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New World Order or One World Government? ‘And here it is folks. The Great Reset’ coming to your neighbourhood on the 22nd of May 2022. Prepare your arseholes.

King Billy

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The SCOTUS is simply reversing a highly controversial ruling which was made at a time when ultrasound scans and modern medical  technology was Hollywood science fiction. Even the lefts Mother Theresa of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated many times that Roe v Wade was in her opinion wrong. 
No one is going to be forced to give birth against their will. Each state elect their own congress and senate to enact and repeal state law. Every citizen is free to travel to another state for any purpose they choose, including for the purpose of terminating pregnancy if they can’t access that past a certain time frame in their home state. The SCOTUS exists purely to uphold the constitution of the USA, plain and simple. The USA is exactly what it says, a collection of individual sovereign states who elect the politicians they want to govern them and have the opportunity every  2 years (yes every 2 years) to replace most of them if they choose. The federal government in DC is much less powerful regarding domestic matters than most people think. The irony of the WH press Secretary Jen Psaki dishonestly saying that SCOTUS could soon be banning mixed race and gay marriage, and refusing  to condemn violent mobs outside the home of Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man married to a white woman as a ‘white supremacist’ should be enough  evidence of the clown world which is 2022.


I'm aware that a number of pro-choice states have made it clear that they will provide assistance for pregnant women who live in anti-abortion states to travel and have a legal, medically supervised abortion. The reality is totally different, though. The sheer bureaucracy that this would involve would inevitably lead to thousands of women not being able to access this assistance.

Essentially there will be a two tier system, those with funds will travel in order to terminate a pregnancy. Those who are on a limited income will be forced to either resort to illegal and unsafe back street abortions, or to give birth to a mouth they can't afford to feed. Either way, economically poor women will end up being shat on by the elected wealthy men within their states. Men who have absolutely no concept of the realities women in poverty face and who are quite often basing their judgements on a fairytale religion.


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Just now, King Billy said:

I’m very much pro life RK but I do believe that in truly exceptional circumstances abortion is the only solution. I’m not talking about rape, physical deformity or any of the admittedly heartbreaking reasons that many women murder their unborn sprogs. 
Imagine the indescribable horror of a wizened old pregnant hag shuffling in to her GP and the doctor saying ‘Hello Mrs Kleftiko. Have you decided on a name yet for the little lad when he pokes his wig out of your manky old doner kebab?’

’Yes Doctor. I think it’s going to be Frank’

I'm of the belief that if you kill it before it can make eye contact with you then you're good.

There was a wasp in the house earlier. Entirely my fault as I had an old apple core in the bin. I killed it, because I didn't want to put up with the cunt.

If mister government came to the door and demanded I let it crawl up my arse and look after it until it turned eighteen when it decided to come back out, I'd have some fucking words to say about it, regardless of my responsibility for it being there in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Well you are talking about fucking America, Billy. They've all got chlorine brain and diabetes.

I don't understand why they have all those brown people when they've all been allowed to own guns since forever. 

It's like inventing the microwave and then putting up with cold soup for 250 years. Lazy fat cunts.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I don't understand why they have all those brown people when they've all been allowed to own guns since forever. 

It's like inventing the microwave and then putting up with cold soup for 250 years. Lazy fat cunts.

The dozy cunts got into the slavery game too late and couldn't get rid of the stock once the market collapsed. Naturally, one of their preening presidents also decided to use the whole thing for short term hype and virtue signalling as well. Because 'Murica.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

I'm of the belief that if you kill it before it can make eye contact with you then you're good.

There was a wasp in the house earlier. Entirely my fault as I had an old apple core in the bin. I killed it, because I didn't want to put up with the cunt.

If mister government came to the door and demanded I let it crawl up my arse and look after it until it turned eighteen when it decided to come back out, I'd have some fucking words to say about it, regardless of my responsibility for it being there in the first place.

This is great RK. A proper debate like the old days when sensible people discussed the pros and cons of topical issues. I’m sure the US Supreme Court would seriously consider reinstating Roe v Wade and legalising baby murder again if you email them this new evidence about the wasp, and Mr Government forcibly invading your arsehole and refusing to leave for 18 years. 

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This great RK. A proper debate like the old days when sensible people discussed the pros and cons of topical issues. I’m sure the US Supreme Court would seriously consider reinstating Roe v Wade and legalising baby murder again if you email them this new evidence about the wasp, and Mr Government forcibly invading your arsehole and refusing to leave for 18 years. 

It isn't baby murder. Its foetus foraging.

If it hasn't made it past the flaps, its a pass.

Besides, if they outlaw abortion, how long until cunts start pushing for foetus equality? And how long after that until the lefties vote one in as President to virtue signal? Is that what you want? President Foetus, who never once set foot on American soil, but now suddenly has control of the nuclear arsenal?

You're the one always going on about the "big picture". Tell me I'm wrong.

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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

It isn't baby murder. Its foetus foraging.

If it hasn't made it past the flaps, its a pass.

Besides, if they outlaw abortion, how long until cunts start pushing for foetus equality? And how long after that until the lefties vote one in as President to virtue signal? Is that what you want? President Foetus, who never once set foot on American soil, but now suddenly has control of the nuclear arsenal?

You're the one always going on about the "big picture". Tell me I'm wrong.

You’re wrong.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Well if I'd been aborted you wouldn't have had to put up with me. I basically win this by default.

And I’d have saved all that CSA money and been able to invest it in coke and booze. Lol. We should debate more often RK. It’s great.

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23 hours ago, King Billy said:

Report yourself to yourself and then at a time agreed by you both, hand yourself in to yourself for attempted thread derailing. ‘Consistency’ please.

What derailing? I disagreed with your slackjaw nonsense about a treaty being signed on the 22nd May where you say that, "This international treaty will give the WHO the authority to mandate lockdowns, face nappies, and all the other abuses of your liberties which have proved so successful in the fake Covid plandemic Great Reset rehearsal which has been more successful than thought possible"

In fact the 22nd is the opening of the 75th Annual WHO five day conference where the world quango's employees formulate and coordinate priorities and allocate funding to world health projects. No "treaty" will be signed by any world leader, in any case do you really think any democratic or authoritarian regime is going to cede power and authority to a bunch of Geneva based bureaucrats? The tin-hatter brethren have played you for a mug. Again.

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On 15/05/2022 at 10:02, King Billy said:

Which is not the case at all. The overturning of Roe v Wade simply gives the elected administrations in each of the 50  states the power to pass their own abortion  laws, which is exactly what the Constitution states. Autonomy over your own body doesn’t mean murdering a baby right up to the second it emerges from the cunt imo, which is happening in some cases right now and celebrated by the same cunts who say ‘follow the science’ re climate change but ignore science re gender and abortion.

Roe v Wade codified the woman's right to choose during the first trimester of pregnancy (13 weeks) so the notion that foetuses could be aborted "right up to the second it emerges" is abject nonsense as is the inference that foetuses are grown to order to sate a multi-billion dollar organ harvesting industry. FTR, I personally would not agree to aborting a healthy baby, in fact I was offered and declined a "foetal reduction" when I was pregnant with triplets. That said, I am uneasy when a group of men get to decide what a woman may or not do with her own body. A woman with an unwanted pregnancy is going through enough angst as it is and doesn't need a bunch of suits pontificating on her behalf.

The problem is that with the distinct probability that Roe v Wade will be overturned it appears that twelve states have put in place "trigger" laws banning any form of abortion care the moment the ruling is/if announced. There are a further two dozen states that have indicated that they will follow suit. Shameful.

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Roe v Wade codified the woman's right to choose during the first trimester of pregnancy (13 weeks) so the notion that foetuses could be aborted "right up to the second it emerges" is abject nonsense as is the inference that foetuses are grown to order to sate a multi-billion dollar organ harvesting industry. FTR, I personally would not agree to aborting a healthy baby, in fact I was offered and declined a "foetal reduction" when I was pregnant with triplets. That said, I am uneasy when a group of men get to decide what a woman may or not do with her own body A woman with an unwanted pregnancy is going through enough angst as it is and doesn't need a bunch of suits pontificating on her behalf.

The problem is that with the distinct probability that Roe v Wade will be overturned it appears that twelve states have put in place "trigger" laws banning any form of abortion care the moment the ruling is/if announced. There are a further two dozen states that have indicated that they will follow suit. Shameful.

I have huge issues with the fact that this is clearly motivated by religion, which should have absolutely no bearing on the way a modern first world country legislates.

It won't be long until they turn their eyes to contraception and then what? Texas bringing in the death penalty for blasphemy? Alabama dishing out life sentences for back chatting your parents?

It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their. This country is by no means perfect, but imagine living in the states as a reasonable and rational minded individual. Talk about lunatics taking over the asylum.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I have huge issues with the fact that this is clearly motivated by religion, which should have absolutely no bearing on the way a modern first world country legislates.

It won't be long until they turn their eyes to contraception and then what? Texas bringing in the death penalty for blasphemy? Alabama dishing out life sentences for back chatting your parents?

It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their. This country is by no means perfect, but imagine living in the states as a reasonable and rational minded individual. Talk about lunatics taking over the asylum.

Absolutely, I did want to bring the religious aspect into my post noting KB's proddy mindset but left it out for reasons of brevity.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I have huge issues with the fact that this is clearly motivated by religion, which should have absolutely no bearing on the way a modern first world country legislates.

It won't be long until they turn their eyes to contraception and then what? Texas bringing in the death penalty for blasphemy? Alabama dishing out life sentences for back chatting your parents?

It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their. This country is by no means perfect, but imagine living in the states as a reasonable and rational minded individual. Talk about lunatics taking over the asylum.

Who are you baiting with this?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I have huge issues with the fact that this is clearly motivated by religion, which should have absolutely no bearing on the way a modern first world country legislates.

It won't be long until they turn their eyes to contraception and then what? Texas bringing in the death penalty for blasphemy? Alabama dishing out life sentences for back chatting your parents?

It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their. This country is by no means perfect, but imagine living in the states as a reasonable and rational minded individual. Talk about lunatics taking over the asylum.

Considering its basically the three minute microwave meal version of a country, with only one War of Independence and a single Civil War to form the foundations of its national identity, before the rest of the world went crazy for a bit and threw them a load of cash before beating the shit out itself repeatedly with a bunch of reds popping up to shake their fists at them and race them to the fucking moon for the next half a century after that, can we really blame them for being a bit weird?

Its basically the same result you would get if the Roman Empire suddenly decided to implement democracy immediately after the death of Caesar and voted Cicero in as President. But they had guns and nukes and stuff.

You can keep that last bit for that book you want to write.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

abject nonsense as is the inference that foetuses are grown to order to sate a multi-billion dollar organ harvesting industry.

The only abject nonsense I can see is your statement that I inferred that foetuses are grown to order. to sate a multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry. I don’t think even you will deny that the organs of millions of aborted babies are sold on to third parties in the US. And the abject nonsense you describe regarding fully formed children being aborted right up to the moment of birth is in fact abject fact. 5 cases of this have been discovered in California and more than one Democrat member of the US Congress has openly stated their support for it. 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

in any case do you really think any democratic or authoritarian regime is going to cede power and authority to a bunch of Geneva based bureaucrats?

That would be ridiculous wouldn’t it? All those ‘democratic’ governments who’ve been trampling roughshod for two years over the rights and civil liberties of the poor saps who trudged out to the polling station in the rain to vote for them? And the totally honest and trustworthy WHO who’ve lied to the world and covered up for China from day one of the Wuhan Covid virus?

Surely no political leader would cede their countries sovereign powers and authority to a bunch of Geneva based bureaucrats, would they? Well most of Europe, including us, did just that to a bunch of Brussels based Eurotwats, or is the EU just another of the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories I’ve fallen for previously?

Being very familiar with your MO by now I won’t be holding my breath for an apology of any sort when once again I’m proved to have been correct on this matter. I’ll be quite content when you realise you were wrong and pick another conspiracy to debunk (till it becomes fact) as most do.

Toodlepip. 😘

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33 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The only abject nonsense I can see is your statement that I inferred that foetuses are grown to order. to sate a multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry. I don’t think even you will deny that the organs of millions of aborted babies are sold on to third parties in the US. And the abject nonsense you describe regarding fully formed children being aborted right up to the moment of birth is in fact abject fact. 5 cases of this have been discovered in California and more than one Democrat member of the US Congress has openly stated their support for it. 

Wouldn't foetus organs be shit anyway? Who'd want a foetus liver? It'd fail after the first whiff of a pint of fucking Stella.

Russian or Irish foetus livers, maybe. But Yank ones? Not a chance.

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Wouldn't foetus organs be shit anyway? Who'd want a foetus liver?...

Precisely. At 13 weeks gestation an embryo would be 5-7.5 cm long. No viable organ could possibly be harvested let alone by a multi billion dollar industry. To mention five cases of near full-term abortion in a state of 40 million people is not indicative of common practice either, in any case its illegal and certainly not sanctioned by Roe v Wade. Perhaps KB could provide a link to the story as well as the name of the Democrat who "openly stated their support for it"

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

The only abject nonsense I can see is your statement that I inferred that foetuses are grown to order. to sate a multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry...

Absolutely. You fraudulently asserted that Roe v Wade sanctioned abortion right up to the point of birth and conflated an organ harvesting industry. The inference was clear.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

That would be ridiculous wouldn’t it? All those ‘democratic’ governments who’ve been trampling roughshod for two years over the rights and civil liberties of the poor saps who trudged out to the polling station in the rain to vote for them? And the totally honest and trustworthy WHO who’ve lied to the world and covered up for China from day one of the Wuhan Covid virus?

Surely no political leader would cede their countries sovereign powers and authority to a bunch of Geneva based bureaucrats, would they? Well most of Europe, including us, did just that to a bunch of Brussels based Eurotwats, or is the EU just another of the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories I’ve fallen for previously?

Being very familiar with your MO by now I won’t be holding my breath for an apology of any sort when once again I’m proved to have been correct on this matter. I’ll be quite content when you realise you were wrong and pick another conspiracy to debunk (till it becomes fact) as most do.

Toodlepip. 😘

One would have thought my position on the Common Market which transmogrified into the EEC was clear. Nevertheless in Europe and especially in the UK referendums were held and much legislative aggro took place before member states ceded power and authority to Brussels and Strasbourg. Now we are to believe that without any debate anywhere on earth all the world's nations are suddenly going to sign over emergency powers to Geneva? Powers that hitherto were granted to respective governments on a temporary basis by reluctant legislatures around the world? C'mon Billy, this goes beyond your normal cartoonish tin-hattery, this is twilight world stuff.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

One would have thought my position on the Common Market which transmogrified into the EEC was clear. Nevertheless in Europe and especially in the UK referendums were held and much legislative aggro took place before member states ceded power and authority to Brussels and Strasbourg. Now we are to believe that without any debate anywhere on earth all the world's nations are suddenly going to sign over emergency powers to Geneva? Powers that hitherto were granted to respective governments on a temporary basis by reluctant legislatures around the world? C'mon Billy, this goes beyond your normal cartoonish tin-hattery, this is twilight world stuff.

I’d stock up on egg remover if I were you. One that’s suitable for use on your face. Don’t bother buying in lots of food though. You’ll be fit to burst when you’re done eating your words.

Lol Fuck off etc.

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On 16/05/2022 at 21:30, Roadkill said:

Wouldn't foetus organs be shit anyway? Who'd want a foetus liver? It'd fail after the first whiff of a pint of fucking Stella.

Russian or Irish foetus livers, maybe. But Yank ones? Not a chance.

I doubt whether much if anything would be viable at birth let alone prior to birth.

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