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Xmas Eve

Guest Batbomb

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Guest Batbomb

Today is the day that I pray for an earthquake or a visit from North Korean Shock Troops just to see the looks on the faces of everyone. Those who have dedicated every fibre of their being to this tedious annual obsession.  My chavvy neighbour in her pulsating neon hovel, confused and disoriented by a harsh and incomprehensible cacophony, getting the butt of an AK across her fat chops will get the chance to think about something else, whilst the rest of the unit seal off the cul de sac and  tear down all decorations and confiscate all presents under trees ... 



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Guest Batbomb
7 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I find your brand of cunting grinchery inspiring!  

bless you .... let's make a pact to like each other's comments . If we're careful  it won't get noticed

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, Batbomb said:

bless you .... let's make a pact to like each other's comments . If we're careful  it won't get noticed

Striking examples of upped cuntsmanship always get a like from me.  

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Guest Batbomb
9 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Striking examples of upped cuntsmanship always get a like from me.  

Is it far fetched to hope that Kim El Song reads this and interprets it as a window of opportunity?

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38 minutes ago, Batbomb said:

Today is the day that I pray for an earthquake or a visit from North Korean Shock Troops just to see the looks on the faces of everyone. Those who have dedicated every fibre of their being to this tedious annual obsession.  My chavvy neighbour in her pulsating neon hovel, confused and disoriented by a harsh and incomprehensible cacophony, getting the butt of an AK across her fat chops will get the chance to think about something else, whilst the rest of the unit seal off the cul de sac and  tear down all decorations and confiscate all presents under trees ... 



I agree Batbomb. This whole debacle has been monopolised by chavs who have fuck all interest in the alleged son of an imaginary sky fairy, and use it as an excuse to waste all their benefits cash buying shit for their illegitimate brats to smash up and forget about before January. When it's all over they go back to spending said benefits on tattoos and happy shopper vodka until next year.

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Guest Batbomb
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This whole debacle has been monopolised by chavs who have fuck all interest in the alleged son of an imaginary sky fairy

Xmas cards from chav neighbours usually have dancing snowmen, reindeers with red noses, and those from the chattering class neighbours have the mangers, stained glass windows and wot not. 

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3 minutes ago, Batbomb said:

Xmas cards from chav neighbours usually have dancing snowmen, reindeers with red noses, and those from the chattering class neighbours have the mangers, stained glass windows and wot not. 

I would have given this nom a 'like' if you had not repeatedly used the non word Xmas. Haven't you got the energy to type Christmas you fat cunt, or are you a flid, cutting corners with a pencil in your fat mouth. Fuck it,   I will give you a 'like' as its Xmas. Cunt

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Guest Batbomb
1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

I would have given this nom a 'like' if you had not repeatedly used the non word Xmas. Haven't you got the energy to type Christmas you fat cunt, or are you a flid, cutting corners with a pencil in your fat mouth. Fuck it,   I will give you a 'like' as its Xmas. Cunt

Just be fucking grateful i didn't use Crimbo or Yule. Having studied Ergonomics at Barcelona University I would never type Xmas the long way round. 

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Guest Batbomb
1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

Barcelona Uni, how many mopeds did you manage to nick?

how fucking dare you. Are you not able to tell the from the tone of my original post here that i am not of the criminal underclass ?

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I'm off to the family pile later wearing my new sequinned christmas dress and Christmassy earings (yep. That sad) with the two christmas puds I made and bags of prezzies for everyone. That's the bit I like about the whole deal. Then we'll go to church where me and my sister in law will magic the contents of the collection plates into the concealed pockets in our knickers while the kiddies pilfer the pewter and while this is going on, the menfolk will be up on the roof nicking the lead and stripping the copper lightning conductor. Of course it will be the CoE church. Don't want to piss off God by doing the Catholic Church eh?

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Guest Batbomb
1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm off to the family pile later wearing my new sequinned christmas dress and Christmassy earings (yep. That sad) with the two christmas puds I made and bags of prezzies for everyone. That's the bit I like about the whole deal. Then we'll go to church where me and my sister in law will magic the contents of the collection plates into the concealed pockets in our knickers while the kiddies pilfer the pewter and while this is going on, the menfolk will be up on the roof nicking the lead and stripping the copper lightning conductor. Of course it will be the CoE church. Don't want to piss off God by doing the Catholic Church eh?

wont work. Jesus is an Englishman

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Guest nobgobbler
43 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I agree Batbomb. This whole debacle has been monopolised by chavs who have fuck all interest in the alleged son of an imaginary sky fairy, and use it as an excuse to waste all their benefits cash buying shit for their illegitimate brats to smash up and forget about before January. When it's all over they go back to spending said benefits on tattoos and happy shopper vodka until next year.

What's missing in the picture?

An upturned shopping trolley in the garden. And a pile of dog shit. Punkape.

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Guest nobgobbler
34 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I would have given this nom a 'like' if you had not repeatedly used the non word Xmas. Haven't you got the energy to type Christmas you fat cunt, or are you a flid, cutting corners with a pencil in your fat mouth. Fuck it,   I will give you a 'like' as its Xmas. Cunt

According to the news this morning the use of the word Christmas will soon be a thing of the past. Allah doesn't like it.

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Mrs Manky is laid  up with Sciatica so this Christmas will be quiet. I absolutely hate the works parties and once a year drinkers so will be happy to chill with some decent bottles of beer, (Spitfire, Hobgoblin) and watch some casual violence on telly. Fucking paradise.

Fuck off taking it too seriously,. The first person to wish me Happyt Christmas was one of Allah's lot. At least with Christmas and New Year both at weekends, its all over In a week and then normal life can resume.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Manky said:

Mrs Manky is laid  up with Sciatica so this Christmas will be quiet. I absolutely hate the works parties and once a year drinkers so will be happy to chill with some decent bottles of beer, (Spitfire, Hobgoblin) and watch some casual violence on telly. Fucking paradise.

Fuck off taking it too seriously,. The first person to wish me Happyt Christmas was one of Allah's lot. At least with Christmas and New Year both at weekends, its all over In a week and then normal life can resume.

If you want a truly quiet, peaceful, and enjoyable day, make sure to slip her a ruphie in her tea and nail the door closed.  Can't be too careful with these clever birds these days.  

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Guest Batbomb
1 minute ago, Manky said:

The first person to wish me Happyt Christmas was one of Allah's lot.

He was most likely taking the piss..... didn't you hear him add  '...accursed infidel' under his breath as he moved off

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

If you want a truly quiet, peaceful, and enjoyable day, make sure to slip her a ruphie in her tea and nail the door closed.  Can't be too careful with these clever birds these days.  

I had all the benefits of Rohypnol explained to me. All it did was make me fall asleep.

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