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Zionazi's Murder 7 Food Aid Workers in Gaza


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Volunteers from the World Central Kitchen  the israeli murderers killed today .


What kind of a world do we live in when selfless volunteers can be murdered for only wanting to help starving people ?


hitler would love israel

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Well I think Jews have trashed the very arguments that were brought out and dusted every year around Holocaust Memorial time (and whenever Jewish interests were threatened) the one that springs to mind is

... it only takes good men to stand around and do nothing

(well what the fuck is the world doing?) 

.... the end justifies the means

.... first they came for the etc etc etc 

.... will not allow a Palestinian State, i. e. Nazism and Lebensraum the greater Reich

None of this or a Holocaust lesson in a school can ever be taught without again without reference to Israeli conduct in Gaza - though the school authorities will try. 

The relationship between Zionism and the Jewish communities in other countries cannot be separated any more. It's clear there is something fundamentally evil and wicked in the way Jews around the world like to play victim while at the same time pulling every lever to get weapons and send every dollar in their pockets to support genocide. 

If I hear another Kissin, Lipman or Badiel say how threatened they feel in the UK (which it suits them to reside in witheir dual passports) Ilikely to say fuck off to Tel Aviv then to where Lady Tesco Porter lives who sold off Christian cemetaries on behalf of the Tory party. 



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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

I put you on my list of things I'd like to do do do di dah dah dah diddy do dah do. Eat your ♥ out Ezra. 

Well , honestly. Can't the cunts find people to feed a little closer to home .I was in Greggs the other day , the fucking que was bigger than waiting to see the queen's coffin.A latte and sausage roll took a year off my life .Get the cunts behind the counter and they'd get a few tips to boot .After these saints obliteration I'm sure those in Gaza will forever remember them and their names held in reverence , deep affection and respect .Ever get the feeling you've been cheated ?.Quite possibly the  wisest and  most relevant words spoken in the past 50 years .

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1 hour ago, peglegtwo said:

Volunteers from the World Central Kitchen  the israeli murderers killed today .


What kind of a world do we live in when selfless volunteers can be murdered for only wanting to help starving people ?


hitler would love israel

I doubt that he would have had any feelings about it save to have blamed the Jews or the Romanies .. Hitler had neither a sense of humour or a sense of irony.

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10 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Well , honestly. Can't the cunts find people to feed a little closer to home .I was in Greggs the other day , the fucking que was bigger than waiting to see the queen's coffin.A latte and sausage roll took a year off my life .Get the cunts behind the counter and they'd get a few tips to boot .After these saints obliteration I'm sure those in Gaza will forever remember them and their names held in reverence , deep affection and respect .Ever get the feeling you've been cheated ?.Quite possibly the  wisest and  most relevant words spoken in the past 50 years .

I'm in two minds about Greggs.  I would gladly have kissed the ground for a Greggs in such shitholes as Bilbao or Cannes where trying to get a quick economical bite to eat is fucking impossible.  On the other hand there are as common as muck and gladly trade on it and seem to be doing well.  As for the gals who work behind the counter I have nothing but respect.  Very nice people. 

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33 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well I think Jews have trashed the very arguments that were brought out and dusted every year around Holocaust Memorial time (and whenever Jewish interests were threatened) the one that springs to mind is

... it only takes good men to stand around and do nothing

(well what the fuck is the world doing?) 

.... the end justifies the means

.... first they came for the etc etc etc 

.... will not allow a Palestinian State, i. e. Nazism and Lebensraum the greater Reich

None of this or a Holocaust lesson in a school can ever be taught without again without reference to Israeli conduct in Gaza - though the school authorities will try. 

The relationship between Zionism and the Jewish communities in other countries cannot be separated any more. It's clear there is something fundamentally evil and wicked in the way Jews around the world like to play victim while at the same time pulling every lever to get weapons and send every dollar in their pockets to support genocide. 

If I hear another Kissin, Lipman or Badiel say how threatened they feel in the UK (which it suits them to reside in witheir dual passports) Ilikely to say fuck off to Tel Aviv then to where Lady Tesco Porter lives who sold off Christian cemetaries on behalf of the Tory party. 



Holocaust? What holocaust is that: the one where 6 million Jews were murdered or the other one which includes the Roma and Sinta gypsies coming close to being wiped off the face of the earth, the mentally retarded (including Downs people), physically disabled (including ww1 vets), gays and jehovah's witnesses and any other person who had the temerity to disagree with that sawn off little cunt from Austria?

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27 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Well , honestly. Can't the cunts find people to feed a little closer to home .I was in Greggs the other day , the fucking que was bigger than waiting to see the queen's coffin.A latte and sausage roll took a year off my life .Get the cunts behind the counter and they'd get a few tips to boot .After these saints obliteration I'm sure those in Gaza will forever remember them and their names held in reverence , deep affection and respect .Ever get the feeling you've been cheated ?.Quite possibly the  wisest and  most relevant words spoken in the past 50 years .


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4 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Your question does not matter .. Martin Borman had the same frame of mind as Hitler save for trying to escape alive.

Answer the question, you're the oldest senior Nazi and I'm reporting you to Simon Wiesenthal c/o Frank The Corner. 

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1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

Answer the question, you're the oldest senior Nazi and I'm reporting you to Simon Wiesenthal c/o Frank The Corner. 

I have answered you question by default .. whatever their faults I have never had a Jew try to convert me to his faith. Many Jews are oyal citizens indeed patriot of the ou tries where they live .. some though do have a belief in there being Jewish Homeland .. I have though had Muslims try to convert me to their faith, I have also had Muslims tell me that "we are all Muslims" .. the Muslim faith is actually about converting everyone to Islam and eliminating those who do not convert and everywhere on Earth becoming a single Muslim country. TBH Islam like Christianity is simply an offshoot of Judaism.

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Guest entitled little cunt
15 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Your question does not matter .. Martin Borman had the same frame of mind as Hitler save for trying to escape alive.

I always  thought Herman Goring looked liked a friendly uncle type. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
34 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Are you Martin Borman? 

Martin Boring .

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Guest entitled little cunt
38 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I doubt that he would have had any feelings about it save to have blamed the Jews or the Romanies .. Hitler had neither a sense of humour or a sense of irony.

Great uniforms though 

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Guest entitled little cunt
41 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I'm in two minds about Greggs.  I would gladly have kissed the ground for a Greggs in such shitholes as Bilbao or Cannes where trying to get a quick economical bite to eat is fucking impossible.  On the other hand there are as common as muck and gladly trade on it and seem to be doing well.  As for the gals who work behind the counter I have nothing but respect.  Very nice people. 

Clean , tidy , well organised and the girl at my local Greggs could crack a walnut between her arse cheeks . Everytime I bite into a luke warm sausage roll and the humid , salty, peppery  odour hits my nostrils I can't help but think I'm that walnut. Fucking gorgeous. 

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Clean , tidy , well organised and the girl at my local Greggs could crack a walnut between her arse cheeks . Everytime I bite into a luke warm sausage roll and the humid , salty, peppery  odour hits my nostrils I can't help but think I'm that walnut. Fucking gorgeous. 

There are alternative theories about that walnut, but I don’t want to prick your daydreams at this time of night. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Hugo Boss.

Derren Nesbit in Where eagles dare has to be the greatest nazi of all time  and the bloke at the begining of Tarrantino's The Inglorious Basterds , he was evil as fuck .

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12 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have answered you question by default .. whatever their faults I have never had a Jew try to convert me to his faith. Many Jews are oyal citizens indeed patriot of the ou tries where they live .. some though do have a belief in there being Jewish Homeland .. I have though had Muslims try to convert me to their faith, I have also had Muslims tell me that "we are all Muslims" .. the Muslim faith is actually about converting everyone to Islam and eliminating those who do not convert and everywhere on Earth becoming a single Muslim country. TBH Islam like Christianity is simply an offshoot of Judaism.

Frank!  Frank!  😅 

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