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BBC deviant programmes

Cunty BigBollox

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On 09/08/2020 at 00:42, Eric Cuntman said:

Oh hang on. That sounds like the tranny historian from 'Abandoned Engineering'. Same one?

The best episode of ‘Abandoned Engineering’ was the one where they flew a camera drone up into Pens nether regions. It came with a warning before it started for anyone with a tendency to vomit.

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On 08/08/2020 at 22:24, Roadkill said:

Not too long now until the hit new show for kids is just a bunch of perverted cunts walking around in Rocky Horrow show underwear wearing either strap on cocks or fake tits and those nightmare inducing furry suit heads. There won't be any story to the episodes, just that song the violinists play in the Titanic movie when the ship is sinking, on a loop, occasionally interrupted by a genderless text to speech program announcing "this is good, this is natural, this is safe" as the characters all fuck one another senseless in a cinder block walled room with no windows.

It'll be "required viewing", an hour in the morning, an hour after school and an hour before bed. Five minute warnings will be announced over loudspeakers in every street in the nation, children will be fitted with proximity chips under their skin that will activate the parent's shock collar if they detect the child isn't sitting in front of the telly at the designated time. Repeat offenders will be legally dragged from their homes and beaten by TV license heavies and their children shipped off to work in Chinese factories.

This will be the future. Babies will be grown in test tubes when the mentally damaged descendants of what once was known as the human race are left with no concept of sexuality or gender, when that generation finally dies the test tube children will be a civilisation perfect in the eyes of their BBC overlords and ready to die at their will. All religion will be replaced by three simple letters, any resistance crushed mercilessly, any perceived aggression broadcast world wide over a network of huge airships flying over every city, along with the hunting down of the accused by the brainwashed mob, as a small number of BBC executives laugh at the show from soy brick towers in the sky.


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Guest Weary&Disgusted
On 08/08/2020 at 22:24, Roadkill said:

Not too long now until the hit new show for kids is just a bunch of perverted cunts walking around in Rocky Horrow show underwear wearing either strap on cocks or fake tits and those nightmare inducing furry suit heads. There won't be any story to the episodes, just that song the violinists play in the Titanic movie when the ship is sinking, on a loop, occasionally interrupted by a genderless text to speech program announcing "this is good, this is natural, this is safe" as the characters all fuck one another senseless in a cinder block walled room with no windows.

It'll be "required viewing", an hour in the morning, an hour after school and an hour before bed. Five minute warnings will be announced over loudspeakers in every street in the nation, children will be fitted with proximity chips under their skin that will activate the parent's shock collar if they detect the child isn't sitting in front of the telly at the designated time. Repeat offenders will be legally dragged from their homes and beaten by TV license heavies and their children shipped off to work in Chinese factories.

This will be the future. Babies will be grown in test tubes when the mentally damaged descendants of what once was known as the human race are left with no concept of sexuality or gender, when that generation finally dies the test tube children will be a civilisation perfect in the eyes of their BBC overlords and ready to die at their will. All religion will be replaced by three simple letters, any resistance crushed mercilessly, any perceived aggression broadcast world wide over a network of huge airships flying over every city, along with the hunting down of the accused by the brainwashed mob, as a small number of BBC executives laugh at the show from soy brick towers in the sky.

I think you could base a mod of Doom or Quake or Unreal on this :  your virtual opponents could run the range from FERAL TRANNY (armed with bladed strap on), all the way up to the end level boss SATANIC BBC CHAIRPERSON.  You play as a regular Joe who has been driven to homicidal madness, but instead of having a gun, you have to make do with an umbrella and a stapler...

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3 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I think you could base a mod of Doom or Quake or Unreal on this :  your virtual opponents could run the range from FERAL TRANNY (armed with bladed strap on), all the way up to the end level boss SATANIC BBC CHAIRPERSON.  You play as a regular Joe who has been driven to homicidal madness, but instead of having a gun, you have to make do with an umbrella and a stapler...

You eventually and inevitably lose the game when one of the antagonists 'de-platforms you with a hand in the face and an implication of racism or homophobia.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
27 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

As I have never used Twitter, Facebook or any of their many copies, I feel sort of immune to all this bollocks. Can one be "called-out" and not even know?

When I was their age, calling someone out usually involved a pub car-park.

Its definitely a social media thing.  Seems to go hand in hand with this nasty "cancel culture" shite.  For instance, Warren Ellis, a fella who is a scriptwriter, has most recently been on the receiving end.  So all these girls got together and compared notes after interacting with Ellis over the web, and the consensus was that he had treated them meanly, and was sexist, yadda yadda.  Anyway, these girls all then get together on line to form some sort of support group/pressure group, and the next thing you know, Ellis is having writing projects/contracts cancelled hither and yon  !  So, obviously I don't know-all the circumstances, but as far as I can tell, the poor guy hasn't raped or assaulted anyone, and yet due to this unholy gang of exes or jilted girls, he's now losing work !  Okay, maybe he hasn't acted in a very gentlemanly way, but last time I checked that wasn't against the law.  Yet.  

So, if you work in showbiz or you have a well known presence online and you are a heterosexual male, be very very careful what you post online, and consider using an alternate identity if you are lining up some one night stands... 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You eventually and inevitably lose the game when one of the antagonists 'de-platforms you with a hand in the face and an implication of racism or homophobia.

... Or maybe we could have a standalone scene where the neo inquisitors (who have replaced the police) brand you with a barcode which marks you as "outlaw", unable to buy food, and ineligible for NHS treatment.  You are then released into the badlands of Tower Hamlets to fight your way through hordes of SMACKHEAD CHAVS and the occasional FURRY WITH RABIES...

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4 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

... Or maybe we could have a standalone scene where the neo inquisitors (who have replaced the police) brand you with a barcode which marks you as "outlaw", unable to buy food, and ineligible for NHS treatment.  You are then released into the badlands of Tower Hamlets to fight your way through hordes of SMACKHEAD CHAVS and the occasional FURRY WITH RABIES...

Or released bollock naked into Brixton, wearing Bruce Willis's sandwich board from 'Die Hard 3'

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's very similar. You're not far from a major river, and the locals only breed with their blood relatives. They also greet outsiders with open hostility. 

Never mind these japes Eric, back on topic of the BBC, their 4th lead story online today was about some lad called Stephen Lawrence. I must give it a read as the stories a new one to me.

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