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BBC sports personality of the year

Eric Cuntman

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This has doubtless been done before, but it's still worth another kicking.

I'ts a week away and the speculation mounts. I heard yesterday that there are rumours that Ronnie O'Sullivan may be in the running, or that the now retired Phil Taylor could be recognised retrospectively for winning 16 world titles. However, a far more likely scenario is that it will be won by a black, lesbian wimmin's footballer, who will take the opportunity during her acceptance speech to point out that 'it's about time the LGBT community and people of colour are more recognised and represented, blah blah...

Or perhaps a swimmer with no arms and legs who managed to float the length of a pool faster than all the other Billy the Fish raspberries. 

But my money's on them going traditional, and rewarding the athletic prowess of the 'British Muslim' who has successfully raped the most kids this year.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This has doubtless been done before, but it's still worth another kicking.

I'ts a week away and the speculation mounts. I heard yesterday that there are rumours that Ronnie O'Sullivan may be in the running, or that the now retired Phil Taylor could be recognised retrospectively for winning 16 world titles. However, a far more likely scenario is that it will be won by a black, lesbian wimmin's footballer, who will take the opportunity during her acceptance speech to point out that 'it's about time the LGBT community and people of colour are more recognised and represented, blah blah...

Or perhaps a swimmer with no arms and legs who managed to float the length of a pool faster than all the other Billy the Fish raspberries. 

But my money's on them going traditional, and rewarding the athletic prowess of the 'British Muslim' who has successfully raped the most kids this year.

That fucking Lewis Hamilton won it back in 2014 - despite lacking any form of personality, being a humble caramel child instead of the real thing and telling every cunt in his presence how sickeningly Christian he was? I guess he does dress up like a right poofter though - so maybe that was what tipped the scales in the end...

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

That fucking Lewis Hamilton won it back in 2014 - despite lacking any form of personality, being a humble caramel child instead of the real thing and telling every cunt in his presence how sickeningly Christian he was? I guess he does dress up like a right poofter though - so maybe that was what tipped the scales in the end...

The thing that annoyed me with him, was his announcement that he was going to be 'a rapper', along with every other cunt who has been touched by the tip of a tar-brush.

If these deluded fucking wankers want to embrace their black heritage and culture, they should fuck off to Africa and catch AIDS from a baboon, or fucking starve to death. 

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The thing that annoyed me with him, was his announcement that he was going to be 'a rapper', along with every other cunt who has been touched by the tip of a tar-brush.

If these deluded fucking wankers want to embrace their black heritage and culture, they should fuck off to Africa and catch AIDS from a baboon, or fucking starve to death. 

Its been a shit fucking season in F1 as well - little twat has been dominating the field and the useless German cunt who was his only real rival couldn't figure out how to stop his car spinning out - I hope the pair of the fuckers do the decent thing and go on a Schumacher - inspired skiing trip with the rock lobotomy ending.

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To hell with the 'runners and riders'.  This whole sorry edifice needs the Dignitas treatment quick-sharp.

Back when the Beeb had some sports worth watching, this was a 'must see'. The deal was Des Lynam would stand up there and introduce re-runs of that years high points for British sport and you'd get an unashamedly patriotic glow no matter what you hum and whirr to - could be Kriss Akabusi's last leg in the Tokyo World Champ 4x400 metres, could be Virginia Wade stuffing Betty Stove. Point is, you saw it (well, edited highlights) and felt great.

.....oh and they did a 'funny bit' like Red Rum wandering on and Tommy Stack having a little chat with him. That was cool

Now? Fucking forget that old shit daddy-oh!!

You've got wild zooms! Ker-ayzee camera angles!! Close ups of Dina Asher-Smith's running spikes!! Anything bar a coherent uninterrupted view of 'the action' , not that Women's football, tiddlywinks, the Boat Race and pitch and putt live from Blackpool Beach (which is pretty much all the BBC's sports budget runs to these days) counts much as 'action'.

You've got Eddie Butler channelling Sir Laurence Olivier in voice overs more portentous than a Garth Crooks interview. Powerpoint slides designed by mescaline-packing design students.

Oh and of course you've got that bracket-headed cunt Lineker trying to further his stand-up comedy career.

It's a fucking fiasco of Tridentine proportions and that's before they announce the shite, politically correct winner

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3 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

To hell with the 'runners and riders'.  This whole sorry edifice needs the Dignitas treatment quick-sharp.

Back when the Beeb had some sports worth watching, this was a 'must see'. The deal was Des Lynam would stand up there and introduce re-runs of that years high points for British sport and you'd get an unashamedly patriotic glow no matter what you hum and whirr to - could be Kriss Akabusi's last leg in the Tokyo World Champ 4x400 metres, could be Virginia Wade stuffing Betty Stove. Point is, you saw it (well, edited highlights) and felt great.

.....oh and they did a 'funny bit' like Red Rum wandering on and Tommy Stack having a little chat with him. That was cool

Now? Fucking forget that old shit daddy-oh!!

You've got wild zooms! Ker-ayzee camera angles!! Close ups of Dina Asher-Smith's running spikes!! Anything bar a coherent uninterrupted view of 'the action' , not that Women's football, tiddlywinks, the Boat Race and pitch and putt live from Blackpool Beach (which is pretty much all the BBC's sports budget runs to these days) counts much as 'action'.

You've got Eddie Butler channelling Sir Laurence Olivier in voice overs more portentous than a Garth Crooks interview. Powerpoint slides designed by mescaline-packing design students.

Oh and of course you've got that bracket-headed cunt Lineker trying to further his stand-up comedy career.

It's a fucking fiasco of Tridentine proportions and that's before they announce the shite, politically correct winner

After a bit more thought, I'm wondering if they'll give it to Raheem Stir-shit, to shut the whiny little spud-shouldered cunt the fuck up. 

He may not have done a single noteworthy thing in 3 years, but has remained consistent in being a national embarrassment, by running like a palsied, 12 year old poof, and making sure the ball never gets lost in that rectangular, netty thing at the other end of the pitch. 

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Jug ears Lineker will be spewing forth ad nauseam with Clare Balding championing the latest transitioned cyclist who has won bronze because their tackle doesn’t get in the way of a racing saddle.

LBGT bollocks will be shoved in the audiences face all evening and they will be expected to approve.A pity Tyson Fury didn’t win a few weeks ago and arrive at the event with 50 travelers and go berserk after a load of ale....


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11 minutes ago, Lord Punkape said:

Jug ears Lineker will be spewing forth ad nauseam with Clare Balding championing the latest transitioned cyclist who has won bronze because their tackle doesn’t get in the way of a racing saddle.

lgbt bollocks will shoved in the audiences face all evening and they will be expected to approve.A pity Tyson Fury didn’t win a few few ago and arrive at the event with 50 travelers and go berserk after a load of ale....


Mincing will soon be introduced to the Olympic schedule. 

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Don't forget the spackers,I bet they have as long a segment on womens football(sic) as they do the mens.Some tart will be put forward for goal of the year to keep the balance and some poof will get an award for some shit and be let loose with a mic just to prove 'how far we've come'......A pile of televisual wank that will not see the light of day in my pad.Whoever the first shit stabber pro footieballer to come out is will have a job for life on the good 'ol Beeb.Perhaps they could have subsidised seats in the audience for all those unfortunate enough to be buggered by ex BBC employees,trouble is Wembley only holds 90,000. Cunts.

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37 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

To hell with the 'runners and riders'.  This whole sorry edifice needs the Dignitas treatment quick-sharp.

Back when the Beeb had some sports worth watching, this was a 'must see'. The deal was Des Lynam would stand up there and introduce re-runs of that years high points for British sport and you'd get an unashamedly patriotic glow no matter what you hum and whirr to - could be Kriss Akabusi's last leg in the Tokyo World Champ 4x400 metres, could be Virginia Wade stuffing Betty Stove. Point is, you saw it (well, edited highlights) and felt great.

.....oh and they did a 'funny bit' like Red Rum wandering on and Tommy Stack having a little chat with him. That was cool

Now? Fucking forget that old shit daddy-oh!!

You've got wild zooms! Ker-ayzee camera angles!! Close ups of Dina Asher-Smith's running spikes!! Anything bar a coherent uninterrupted view of 'the action' , not that Women's football, tiddlywinks, the Boat Race and pitch and putt live from Blackpool Beach (which is pretty much all the BBC's sports budget runs to these days) counts much as 'action'.

You've got Eddie Butler channelling Sir Laurence Olivier in voice overs more portentous than a Garth Crooks interview. Powerpoint slides designed by mescaline-packing design students.

Oh and of course you've got that bracket-headed cunt Lineker trying to further his stand-up comedy career.

It's a fucking fiasco of Tridentine proportions and that's before they announce the shite, politically correct winner

They used to show lesbian porn on SPOTY? Fuck, no wonder viewing figures are falling now.

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


But my money's on them going traditional, and rewarding the athletic prowess of the 'British Muslim' who has successfully raped the most kids this year.

I hope you’re not referring to Mo Farah you fucking racist.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Tyson Furey will win it. About time a gyppo  got it. 

Gyppos have no problem "Getting" things.  They're born with somebody's silver in hand.  EARNING such rewards....not likely.  If track and field events had coppers chasing them, maybe.  

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Guest Arthur Fuqs-Aches

Yes time was when this was as essential viewing in the sporting year's calendar as the National, FA Cup final, Embassy Snooker final and Darts from the Lakeside.

Even Geoff Capes for fucks sakes. Then old Auntie fucked us all over by continuing demanding the licence fee whilst plotting to withdraw from real sport altogether.

Nothing these days has the class and magic of old, it was killed off by TV full stop in the early 90s. Murdoch's foreigners league footbal, Sky this, Sky that, ITV chav-TV, too much choice in low quality, accessible porn.. 

What sums this up the most, in the dependable silly and tolerant British way, is that fucking Go-Kart cardboard box-racing they put on over Christmas.  Driven by Clare balding, of course.

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Guest judgetwi

The worst thing about Sports Cunt of the Year is the fact that it’s fronted by that oily sack of shit, Gary Taxdodger, the dirty remoaner who cries crocodile tears over the bearded, 30 year old schoolboys who have had such a terribly hard life.

I suspect that Old Jugears was an ordinary working class cunt who has been seduced by the champagne socialists who run the BBC. They all love poor people.....Er......except if they are British, white, heterosexual and insist on voting the wrong way. Gary has slid nicely into the company of these money grabbing cunts and is happy to parrot anything they say.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. It could be that The Taxdodger is smarter than I thought. Maybe he is just a cunt who will do anything to keep his snout in the taxpayers trough.

Anyone who eats Walkers crisps is a cunt. They are shit. Hope they die soon.

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6 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

The worst thing about Sports Cunt of the Year is the fact that it’s fronted by that oily sack of shit, Gary Taxdodger, the dirty remoaner who cries crocodile tears over the bearded, 30 year old schoolboys who have had such a terribly hard life.

I suspect that Old Jugears was an ordinary working class cunt who has been seduced by the champagne socialists who run the BBC. They all love poor people.....Er......except if they are British, white, heterosexual and insist on voting the wrong way. Gary has slid nicely into the company of these money grabbing cunts and is happy to parrot anything they say.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. It could be that The Taxdodger is smarter than I thought. Maybe he is just a cunt who will do anything to keep his snout in the taxpayers trough.

Anyone who eats Walkers crisps is a cunt. They are shit. Hope they die soon.

You'd fucking love this if it was real, eh?

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Guest Ollyboro
7 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

The worst thing about Sports Cunt of the Year is the fact that it’s fronted by that oily sack of shit, Gary Taxdodger, the dirty remoaner who cries crocodile tears over the bearded, 30 year old schoolboys who have had such a terribly hard life.

I suspect that Old Jugears was an ordinary working class cunt who has been seduced by the champagne socialists who run the BBC. They all love poor people.....Er......except if they are British, white, heterosexual and insist on voting the wrong way. Gary has slid nicely into the company of these money grabbing cunts and is happy to parrot anything they say.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. It could be that The Taxdodger is smarter than I thought. Maybe he is just a cunt who will do anything to keep his snout in the taxpayers trough.

Anyone who eats Walkers crisps is a cunt. They are shit. Hope they die soon.

Well you've changed your fucking tune. I remember a post of yours in which you boasted about your love of cheese and onion flavoured crisps - made by Walkers. You'll be denying a love of sperm covered kebabs next.

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10 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

Well you've changed your fucking tune. I remember a post of yours in which you boasted about your love of cheese and onion flavoured crisps - made by Walkers. You'll be denying a love of sperm covered kebabs next.

All crisps are a bit foppish. Real men opt for salt n vinegar chip sticks, or pickled onion monster munch.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Ollyboro said:

Well you've changed your fucking tune. I remember a post of yours in which you boasted about your love of cheese and onion flavoured crisps - made by Walkers. You'll be denying a love of sperm covered kebabs next.

Oh really? Or could it be that you just made that up to draw me into your usual playground sexual badinage?

Ain’t playing little boy. Ok?

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Guest Ollyboro
On 12/11/2018 at 1:05 AM, judgetwi said:

Oh really? Or could it be that you just made that up to draw me into your usual playground sexual badinage?

Ain’t playing little boy. Ok?

Actually, Judith, I didn't totally make it up. I can't prove it, but I reckon I could probably convince you that my comment about you liking crisps was based on something you once posted. I could even give you the date of your post (eat your fucking heart out Baws). How do you fancy a silly pound bet, dropped into the next charity box the loser of the bet passes, that I can convince you of all the above? No tricks.

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7 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

Actually, Judith, I didn't totally make it up. I can't prove it, but I reckon I could probably convince you that my comment about you liking crisps was based on something you once posted. I could even give you the date of your post (eat your fucking heart out Baws). How do you fancy a silly pound bet, dropped into the next charity box the loser of the bet passes, that I can convince you of all the above? No tricks.

Somewhere in London, a man just choked on a cheese & onion crisp.

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