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Roger the ram health and safety

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

A loose ram made his way to a recycling centre in Pitsea .Local council officials raced to the scene with orange lights flashing , a sea of high vis and protective eye wear to evacuate the general public for their own safety .This is a fucking nation that 80 years ago was bombed relentlessly, entire streets wiped out . In the later stages of that  conflict V1 and V2 missiles rained down upon an exhausted half starved  public .Schools remained open  and the  general public carried on with stoic aplomb.A fucking ram walks around a recycling centre and the cunts act like it's 9/11.A revolution is urgently required.Inprison Council executives  and health and safety cunts .Educate  the general public that risk exists in life, that cannot be legislated away .The chances are a Ram will not kill you unless youre unlucky enough to be bending over and the ram hits the golden shot with his horns up the spinchter.That possibility would only effect the welsh as no other member of the population would be bent over infront of a ram with the exception of thousands of  the great unwashed we are importing  with the help of the RNLI.The strawberry flavoured vape your illiterate offspring is puffing on is potentiinally  far more dangerous than a ram on the loose .

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

If you post a link we wouldn't have to wade through your wierd prose.

Rams are more likely to shoot a stream of piss at you than butt you.

They like a smoke... A bit of weed calms them down nicely and you can get them into the trailer and off to the butcher's without too muxh hassle.


If weird prose is a bit much for you it's really quite simple , don't read it. I had a couple  of goats years ago , the buck used to chase my ex wife around giving her a good spraying .Unfortunately I did find out it wasn't only the goat who was displaying his fondness for her in such a manner .That cost me .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 29/11/2023 at 09:08, Hammer of Cunts said:

I didn't.

So if you didn't read it that would surely mean I haven't wasted any of your precious time .That being the case I'm having difficulty in understanding how I've incurred your displeasure .I can only reach the conclusion  you're just  a bit of a miserable old  cunt  to be honest. 

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

So if you didn't read it that would surely mean I haven't wasted any of your precious time .That being the case I'm having difficulty in understanding how I've incurred your displeasure .I can only reach the conclusion  you're just  a bit of a miserable old  cunt  to be honest. 

It took you a long time to think that one up.

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On 01/12/2023 at 21:39, entitled little cunt said:

So if you didn't read it that would surely mean I haven't wasted any of your precious time .That being the case I'm having difficulty in understanding how I've incurred your displeasure .I can only reach the conclusion  you're just  a bit of a miserable old  cunt  to be honest. 


23 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It took you a long time to think that one up.

If you two must have a fight, can one of you at least get a fucking avatar?

 It’s like watching the opening credits to ‘The Professionals’.

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On 28/11/2023 at 08:17, entitled little cunt said:

A loose ram made his way to a recycling centre in Pitsea .Local council officials raced to the scene with orange lights flashing , a sea of high vis and protective eye wear to evacuate the general public for their own safety .This is a fucking nation that 80 years ago was bombed relentlessly, entire streets wiped out . In the later stages of that  conflict V1 and V2 missiles rained down upon an exhausted half starved  public .Schools remained open  and the  general public carried on with stoic aplomb.A fucking ram walks around a recycling centre and the cunts act like it's 9/11.A revolution is urgently required.Inprison Council executives  and health and safety cunts .Educate  the general public that risk exists in life, that cannot be legislated away .The chances are a Ram will not kill you unless youre unlucky enough to be bending over and the ram hits the golden shot with his horns up the spinchter.That possibility would only effect the welsh as no other member of the population would be bent over infront of a ram with the exception of thousands of  the great unwashed we are importing  with the help of the RNLI.The strawberry flavoured vape your illiterate offspring is puffing on is potentiinally  far more dangerous than a ram on the loose .

There's a lot of potential ramming at this time of year especially under the recycled mistletoe. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 01/12/2023 at 22:47, Hammer of Cunts said:

It took you a long time to think that one up.

No not at all , it's called stating a logical conclusion.

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Guest entitled little cunt

No I haven't quite cracked it as yet . At least you're correct  about something which must be encouraging , little steps , little steps  .A fly in the ointment is sadly  you have failed time and again   to post an opinion or theory that others are actually bothered about or god forbid , ignites thought or debate .I'm sure you do  post with impeccable grammar but it  just lacks any form of  substance whatsoever. I would like to think that fact isn't a reflection of your personality but alas , you really don't give  us much more to go on.

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