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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. How comes when you're around 1 in 10 becomes 1 in 4? Is it your hairy bear Daddy looks? Just a mature King looking for fun, no gold chains attached. (or handcuffs)
  2. My advice is try and catch him at it again then throw a few fireworks at him when he walks his dog.
  3. Fucking hell this site has more reporters than The Sunday Telegraph.
  4. I bet you are spraying yourself with Lynx as I type this.
  5. Oh no, not that again. Heh I've got video of you masturbating while watching porn. Give me some money.
  6. Creating some extra space for banana storage. I bet there's a few dildos in there as well.
  7. Is that your pro forma calling card Stubby? Let me design a new one for you and stick it on your back. "Git" LOL
  8. Only Frank... bucket? You are too modest.
  9. I'm on a cup of bromide every half hour outside the Psychiatric Ward (secure) Guys Hospital. I emphasise OUTSIDE.
  10. I've seen more convincing pecking order behaviour at arse licking time in Chessington's ape enclosure. Fucking get your tongue ready.
  11. Is this the Fax Machine approach to posting comments you half competent officer manager twat?
  12. Funny, the 12 year old paedo slags are looking for Prince Andrew round here.
  13. So he's trying hard to assimilate? You should be out there Billy helping him get started on the Great British Dream which is the same as the American one but only worth 50 pence.
  14. Only you hear "howls". When's your next appointment at Kings?
  15. That's because in NewsSpeak Republicans and Socialists are the same as terrorists and threaten the post colonial fantastists driving Landrover Discos ensconced in their private pension lump sum country spreads: everybody else on the road, and elsewhere, is shit. And for that "shit" a heavy diet of mass media pro monarchy psychological conditioning. Dirty Den's Channel 5 schedule is built on "royal" this or that progammes. Or Jane MaDonald's cruise shows. Come on Jane.... "God Save the Queen"....
  16. Cloudy, windy and damp where it's been quite wet" (ha ha ha all the way to the grave) "Night temperatures holding up" (winter coats) "Feeling warm in the sunshine" (there isn't any) "Crisp start… crisp sunshine" (equals fucking freezing) "Odd shower bubbling up" (don't plan anything) "Patchy rain followed by showers" (fucking heavy rain all day, usually stops just before bedtime) "Cool for this time of the year"(miserable and grey) "Unsettled with temperatures below average" (miserable and grey) "Disappointing for this time of the year" (ALWAYS disappointing - every year) 366,000 Brit Ex Pats in Spain can't be wrong.
  17. When Sir Simon Rattle says the National Anthem is bullshit I back our baby faced classical music God all the way. Rattle rules.
  18. Getting me ready for a "good ole Henry" left hook? Beware The Ring in the Old Kent Road was my alma mater - as chief mopper upper. What about these two cunts. On appeal. Do you think they'll get a reduction in their murder (we all know it was murder not manslaughter, the Oxbridge split hair division is just BS) sentences? See I'm being nice and non-controversial - now hit me baby!
  19. What you have just perceived as "a growing trend" is clearly displayed in the re-runs of TOTP on BBC Four from the 1980s so fuck off for being a bit tardy. LOL.
  20. We all know that. Personally I couldn't give a flying fuck about the 26 year old Afghan pig breeder on the run with his three kids he abducted from foster care (and why was that then?) at knife point. The British media are in a win win situation with this story. Even the wanted car is a wanker - a Quashkai - wouldn't be surprised if he isn't a south London mini cab driver who fled Afghan after his whole family was blown up by the Taliban. Been running ever since - and we are paying for it. We have enough homegrown damaged goods to take in more.
  21. The Windows Masks have "Latest Generation i10 Pentium Chips" so fuck off.
  22. You are getting on to the exception proves the rule case. Or the terrorist case(s) (multiple cases!) but the point I was clumsily trying to make is that broadly speaking the UK is like a giant sponge or tampon that seems to both attract and soak up under the radar immigration. The fact that most of these are fit young men (or fit young men with a wife) suggests they have but one purpose - to work under the radar in this country. If one nade any form of employment or accommodation impossible for these chancers they wouldn't find the UK so attractive. They put the odd child into the boat to increase the chances of immediate rescue by the British coastguard. Why would anybody coming from Africa pass through the Med via Spain if it was not for an economic reason. I don't believe that living on benefits or holed up in a camp awaiting processing is their chief objective. It costs a smalk fortune trying to send these people back once they get here so the prospects of a civilised reception must be completely reversed. I don't blame the French one iota for this problem it's more to do with attracting them here in the first place. If I was French living near the Channel I'd be pissed off because its an unquenchable flow. 40 fit illegal immigrants under guard in a Spanish hostel escaoed through an air conditioning duct and are believed to be heading towards France to get to Calais. Are we going to fucking blame the Spanish next? It's like a woman going about in public in a catsuit then complaining about male attention - something I'm sure Trucking Funt has trouble with all the time when he goes out with his missus.
  23. And how much real checking takes place? How many people are employed to check? Why is "Red Tape" a Neoliberal dirty word? There's the wrong attitude and lack of resourcing from top to bottom in this country. But as you saud the underlying cause that draws these people in is the type of society that has developed in the UK which can only partially be explained by the setting up of concentrated communities of immigrants as there were in the 50s 60s and 70s and beyond in the decaying depressed ex-industrial areas. A lot of white Londoners were able, encouraged (sometimes with the offer of better housing) and glad to move out of the inner city while this demographic change was taking place. What was left was a social system in which there were few if any barriers left to illegal immigration and large numbers of people working and surviving below the radar - there being no radar in most cases. There are certain areas of Northern France around Lille and, the obvious example of the muslim no-go area in Brussels, hat fall into the same category but unlike the UK the Continent seems to have the manpower and tight regulatory system required to go in and sort these places out.
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