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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/24/kings-estate-facing-questions-over-14m-in-bona-vacantia-not-donated-to-charity Came across this on LBC this morning. Mind boggling. Fucking nationalise their property the fucking parasites. How royal estates use bona vacantia to collect money from dead people During the second world war, the then king, George VI, reportedly benefited from the deaths of soldiers and airmen who were killed – the income from bona vacantia rose sharply during the war years. At that time, the money collected under the system in effect went to the monarch, albeit via his duchy. It was not until the 1980s that the duchy began to say the money from bona vacantia would not enrich the queen, but instead would be donated to charity. With minimal public oversight, it has not been possible – until now – to know whether that claim was true. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/how-royal-estates-use-bona-vacantia-to-collect-money-from-dead-people-king-charles
  2. A lot of Londoners fucking dream about retiring to that regional old people and drug addicts institution Devon, it goes back to the Roman villas which were retirement homes for legionaries discovered there, but I don't never have and never will. So fuck off you cunt get back to reporting on the riots Billy Paisley.
  3. Totnes is a shithole with a fucking high street on the side of a mountain a train station at the top that every couple of years mounts a petition to keep it on mainline services from London and at the fucking bottom the remnants of the River Dart or something equally middle class you can get a summer cruise to Dartmouth (fucking yawn) then there is Dartington Shit Hole Hall and if you're still fucking breathing after you've experienced all that you can go to the Saturday brick a brac/"antiques" indoor market then spend the rest of the fucking weekend with the local drugged up youth (cos there's nought else to do in this sterile fucking town) finally putting the lid on it with the hedge benders in a state of intoxication lying in a ditch after they kick you out after robbing you. That's my fucking view of Totnes and stick it up your arse if you don't like it.
  4. I'm a free spirit funding myself in a custom camper van on a three month Euro summer trip round the hippest spots - Barca, the Greek islands, Leonard Cohen country - me and my perfect pearly white toothed blonde babe with the cute straw hat. Then we'll tie the knot in a totally green new age ceremony in our own deserted Andulacian village I bought cheap from the Spanish government as a tax break which I'm developing into an alternative spiritual retreat for adventurous spirits like us. There's a tree stump outside my door blocking the drive, next time I'll show you a really cool way of removing it. Please remember to click on Like and subscribe. So long folks catcha later. Love Franklin and Candy.
  5. The trouble is everything Yanks and their Asian proteges tackle on YouTube whether it be travel guides, lifestyle tips, how to get rid of a tree stump or a cycle ride becomes an arduous exercise in one up manship and fake coolness. The implicit message is.... You too can be like me. As soon as I detect a Yankee accent I press stop sane with most American shows on tv especially Channel Four.
  6. The last five years have been a Monty Python Show courtesy of the Tories. I thought the ending of the Major government was interesting but this fucking Cameron-Johnson-May-Truss-Sunak kaleidoscope of cunts has fucking topped it ten times over. This party has lost every shred of dignity and self respect. ETC mentioned "tin pot nations" like Russia etc. if we had a leader with one percent of Putin's balls and fucking character we would be well off. And I like the fucking mock nom of Macron but can anyone here fucking put our last thirteen years of PMs up against the French president? Or Merkel for that matter. We are the 1970s fucking Italy of Europe now. A basket case. We have unregulated privatised monopolies of rail, energy and water upping prices at the drop of a hat with a government cowering in the corner frightened to fucking lay down the law. God Bless Feargal Sharkey and his campaign against Anglia Water who nonchantly said we'd have to pay extra for improvements (i.e. following current legal requirements instead of breaking them with impunity) and FS coming back with "What have they been fucking doing with our money for the past 34 years, they've been taking the money and paying themselves fat cat salaries and super profits to mostly foreign investors".
  7. Bloody hell. There is a kibbutz getting ready for your arrival. After ten years you'll be entitled to lick a rich Jew's arse.
  8. I like dictatorship of the proletariat. No bollocks. Give me North Korea, Stalinist Russia or Tito's Yugoslavia any day. Stick present day Croatia, the Philippines, Israel, any of the democratic global south, the G7 up your arse.
  9. Don't let Dec hear about it or he'll thing it's something to do with sucking cocks. Fucking degenerate cunt and that fucking Billy is up his arse like a rat up a drainpipe.
  10. What the fuck has this got to do with the fucking nom you wanker?
  11. The single vent also facilitates those early morning farts that plague night workers. Just don't turn your back on me!
  12. The majority of so called "high end" products are exactly the same mongrel shite in origin as the rest of it. It's just marketing and wrapping plus where you can buy it that creates the illusion it's any different. Abolishing much of this shite would do more to save the planet than anything else. The other thing that amazes me is that the economic indices that determine the functioning of government, inter est rates, money supply etc are in part composed of how much of this shite is manufactured, imported, exported, retailed and consumed then thrown away and replaced with exactly the same on a three to five year cycle. What a fucking world. Evolution doesn't support that. Christmas exemplifies the junk lifestyle. Fucking Yanks have never known anything else.
  13. There seems to be a fashion amongst young sartorially inclined men to buy a cheap winter/outdoor overcoat and wear it with the collar up to convey a loitering posing dramatic to their "look". Call me an old fart but if you can't afford a Crombie that hangs well below the knee with immaculately tailored cuffs, pockets and collar in its proper place - flat - then it's best to wear a puffa jacket and hide in the fucking corner like the cunt you are. At least you'd be an honest cunt and not a fake Eighteenth Century Highwayman with a bit of cheap mixed fibre rag on your back. Like manners knowing how to dress would seem to be lost on the youth of today.
  14. I threw in an oldie - remind me if I am wrong to vote black women in their early to mid twenties the best lookers on the planet, and if a stroke of that black turns up in a Asian or Indian then you've won the lottery: great figure plus beautiful face and hair.
  15. The fact is where did the cunt come from in terms of any creative work. He cancelled Eldorado which to me is unforgiveable. He seems to have just shuffled around behind the scenes doing one admin job after another now ending up as some sort of guru with occasional arts shows heavily feminist in nature prefaced with the word "Imagine". I imagine he got where he is by posing as a Jewish interface between the BBC departments commissioning shows and the private creative media sector. So he's actually thrived on the privatisation of BBC production whereas the rest of it suffered. My definition of the traitor and workplace shit.
  16. Totally agree. Plus stupidity. Most Yanks prob don't even know what or where Gaza is or the extent of annual US direct grants on top of the network of synagogue fund raising going to Israel to prop it up. This Hamas attack has succeeded in raising Western awareness of A. Israeli ruthlessness almost biblical in pursuing their territorial self interest dressed up as revenge or anti terrorism. B. The creeping apartheid policies and system applied to the whole region in particular the Palestinians which amounts to pure racism in action But I doubt whether any of that awareness will penetrate very far into the fake American consciousness. The US/Israeli axis fear an international boycott above all else. It's interesting to see Western governments now implementing anti-boycott laws which if they had been around in the 60s and 70s would have supported South African Apartheid. To my mind we are going down a politic rabbit hole since the end of the Cold War committing grave historical mistakes along the way based on greed, inequality and out of date Nineteenth and Twentieth century ideas.
  17. So you were a fan of that long departed Howard. I notice with all the cuts at the BBC old Yentob is still there. Imagine... the cunt that really needs a cunt fest on the Corner.
  18. Does that involve two fingers down the back of the throat over the toilet bowl? These cunts and his older sibling Michael Clark claim to be military analysts I bet the only analysis undertaken in ladt year had been a. gross income b. tax liability c. a-b whoopee!
  19. How these cunts forge ahead in business I don't know given the propensity to cover up and lie displayed so far in the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank, the annexed Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and the current military siege in the refugee camp of the Gaza strip.
  20. Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed by Israel. 2022 Upon her death on 11 May 2022, Israel denied responsibility and blamed Palestinian militants. It gradually changed its narrative until fully admitting that it was likely she was "accidentally" hit by its forces, but refused to undertake a criminal investigation. 3 civilians inc. journalists deliberately targeted and killed by Israel in south Lebanon. https://news.sky.com/story/two-journalists-killed-by-israeli-strike-in-lebanon-broadcaster-says-1301298 No doubt the Israelis will issue more paper thin denials and/or excuses for WAR CRIMES the UK and USA support.
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