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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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1 minute ago, Gong Farmer said:

I stream this on my phone when I'm at work or driving.  https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Philo_Vance_Singles

Nice one, I'm working my way through the novels and finding the dragon case to be not one of the best, however, I've started so I'll finish. I like the look of the casino murder case so that's next on the reading list.

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Guest Gong Farmer
11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Nice one, I'm working my way through the novels and finding the dragon case to be not one of the best, however, I've started so I'll finish. I like the look of the casino murder case so that's next on the reading list.

Where did you get them from. I've only ever read a couple of them that I found on my Granddads book shelf when I was about thirteen. I've just spent 70 odd eurees on books but didn't think of getting any Van Dine/ Philo Vance novels. I'm a tad pissed off now that I've lumbered myself with bloody Umberto Eco.

You might like this too.  https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio

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1 minute ago, Gong Farmer said:

Where did you get them from. I've only ever read a couple of them that I found on my Granddads book shelf when I was about thirteen. I've just spent 70 odd eurees on books but didn't think of getting any Van Dine/ Philo Vance novels. I'm a tad pissed off now that I've lumbered myself with bloody Umberto Eco.

When my grandad died 15 years ago he left a few boxes of stuff, the van dine novels were in there along with a complete set of HG Wells and a load of reel to reel tapes of 'Dick Barton, special agent' radio programmes. I only started going through it all last year and found an old reel to reel machine a couple of months ago to play the tapes. I love this kind of thing though. A reminder of an era I would have liked to have experienced.

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Guest Gong Farmer
Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

When my grandad died 15 years ago he left a few boxes of stuff, the van dine novels were in there along with a complete set of HG Wells and a load of reel to reel tapes of 'Dick Barton, special agent' radio programmes. I only started going through it all last year and found an old reel to reel machine a couple of months ago to play the tapes. I love this kind of thing though. A reminder of an era I would have liked to have experienced.

Pure gold. Those Dick Barton tapes could be worth a few bob as could the reel to reel machine. I can't get enough of anything noir either, anything from between the 1930's 50's, film. radio and early television. W,R Barnett, James Cain, Dashiell Hammet etc. You really should check out that Old Time Radio link, a treasure trove, they're all on there, even HG Wells.  https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio

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1 minute ago, Gong Farmer said:

Pure gold. Those Dick Barton tapes could be worth a few bob as could the reel to reel machine. I can't get enough of anything noir either, anything from between the 1930's 50's, film. radio and early television. W,R Barnett, James Cain, Dashiell Hammet etc. You really should check out that Old Time Radio link, a treasure trove, they're all on there, even HG Wells.  https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio

I shall. I'm also a fan of Quatermass etc, and if you've never seen 'Forbidden Planet', I would definitely recommend it, watch it in HD though, visually stunning.

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Guest Gong Farmer
Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

I shall. I'm also a fan of Quatermass etc, and if you've never seen 'Forbidden Planet', I would definitely recommend it, watch it in HD though, visually stunning.

I love those Quatermas films... all of them, even the 70's tv series. I like the old Ealing comedies and or any of the old British films, Hitchcock, westerns, Will Haye etc, all far superior than the crap that's turned out now. My all time fave film is Hitchcock;s 'Rope', must have watched it twenty times or more, based on Nietzsche's intellectual concepts of the übermensch, fascinating stuff.

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9 hours ago, Rick_B said:

I'm aware that a few people here are seriously unwell and I'm genuinely sorry to hear that. The problem is that it's impossible for us to know which posts claimed to be wishing people well etc are genuine and which are malicious. Cancer, either your own or that of a family member is obviously not funny, yet we've had one person claiming he was going to die from it within days when that was clearly bollox and another accused of making it up, almost certainly wrongly. Hence dubious post will most likely get deleted.

I take it you will be deleting any anti French or Welsh comments on the grounds of racism.

Or does that only apply to blacks?

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6 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

Europe tearing it's self apart? You've been reading that Daily Mail again haven't you? I've got a six year old granddaughter, tri lingual in Dutch, German and English with a choice of 27 countries to choose to live and work in when she's old enough. With respect, you by voting Brexit have taken that chance away from your Grandson, or at least made it harder for him to gain access to a larger job market, unlike he's European counterpart his going to be limited,  so he'll be thanking you later for that one I should imagine. At least once you've kicked all the those filthy Europeans out of your country he'll be able to get a job at Starbucks on a zero hour contract where zero hour contracts are illegal or heavily regulated to full member EU countries. Another thing he'll thank you profusely for. ''Cheers Granddad, I really didn't want that summer job in Spain during my gap year!!!'

Yeah well done Granddad.

It doesn't matter Gongers as the majority of British are too lazy/thick/ignorant to learn another language as most Europeans  can speak English and "we won the war innit".

And Spain is made up of alot of English football shirt wearing cunts anyway.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
8 hours ago, Punkape said:

HIV and AIDS have everything to do with sin.You are wrong.

Married couples who are faithful to each other cannot get it.(Apart from a dental or medical transfusion mistake).

People who are promiscuous and indulge in dangerous sexual practices are committing mortal sin.

So if you don't want an STD or AIDS don't commit sin.You presumably believe in BBC morality and it's blank sheet on sexual expression.There are no idiots at the BBC are there ? 


You complete uneducated spastic. Many haemophilliacs were given infected blood transfusions. Which you put as an aside in your comments. You spout ignorant shite from every orifice every time you post.

Was that your fucking evil piece of shit Yaweh's choice for punishing them for him creating them with flawed blood? You stupid, stupid fucking moron.

Your delusional beliefs are wrong, out of date and you should hang your head in shame for promoting such insane bullshit.

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19 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I can't think of anything we need from the UK. We're pretty well self sufficient and none of us like Marmite. So if you can think of anything we need from the UK I'd like know because I can't think of one thing. 

Fuel, and plenty of it. Holland in some respects is similar to the UK, that is, not at all self-sufficient as both are comparatively low on natural resources. Both countries make their way through trade. Thanks to Brexit, the UK will be able to determine it's own needs, tailor trade agreements and determine human resources requirements (migration levels and skills) whereas Holland's shopping list will be diluted according to the needs of 26 separate economies.

19 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I'm getting a bit fucked off with all this Brexit bollocks,  all it is on UK radio and telly is fucking Brexit bollocks. It looks like the UK is cannibalizing it's self through division on this issue as from where I'm standing it looks like you hate each other more than you hate those filthy Jonny foreigners that you're surrounded by. 

Hilarious watching the UK boil in it's own piss.

One could say that at long last the British are now politically engaged. Now, if that comes across as "boiling in its own piss" then that's fine. The rest of the EU population are so disconnected from the decision making process that they have been anaesthetized and are boiling in the Brussels piss-pot.

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Guest Gong Farmer
2 hours ago, Snatch said:

It doesn't matter Gongers as the majority of British are too lazy/thick/ignorant to learn another language as most Europeans  can speak English and "we won the war innit".

And Spain is made up of alot of English football shirt wearing cunts anyway.

With  a weak pound and a strong Euro we should experience a sharp decline in British tourists pissing in Amsterdam shop doorways, so there's a plus point. On the other hand and according to the wanky liberal skewed and wishful thinking 'Dutch News' website we could be stuck with some of the 43,000 of them. Some of them need to get over their fucking selves and then fuck off back to whence they cometh, as they are now claiming discrimination, I was waiting for that one, it was expected despite the fact they are being discriminated by their own country. Advice by the Dutch government......get legal representation.  They still don't know what they're going to do with their status once the UK has exited the EU and probably won't get any preferential treatment over say a Somalian or a Moroccan. If the UK fail to finish negotiations within a two year period then British expats could find themselves persona non grata in the Netherlands, they're basically have to fight for their right to stay in the Netherlands through the civil courts at their own expense. The Dutch government, and quite rightly so, are respecting the democratic process that's lead to many of the 43.000 British expats dilemma they now find themselves in. I'm alright Jack, I've had Dutch citizenship for twenty years so am allowed to be smug and complacent and fucking love this.

We live in interesting times.

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Guest Lady Penelope
46 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Fuel, and plenty of it. Holland in some respects is similar to the UK, that is, not at all self-sufficient as both are comparatively low on natural resources. Both countries make their way through trade. Thanks to Brexit, the UK will be able to determine it's own needs, tailor trade agreements and determine human resources requirements (migration levels and skills) whereas Holland's shopping list will be diluted according to the needs of 26 separate economies.

One could say that at long last the British are now politically engaged. Now, if that comes across as "boiling in its own piss" then that's fine. The rest of the EU population are so disconnected from the decision making process that they have been anaesthetized and are boiling in the Brussels piss-pot.

In practical terms if it came to the crunch the uk is self sufficient, Agriculture is highly efficient. we do have enough renewable energy potential and although currently out of fashion we do still have several hundred years worth of coal underground.

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Guest Gong Farmer
56 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

You two-timing, forum-hopping slag.

Happy Friday. 


52 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Fuel, and plenty of it. Holland in some respects is similar to the UK, that is, not at all self-sufficient as both are comparatively low on natural resources. Both countries make their way through trade. Thanks to Brexit, the UK will be able to determine it's own needs, tailor trade agreements and determine human resources requirements (migration levels and skills) whereas Holland's shopping list will be diluted according to the needs of 26 separate economies.

One could say that at long last the British are now politically engaged. Now, if that comes across as "boiling in its own piss" then that's fine. The rest of the EU population are so disconnected from the decision making process that they have been anaesthetized and are boiling in the Brussels piss-pot.

Fuel? Are you kidding? We''re sitting on more gas than you can shake a stick at, we're even nervous about lighting a fag there's so much of it, we've even had to close the taps so as not to flood the market so I don't know where you've got that from. In any case, what we can't buy from the UK we can get it somewhere else, and I don't mean fucking Cheddar cheese. 

The rest of the EU population are so disconnected from the decision making process that they have been anesthetized and are boiling in the Brussels piss-pot? You sound like a remainer calling Brexiters thick. Like I've already said, we're not blaming Brussels for all our ills, you and your right wing media do that. I'll still be paying the bills and mortgage for the foreseeable future, nothing's going to change there for millions of EU citizens. Life goes on with or without you.... thankyouverymuch.

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Guest Lady Penelope
14 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

With  a weak pound and a strong Euro we should experience a sharp decline in British tourists pissing in Amsterdam shop doorways, so there's a plus point. On the other hand and according to the wanky liberal skewed and wishful thinking 'Dutch News' website we could be stuck with some of the 43,000 of them. Some of them need to get over their fucking selves and then fuck off back to whence they cometh, as they are now claiming discrimination, I was waiting for that one, it was expected despite the fact they are being discriminated by their own country. Advice by the Dutch government......get legal representation.  They still don't know what they're going to do with their status once the UK has exited the EU and probably won't get any preferential treatment over say a Somalian or a Moroccan. If the UK fail to finish negotiations within a two year period then British expats could find themselves persona non grata in the Netherlands, they're basically have to fight for their right to stay in the Netherlands through the civil courts at their own expense. The Dutch government, and quite rightly so, are respecting the democratic process that's lead to many of the 43.000 British expats dilemma they now find themselves in. I'm alright Jack, I've had Dutch citizenship for twenty years so am allowed to be smug and complacent and fucking love this.

We live in interesting times.

Most of us don't want to live in Holland and 43,000 Brits in Holland are not all them many should they have to return to the uk, and as things drift towards the Dutch being hostile to Brits you might also find them becoming hostile towards you regardless of you having Dutch citizenship.

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2 hours ago, Noakes said:

You complete uneducated spastic. Many haemophilliacs were given infected blood transfusions. Which you put as an aside in your comments. You spout ignorant shite from every orifice every time you post.

Was that your fucking evil piece of shit Yaweh's choice for punishing them for him creating them with flawed blood? You stupid, stupid fucking moron.

Your delusional beliefs are wrong, out of date and you should hang your head in shame for promoting such insane bullshit.

God created you.

Not a perfect specimen either. If we were all the same there would be few challenges for good to prevail and progress towards population of the rest of the universe. Haemophilia can now be cured thanks to man's educated efforts while a clot like you fails to acknowledge the good in God's creation. You run the risk of ending up in Hell.


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Guest Lady Penelope
1 minute ago, Punkape said:

God created you.

Not a perfect specimen either. If we were all the same there would be few challenges for good to prevail and progress towards population of the rest of the universe. Haemophilia can now be cured thanks to man's educated efforts while a clot like you fails to acknowledge the good in God's creation. You run the risk of ending up in Hell.


Wilmslow, Knutsford and Alderley Edge .. you are in hell you idiot.

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Guest DingTheRioja
21 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I can't think of anything we need from the UK. We're pretty well self sufficient and none of us like Marmite. So if you can think of anything we need from the UK I'd like know because I can't think of one thing. 

You need marmite, I hate the stuff and you need to take it all whether you like it or not.

And besides, talking of self sufficiency, didnt you say just the other week you drive across the border to do all your shopping where its cheaper, along with thousands of your fellow countrymen?  That's a very good way of keeping your country stable, sending all your money abroad.... Very self sufficient as well...

11 hours ago, Rick_B said:

I'm not aware that anyone here has AIDS. There is no good reason for anyone to contract it with access to modern treatments, so like many of your posts this is irrelevant. Of course I am aware of the distress successful treatments for HIV cause those who have convinced themselves that it's God's punishment for a sinful life have caused. They are nevertheless wrong, HIV and AIDS have nothing to do with "sin" and those who believe it are idiots, much as those who once thought Leprosy was a punishment from God are idiots.


To be honest, I have to agree to an extent with Punkers, not on the religious bollocks side of sin, but on the moral side of sin, HIV and AIDS is caused, or rather propogated, by people who practice all sorts of dodgy goings on (gay and straight), they know it's wrong, they know they might catch it and it might kill them, but they persist in not practising safe sex and then expect us to pay the fucking bill.  Fuck 'em (not literally), they deserve it.


10 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

Europe tearing it's self apart? You've been reading that Daily Mail again haven't you? I've got a six year old granddaughter, tri lingual in Dutch, German and English with a choice of 27 countries to choose to live and work in when she's old enough. With respect, you by voting Brexit have taken that chance away from your Grandson, or at least made it harder for him to gain access to a larger job market, unlike he's European counterpart his going to be limited,  so he'll be thanking you later for that one I should imagine. At least once you've kicked all the those filthy Europeans out of your country he'll be able to get a job at Starbucks on a zero hour contract where zero hour contracts are illegal or heavily regulated to full member EU countries. Another thing he'll thank you profusely for. ''Cheers Granddad, I really didn't want that summer job in Spain during my gap year!!!'

Yeah well done Granddad.

Europe is not tearing itself apart? Greece, Germany, possibly France, and soon to be Italy, Spain and Portugal.  Financially fucked or dying, and far right parties gaining serious ground, not some Daily Mail fantasy, but political reality, have a look over your border at Scrotes place..

As for your grandaughter (and this is not a dig at family so fuck off Rick), there is a +95% chance she will be working within 25 miles of where she lives now, about the same as me.  I also have the chance to work anywhere in europe, Brexit will not stop employers from hiring the right person whatever the fucking borders say, in either direction.

10 hours ago, The Beast said:


We have listened to all the scare stories about UK plc going down the shitter from the Bank of England, but this is not the case thus far. I pay no attention to what Fanny May said on Wednesday, it wasn't anything she shouldn't have or couldn't have said 6 months ago.

That cunt Carney has backed off his original stance, since he was proven wrong, like half the remoaners.

9 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

You put too many petty criminals in prison that's filling them up. If you get caught pinching from a shop here you get sent to that shop to work for them for free doing all the shit jobs whilst having to wear a vest saying 'WERK STRAF' (Work punishment) so that everyone knows what you've done and why you're there. Not only are you put to work for months on end you are publically shamed. I always laugh at the cunts when I see them and they're not always cunty little oiks either, some of are people that would never had down for thieves and vandals but they're outed all the same. It works as the re offending statistics back the practice up.

I wish we could do that, but the fucking liberals stop us doing it, oh, did I say liberals?

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53 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:


Fuel? Are you kidding? We''re sitting on more gas than you can shake a stick at, we're even nervous about lighting a fag there's so much of it, we've even had to close the taps so as not to flood the market so I don't know where you've got that from. In any case, what we can't buy from the UK we can get it somewhere else, and I don't mean fucking Cheddar cheese. 

The rest of the EU population are so disconnected from the decision making process that they have been anesthetized and are boiling in the Brussels piss-pot? You sound like a remainer calling Brexiters thick. Like I've already said, we're not blaming Brussels for all our ills, you and your right wing media do that. I'll still be paying the bills and mortgage for the foreseeable future, nothing's going to change there for millions of EU citizens. Life goes on with or without you.... thankyouverymuch.

I was merely countering your point about being "self-sufficient". In point of fact fuel is Holland's largest import accounting for 29% of the import bill according to The Trading Economics website.

As for your second para, I took my cue from your own comment that the EU in general and Brexit in particular was not an issue in Europe. That point is debatable but my pro-Brexit stance was documented on this site for reasons of self-determination and for economic reasons. I am also on record pre-referendum that the economic case by both sides was exaggerated and that I relied on my own instincts. Life will go on in Europe without the UK but Project Europe can only work if there is total harmonisation of fiscal and monetary policy between member states and as the Eurocrats keep hinting on, this can only happen with total euro integration...

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

God created you.

Not a perfect specimen either. If we were all the same there would be few challenges for good to prevail and progress towards population of the rest of the universe. Haemophilia can now be cured thanks to man's educated efforts while a clot like you fails to acknowledge the good in God's creation. You run the risk of ending up in Hell.


You spout nothing of the true message of Jesus, you may as well be a practising Jew.

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