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Stop the Holocaust in Gaza !


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Guest entitled little cunt

I'm looking to see if you were equally outraged by Hamas terrorists murdering innocent kids at a  concert.The Muslim speciality of hating to death attractive young females was very much order of the day as can be seen should you wish to view such harrowing footage of young girls dragged  naked through the streets then raped and murdered. Do you not recoil in horror that one of these young women was shot through the head as she was raped?.I dont have to allude to the type of person you are , I will not   insult you , I only ask that you at least try to look at the situation from both sides rather than add to the toxicity that has contributed to antisemitic attacks in Israel and  on the streets of london .

You need to calm down and recalibrate my friend .

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7 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

THE israeli racists  have already killed 21,000 pus Palestinians .Time to end their Nazi like mass murder spree.

Well I thought Erdoğan hit the nail when he publicly called Netanyahu the new Hitler. The price Israel wil pay for this will be enormous but it's a country that can never have any shred of normality or be at peace with itself or others now or in the future. If I was a liberal Israeli, not one of the fucking biblical zealots who have taken over Likud (which itself is an imperialist terrorist group) I would be quaking in my boots for my descendants living there. It makes you wonder what sort of post Soviet world the Americans and its Jewish lobby are set about creating. They've come up against a brick wall in Ukraine but they are probably happy about what's happening there as long as they aren't directly involved. Similarly, does anybody in the West seriously think the US or NATO is going to militarily get involved if China invades Taiwan and puts paid to their treacherous hanky panky since the War? No Siree... the US will let others do the fighting for them where possible. If that's not possible they talk big and get on with it. Iran knows... once you have nuclear weapons there's nothing the fucking US British scumbags can do. 

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Guest entitled little cunt

Err...Erdoğan  taking tbe moral high ground .Are you mad ?.Talk to a young educated Turk , they'll enlighten you about that particular breed of tyrant .

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

THE israeli racists  have already killed 21,000 pus Palestinians .Time to end their Nazi like mass murder spree.

21, 000 according to Hamas .Funny how none of you bunch of sympathisers mention the hostages still held by the terrorist organisation Hamas or the fact that if the cunts hadn't had got all Islamic and decided to massacre a bunch of kids at a festival none of this would be happening.

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21 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm looking to see if you were equally outraged by Hamas terrorists murdering innocent kids at a  concert.The Muslim speciality of hating to death attractive young females was very much order of the day as can be seen should you wish to view such harrowing footage of young girls dragged  naked through the streets then raped and murdered. Do you not recoil in horror that one of these young women was shot through the head as she was raped?.I dont have to allude to the type of person you are , I will not   insult you , I only ask that you at least try to look at the situation from both sides rather than add to the toxicity that has contributed to antisemitic attacks in Israel and  on the streets of london .

You need to calm down and recalibrate my friend .

Recalibrate: 12 to 200. Don't you think the Gaza situation has a resemblance to the Warsaw ghetto when Jews were herded into a section of that city and systematically starved and killed by the Nazis who believed sincerely that Jews were the number one enemy of the German state. It seems to me the bigger crime in all this is perpetrated by the West who are the ones responsible for this situation by indirectly the displacement and ghettoisation of the Palestinians nto two giant ghettos of Gaza and the West Bank. Remember there is a lot of illegality in what Israel has been carrying out since the 940s and particularly after 67 when they've used ANY excuse to block return of occupied territory. They've helped themselves to parts of Syria and Lebanon and seem content to sit on the border exchanging fire forever rather than concede an inch. They see land as value and NOTHING will dislodge them from the positions they've now taken up which means any prospect of a settlement and peace is impossible. No chance. And the West connives in this, economically, politically and militarily. The fact you use the word "antisemite" makes you as bad as them. In fact they have now completely demolished the concept and definition of antisemitism through their own actions. They can bleat for as long as they like about rising antisemitism and not feeling safe on the streets any more, and through their grip on the media and politicians play propaganda, thought control and pass laws, but most people think, "That's your fucking fault darlings. If you didn't go on to act like cunts we might still have sympathy, but as it is you've fucking lost the plot." 

So fuck off if you're willing to condone murder. 

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On 28/12/2023 at 14:51, peglegtwo said:

THE israeli racists  have already killed 21,000 pus Palestinians .Time to end their Nazi like mass murder spree.

What you gotta remember is, the towel-headed camel-shagging cunts have form, they like murdering children at music concerts, Manchester Arena, Bataclan Paris etc.

Next time it happens somewhere else, it could be your kids that end up re-decorating the walls at a rock gig.

Fact is, they don't like our way of life, they will kill you, because their 'good book' tells them to.

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17 minutes ago, and said:

What you gotta remember is, the towel-headed camel-shagging cunts have form, they like murdering children at music concerts, Manchester Arena, Bataclan Paris etc.

Next time it happens somewhere else, it could be your kids that end up re-decorating the walls at a rock gig.

Fact is, they don't like our way of life, they will kill you, because their 'good book' tells them to.

This time it started because hamas launched a raid using paragliders on a peaceful concert .. the actual logic of this act is unfathomable .. some twenty years ago they were given a chance to peacefully co-exist with the Jewish state but they have chose not to.

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24 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

This time it started because hamas launched a raid using paragliders on a peaceful concert .. the actual logic of this act is unfathomable .. some twenty years ago they were given a chance to peacefully co-exist with the Jewish state but they have chose not to.

Are you talking about those Abraham Accords which stopped short of a two state solution and led to the Israeli's themselves assassinating their Prime Minister who had signed them. That was a fucking Robert Kennedy moment with a fucking zombie/robot assassin still serving time in prison. There are some dark forces operating behind the scenes in Washington and Tel Aviv orchestrating all this. 

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8 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Are you talking about those Abraham Accords which stopped short of a two state solution and led to the Israeli's themselves assassinating their Prime Minister who had signed them. That was a fucking Robert Kennedy moment with a fucking zombie/robot assassin still serving time in prison. There are some dark forces operating behind the scenes in Washington and Tel Aviv orchestrating all this. 

I was writing rather than talking.

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1 hour ago, and said:

What you gotta remember is, the towel-headed camel-shagging cunts have form, they like murdering children at music concerts, Manchester Arena, Bataclan Paris etc.

Next time it happens somewhere else, it could be your kids that end up re-decorating the walls at a rock gig.

Fact is, they don't like our way of life, they will kill you, because their 'good book' tells them to.

I’ve often thought that beating terrorists to death with a copy of the Quran would be a fitting punishment. But if I ever got the opportunity to beat one of them to death, my weapon of choice would be a leg of pork. With pigshit on it.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, and said:

What you gotta remember is, the towel-headed camel-shagging cunts have form, they like murdering children at music concerts, Manchester Arena, Bataclan Paris etc.

Next time it happens somewhere else, it could be your kids that end up re-decorating the walls at a rock gig.

Fact is, they don't like our way of life, they will kill you, because their 'good book' tells them to.

Blunt but very true. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Recalibrate: 12 to 200. Don't you think the Gaza situation has a resemblance to the Warsaw ghetto when Jews were herded into a section of that city and systematically starved and killed by the Nazis who believed sincerely that Jews were the number one enemy of the German state. It seems to me the bigger crime in all this is perpetrated by the West who are the ones responsible for this situation by indirectly the displacement and ghettoisation of the Palestinians nto two giant ghettos of Gaza and the West Bank. Remember there is a lot of illegality in what Israel has been carrying out since the 940s and particularly after 67 when they've used ANY excuse to block return of occupied territory. They've helped themselves to parts of Syria and Lebanon and seem content to sit on the border exchanging fire forever rather than concede an inch. They see land as value and NOTHING will dislodge them from the positions they've now taken up which means any prospect of a settlement and peace is impossible. No chance. And the West connives in this, economically, politically and militarily. The fact you use the word "antisemite" makes you as bad as them. In fact they have now completely demolished the concept and definition of antisemitism through their own actions. They can bleat for as long as they like about rising antisemitism and not feeling safe on the streets any more, and through their grip on the media and politicians play propaganda, thought control and pass laws, but most people think, "That's your fucking fault darlings. If you didn't go on to act like cunts we might still have sympathy, but as it is you've fucking lost the plot." 

So fuck off if you're willing to condone murder. 

You obviously believe the life of a young Jewish girl being raped and shot through the head by a Muslim misogynist is worth less than the life of that Muslim misogynist. I don't  think you'll find many people  in Manchester who share your opinion or Nice or Barcelona or lockerbie or New York or Paris or London (actually in London you probably will ) the list were those freaks have  murdered innocents is endless. How can you support thise who Wang yo kill you , you're a fucking idiot .

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It's odd that the rest of the Arab world has not chipped in to help the trouble making nutters of Palestine. Even the Egyptians next door won't have them. Maybe they don't like the shit-stirring twats after they stirred up a war in Jordan and almost caused a revolution in Dubai (who promptly kicked them out).

Hamas, with huge popular support in Gaza, have never tried to make peace with Israel and constantly attack the territory; the recent atrocity was the last straw. The murder, rape and kidnapping of the festival-goers was possibly the most ill-concieved "political" act in memory. It's hard to see what they hoped to achieve.

If your neighbour keeps chucking turds over the fence, eventually you'll go round and put his windows in.

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31 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve often thought that beating terrorists to death with a copy of the Quran would be a fitting punishment. But if I ever got the opportunity to beat one of them to death, my weapon of choice would be a leg of pork. With pigshit on it.

Beating one out over the Koran's a new idea!

Perhaps a Sunday afternoon project.

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19 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously believe the life of a young Jewish girl being raped and shot through the head by a Muslim misogynist is worth less than the life of that Muslim misogynist. I don't  think you'll find many people  in Manchester who share your opinion or Nice or Barcelona or lockerbie or New York or Paris or London (actually in London you probably will ) the list were those freaks have  murdered innocents is endless. How can you support thise who Wang yo kill you , you're a fucking idiot .

Are you fucking innumerate as well as illiterate? 

12 fucking Israelis to 200 Palestinians. Now try for tic tac man of the year at Chepstow. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Beating one out over the Koran's a new idea!

Perhaps a Sunday afternoon project.


13 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It's odd that the rest of the Arab world has not chipped in to help the trouble making nutters of Palestine. Even the Egyptians next door won't have them. Maybe they don't like the shit-stirring twats after they stirred up a war in Jordan and almost caused a revolution in Dubai (who promptly kicked them out).

Hamas, with huge popular support in Gaza, have never tried to make peace with Israel and constantly attack the territory; the recent atrocity was the last straw. The murder, rape and kidnapping of the festival-goers was possibly the most ill-concieved "political" act in memory. It's hard to see what they hoped to achieve.

If your neighbour keeps chucking turds over the fence, eventually you'll go round and put his windows in.

The fluffy terrorist sympathisers  live on  a diet of BBC propaganda. The cunts should fuck off to Palastine if they think  they're such a great bunch of wonderful  peace loving people .They'd be chained to a radiator or murdered within 5 fucking minutes. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Are you fucking innumerate as well as illiterate? 

12 fucking Israelis to 200 Palestinians. Now try for tic tac man of the year at Chepstow. 

I know it's terrible .1 Israeli  life is worth a million.

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Guest entitled little cunt
28 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously believe the life of a young Jewish girl being raped and shot through the head by a Muslim misogynist is worth less than the life of that Muslim misogynist. I don't  think you'll find many people  in Manchester who share your opinion or Nice or Barcelona or lockerbie or New York or Paris or London (actually in London you probably will ) the list were those freaks have  murdered innocents is endless. How can you support thise who Wang yo kill you , you're a fucking idiot .

Want to rather than Wang yo.I think that was on mu chinky take away menu I had through the door .Can I say chinky?

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Guest entitled little cunt
53 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve often thought that beating terrorists to death with a copy of the Quran would be a fitting punishment. But if I ever got the opportunity to beat one of them to death, my weapon of choice would be a leg of pork. With pigshit on it.

Billy Connelly on the Glasgow Airport failed terrorist  attack is fucking priceless ..."fuckin' pricks wanted to brring terra to Glasgi...fuckin' Glasgi

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

But you can argue if israel had not turned Gaza into a concentration camp with it's blockade & killings the revolt wud have never happened 


Stop the Gaza Holocaust Now !

You could also argue that those lovely peace lovin' Palestinians just love to lob missiles at Israel when ever they can.No other middle  East nation wants fuckall  to do with the cunts ...funny that .

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