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Tim Farron

Guest Welsh_cunt

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Guest Welsh_cunt

Annoying bigoted do-gooder who always seems to have an orange face no matter the studio lighting.

An oompa loompa who has less relevance than a dribble of stale spunk trying to argue towards anything that anyone has time for the gurning little dwarf.  I’m not a violent person but how I’d love to punch his little orange face in.

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21 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

Annoying bigoted do-gooder who always seems to have an orange face no matter the studio lighting.

An oompa loompa who has less relevance than a dribble of stale spunk trying to argue towards anything that anyone has time for the gurning little dwarf.  I’m not a violent person but how I’d love to punch his little orange face in.

Is Tim Farron actually David Dickinson? You just described the munchkin voiced, antique peddling Cuntstain to a tee.

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Guest Welsh_cunt
10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Is Tim Farron actually David Dickinson? You just described the munchkin voiced, antique peddling Cuntstain to a tee.

Perhaps I have got the orange fuckers mixed up. That Dickinson cunt also has some orange going on. Change my nom to any cunt with an orange face. Imagine the cum face of some of these orange fuckers and the poor souls that have had the misfortune of seeing it first hand. Fuck there's a thought to go to bed on, Tim Farron's gurning cum face.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

Annoying bigoted do-gooder who always seems to have an orange face no matter the studio lighting.

An oompa loompa who has less relevance than a dribble of stale spunk trying to argue towards anything that anyone has time for the gurning little dwarf.  I’m not a violent person but how I’d love to punch his little orange face in.

This is no good. 

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7 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

Annoying bigoted do-gooder who always seems to have an orange face no matter the studio lighting.

An oompa loompa who has less relevance than a dribble of stale spunk trying to argue towards anything that anyone has time for the gurning little dwarf.  I’m not a violent person but how I’d love to punch his little orange face in.

Another piece of shite from your ovine winnit encrusted mouth. So he's a cunt why? Because you don't like him and he's fuck ugly? Disagree with his policy on the child benefit system? No cunt likes you and your fuck ugly and welsh. I'd tell you to up your game but that would be beyond your mental capacity. Please fuck off now.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Farrons Wikipedia photo suggests that he is the bastard love child of Ian Hislop and snooker Ginger Steve Davis.

There's some Simon Pegg in there too, definitely.

Judged on his looks and his party's 'cul-de-sac' policies I guess the above gentlemen all wanked into a petri dish, mothered by a supercomputer

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Guest Welsh_cunt
48 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Another piece of shite from your ovine winnit encrusted mouth. So he's a cunt why? Because you don't like him and he's fuck ugly? Disagree with his policy on the child benefit system? No cunt likes you and your fuck ugly and welsh. I'd tell you to up your game but that would be beyond your mental capacity. Please fuck off now.

I give not an ounce of fuck of your useless opinion Stubby cunt so please fuck off, pretty soon might I add.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Welsh_cunt said:

I give not an ounce of fuck of your useless opinion Stubby cunt so please fuck off, pretty soon might I add.

46 posts in so far and all a complete load of drooling wank. You should keep in that shit hole Wales and off the internet. Telling experienced users to fuck off the site so soon, you hovel dwelling, sheep abusing, chip on your shoulder simpleton. You should leave, you bring nothing to this site, absolutely nothing!

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Guest Welsh_cunt
14 minutes ago, Noakes said:

46 posts in so far and all a complete load of drooling wank. You should keep in that shit hole Wales and off the internet. Telling experienced users to fuck off the site so soon, you hovel dwelling, sheep abusing, chip on your shoulder simpleton. You should leave, you bring nothing to this site, absolutely nothing!

Jeez, didn't realise so many so called "experienced" fuckwits were so thin skinned. Obviously "experience" hasn't helped your sensitivity issues. Another sheep spiel...yawn.....I'm glad you agree with me that Wales is a shithole and the weathers always shit by the way. You should come visit me sometime so I can set you on fire then wank all over your sorry soul. That should give you an "experience".

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Fuck off, I don't have a soul, you aren't new and I think you'll find that I really couldn't give a flying fuck what you say or think mr keyboard warrior, but as this is cunts corner I will call you a flaccid dicked, low brained, lead poisoned cuntwit if I want. You can also say what you will to me, you wont get to me with mere words on a fucking cunts forum. Put shit up on here and you will get shit back. Simple really, or are you too thick to understand. Not thin skinned at all, play the game.

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Guest Welsh_cunt
19 minutes ago, Noakes said:

Fuck off, I don't have a soul, you aren't new and I think you'll find that I really couldn't give a flying fuck what you say or think mr keyboard warrior, but as this is cunts corner I will call you a flaccid dicked, low brained, lead poisoned cuntwit if I want. You can also say what you will to me, you wont get to me with mere words on a fucking cunts forum. Put shit up on here and you will get shit back. Simple really, or are you too thick to understand. Not thin skinned at all, play the game.

Fuck, that's the nicest thing you've said to me so far.....you're warming to me.....just because I offered to wank over you though I fear.

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2 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

I give not an ounce of fuck of your useless opinion Stubby cunt so please fuck off, pretty soon might I add.

Ok, thanks for that. Still haven't told me what's fundamentally wrong with Farron though? I don't expect a compelling answer and an insight into your political stand point due to the fact that you're a knuckle dragging retard who's opinion is founded on the pathetic circumstances of your life. 

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Guest Welsh_cunt
18 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Ok, thanks for that. Still haven't told me what's fundamentally wrong with Farron though? I don't expect a compelling answer and an insight into your political stand point due to the fact that you're a knuckle dragging retard who's opinion is founded on the pathetic circumstances of your life. 

Have no time to delve at the moment, he's a fucking gurner with an orange face....need I say more. Oh and a fucking do-gooder leader of an irrelevant 8 other cunts, including that wet fart Nick Clegg of all people. He is irrellevent to the core and yes, i'm getting into personality territory here rather than politics, but he's fucking orange for fuck's sake. Would you let a surgeon with an orange face take your appendix out or call him a cunt?

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11 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

Have no time to delve at the moment, he's a fucking gurner with an orange face....need I say more. Oh and a fucking do-gooder leader of an irrelevant 8 other cunts, including that wet fart Nick Clegg of all people. He is irrellevent to the core and yes, i'm getting into personality territory here rather than politics, but he's fucking orange for fuck's sake. Would you let a surgeon with an orange face take your appendix out or call him a cunt?

While on the subject of appendices, why are you still here?

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28 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

Have no time to delve at the moment, he's a fucking gurner with an orange face....need I say more. Oh and a fucking do-gooder leader of an irrelevant 8 other cunts, including that wet fart Nick Clegg of all people. He is irrellevent to the core and yes, i'm getting into personality territory here rather than politics, but he's fucking orange for fuck's sake. Would you let a surgeon with an orange face take your appendix out or call him a cunt?

So basically you don't like him because he's ugly. Great nom you fucking non entity.  

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Farron, and by definition the Liberal party are going nowhere by continuing with the linguistic gymnastics in pushing for a second referendum.

At least this country's democratic principles allow them to push for a second referendum, which is surely the most important thing.

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, but then he should accept the results of the democratic principles.

Like that Scottish bint, she's only interested in getting her name in the history books, fuck England, fuck the UK, even fuck Scotland, her name in the books is all she wants.

She's wittering on about a second Dev vote but at the moment is too scared to call it (if she can) because she would currently lose.  Another twat who is "racist" as fuck, but shouts the racism card as if London doesn't care about Scotland.

Here's the news bint, London doesn't care about anything outside the M25, and doesn't even care about more than half of what's inside so why the fuck would they bother about a bunch of rabid doley scumbags who are a drag on the country?

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Guest nobgobbler
11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Is Tim Farron actually David Dickinson? You just described the munchkin voiced, antique peddling Cuntstain to a tee.

And he's a fucking criminal - push him under a bus - now that's the real deal!

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43 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, but then he should accept the results of the democratic principles.

Agreed. You have an answer for everything, don't you? When you fart, I'll wager the sweet-smelling roses falling from your bottom attract a plethora of singing birds and buzzing bees as they float gently to the ground, bridging the otherwise imaginary gap between a Utopian heaven and Earth.

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