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Traffic police

Guest Drew P Pissflaps

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

So some fucking twat motorcyclist interested in stunt riding was getting in a bit of practice on the M6, just doing the usual stuff like wheelies at 70mph, speeding at about 115mph and taking his rucksack off to get his camera to take a selfie, also at 70mph. Oh by the way said fucking idiot us originally from Poland but that is irrelevant, right? The point of the nom though is the fucking cunt of a police force where, and I quote, "such dangerous riding will not be tolerated on our roads". No? Then how come you cunts got a film lasting 16 whole fucking minutes of this dangerous riding. You can travel about 30 miles in 16 minutes at 115mph so fuck knows how many innocent members of the public were unnecessarily exposed to this hazard. It's as though the cunts were waiting for something to happen. Fucking cunts.

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3 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

So some fucking twat motorcyclist interested in stunt riding was getting in a bit of practice on the M6, just doing the usual stuff like wheelies at 70mph, speeding at about 115mph and taking his rucksack off to get his camera to take a selfie, also at 70mph. Oh by the way said fucking idiot us originally from Poland but that is irrelevant, right? The point of the nom though is the fucking cunt of a police force where, and I quote, "such dangerous riding will not be tolerated on our roads". No? Then how come you cunts got a film lasting 16 whole fucking minutes of this dangerous riding. You can travel about 30 miles in 16 minutes at 115mph so fuck knows how many innocent members of the public were unnecessarily exposed to this hazard. It's as though the cunts were waiting for something to happen. Fucking cunts.

I take it that the little rascal was let off with a slapped wrist? I only ask because of your display of vitriolic outrage.

Why, you yourself were filmed this July by the Old Bill for the 16 minutes it took you to travel 120 ft, and were given 300 hours community service. Caught bang to rights as you swerved in and out of traffic on your mobility scooter, pissed out of your fucking face, waving a bottle of Frosty Jacks and screaming incoherently about Pudsey Bear and the NSPCC.

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Guest Rastus Coldsmoke
2 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I liked that so much I've given you a like. Keep it up. Preferably forever.

I'm the gift that keeps on giving. I hate gifts, so I won't.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
49 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I take it that the little rascal was let off with a slapped wrist? I only ask because of your display of vitriolic outrage.

Why, you yourself were filmed this July by the Old Bill for the 16 minutes it took you to travel 120 ft, and were given 300 hours community service. Caught bang to rights as you swerved in and out of traffic on your mobility scooter, pissed out of your fucking face, waving a bottle of Frosty Jacks and screaming incoherently about Pudsey Bear and the NSPCC.

That's right you socialist, tie dye shirt and plimsoll wearing pansy. What's been happening in the theatre of dreams that is your miserable existence at a local authority today, you cunt?

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1 minute ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

That's right you socialist, tie dye shirt and plimsoll wearing pansy. What's been happening in the theatre of dreams that is your miserable existence at a local authority today, you cunt?

It's been quite eventful actually, Drew. I've been liaising with adult social services regarding a referral in the Heartsease area. Apparently concern has been raised regarding a shrivelled little bald cunt who lives in squalor in a one bed social housing bungalow. Reports indicate that he has been chucking his own faeces at the escalators in Castle Mall, screaming bathmophobic abuse and headbutting the bottom steps impotently with his tiny little peanut head.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's been quite eventful actually, Drew. I've been liaising with adult social services regarding a referral in the Heartsease area. Apparently concern has been raised regarding a shrivelled little bald cunt who lives in squalor in a one bed social housing bungalow. Reports indicate that he has been chucking his own faeces at the escalators in Castle Mall, screaming bathmophobic abuse and headbutting the bottom steps impotently with his tiny little peanut head.

Presumably, in the spirit of the local authority, you were unable to do fuck all to help the poor little cunt?

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
1 hour ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

So some fucking twat motorcyclist interested in stunt riding was getting in a bit of practice on the M6, just doing the usual stuff like wheelies at 70mph, speeding at about 115mph and taking his rucksack off to get his camera to take a selfie, also at 70mph. Oh by the way said fucking idiot us originally from Poland but that is irrelevant, right? The point of the nom though is the fucking cunt of a police force where, and I quote, "such dangerous riding will not be tolerated on our roads". No? Then how come you cunts got a film lasting 16 whole fucking minutes of this dangerous riding. You can travel about 30 miles in 16 minutes at 115mph so fuck knows how many innocent members of the public were unnecessarily exposed to this hazard. It's as though the cunts were waiting for something to happen. Fucking cunts.

The cunt barely has rudimentary skills and I suspect the cops followed him for so long cos they couldn't believe how shit he was at wheelies, if he'd pulled a decent one they might've left him alone. Anyway, I don't know what the fuss is about, 115mph isn't even approaching dangerous, fuck me, even Mrs. Lugs regularly filters at 110 whilst pulling a wheelie and eating her elevenses pork pie.

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3 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

So some fucking twat motorcyclist interested in stunt riding was getting in a bit of practice on the M6, just doing the usual stuff like wheelies at 70mph, speeding at about 115mph and taking his rucksack off to get his camera to take a selfie, also at 70mph. Oh by the way said fucking idiot us originally from Poland but that is irrelevant, right? The point of the nom though is the fucking cunt of a police force where, and I quote, "such dangerous riding will not be tolerated on our roads". No? Then how come you cunts got a film lasting 16 whole fucking minutes of this dangerous riding. You can travel about 30 miles in 16 minutes at 115mph so fuck knows how many innocent members of the public were unnecessarily exposed to this hazard. It's as though the cunts were waiting for something to happen. Fucking cunts.

He must have been on a 'watch list', and therefore free to do exactly as he fucking pleases, until some innocent lives have been lost, and then the police heroically swoop down and save the day.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
8 hours ago, Decimus said:

I can't remember now. I was cained one night on here and Bronski Beat came up. I changed my avatar and refuse to change it back until I remember why I fagged it up.

There's a definite subliminal message here Dex. Embrace it, then rip it's arse to shreds or whatever it is the gays do.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I think the idiot has been jailed and banned for 28 months The ban to start when he is released. As nobody got hurt it seems a little harsh to jail him. In 1996 I had the record for the highest recorded motorcycle speed ticket (126 mph) in West Sussex which I held for about 14 months, only got done for speeding as it was an empty road and I was only risking myself, police helicopter filmed it all. I do not wheelie bikes on the road as that is asking for it.

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58 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

I think the idiot has been jailed and banned for 28 months The ban to start when he is released. As nobody got hurt it seems a little harsh to jail him. In 1996 I had the record for the highest recorded motorcycle speed ticket (126 mph) in West Sussex which I held for about 14 months, only got done for speeding as it was an empty road and I was only risking myself, police helicopter filmed it all. I do not wheelie bikes on the road as that is asking for it.

Evel Knoakesie. Fuck me, Alf, you really are a stupendous idiot.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
21 minutes ago, FRANK said:

Evel Knoakesie. Fuck me, Alf, you really are a stupendous idiot.

Yes, it cost me a lot of money, my job and my license for 6 months. So yes, idiot is a good description. 

You really should fuck off and die like you keep promising. Such a has been, a nobody, a shit dancer and bald wig wearing cunt. You delusional tool.

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1 minute ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Yes, it cost me a lot of money, my job and my license for 6 months. So yes, idiot is a good description. 

You really should fuck off and die like you keep promising. Such a has been, a nobody, a shit dancer and bald wig wearing cunt. You delusional tool.

I'm going to stick my neck out on this one , Alf. Snatch aside, you must be the thickest member the site has ever seen.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
Just now, FRANK said:

I'm going to stick my neck out on this one , Alf. Snatch aside, you must be the thickest member the site has ever seen.

No, you beat me on that front every time. Stick your neck out of a moving train window. I want you dead.

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