed in the spirit of mime and just mouthed the words without sound.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 hours ago, Snatch said:

I hope she stayed in the spirit of mime and just mouthed the words without sound.

She has a deaf cousin, so she does know sign language. I don't know any of the hand gestures, but I did recognize those she gave that fucking spastic mime. Also, she does have a sweet angelic voice, listening to her use such filthy talk with it gave me the horn. 

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20 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

She has a deaf cousin, so she does know sign language. I don't know any of the hand gestures, but I did recognize those she gave that fucking spastic mime. Also, she does have a sweet angelic voice, listening to her use such filthy talk with it gave me the horn. 

Did you manage to video it? It would beat Franks videos hands down.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
4 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Did you manage to video it? It would beat Franks videos hands down.

Sadly, no. I was too busy cheering her on and encouraging her to focus her power in each kick for maximum pain and damage. 

I cant fucking stand mimes. Worthless fucking cunts. 

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3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Sadly, no. I was too busy cheering her on and encouraging her to focus her power in each kick for maximum pain and damage. 

I cant fucking stand mimes. Worthless fucking cunts. 

Is that your wife in your avatar pic? Some one seems to have hit her bullseye with a rasher of bacon

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 minutes ago, Gurt said:

Is that your wife in your avatar pic? Some one seems to have hit her bullseye with a rasher of bacon

No, that's not my wife. My missus makes the bird in the pick look like minced steak. 

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13 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm curious baws... How old are you? 

Old enough, my dear Stickers, to have three grown-up children, which means that over the years I have had to sit through apparently-infinite repeats of every episode ever made of Thomas the fucking Tank Engine, Tots TV, Teletubbies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and bastard fucking Pokémon.

The respective inventors of VHS video and CBeebies are cunts.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 10/21/2016 at 9:00 AM, Bubba C said:

Is that why she doesn't get arrested for violently assaulting street-performers?

Or did you pull some strings in your imaginary job at MI5 to get her off the hook? 

Do I detect a note of doubt in your post, Bubba?  I'd like to clarify, I do not, have not, and could never work at MI5.  I have made no such claim at any time.  

If you were a copper, would YOU arrest anybody thrashing an unemployable social parasite buggering all and sundry on the streets with their fucking spackery?  I believe you'd lend a boot to the kicking.  

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