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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. In my opinion, men are the best comedians, women, unfortunately are simply not funny... Although I have laughed at Jo Brand (although she clearly has a man gene and looks a bit manly). I agree with you regarding these posh twat comedians who have seemingly taken over, although it could be a sign that Britain has become more middle class over the years, I don't know. I haven't ever really found the black, my mum/dad tells me off/talks like this (Carribbean accent) funny and didn't Lenny Henry do it decades ago? Dr Who is simply a product of the BBC's woke agenda. It wouldn't surprise me if dear Rosie was the next Dr Who to be honest, drooling all over the Tardis... I bet you approve then, wouldn't you elc? Bake yourself a Nigella Lawson chocolate log and calm down.
  2. Big Bollock, you jobless cunt, why aren't you up there helping out?
  3. Get off your high fucking horse, elc, you virtue signalling cunt. I am not criticising Rosie for being a spastic, she can't help it. My issue is with the cunt(s) who have encouraged her to become a comedian, which she is clearly not. She might be a great artist, writer or designer but not a comedian. Firstly it's hard to understand what the fuck she is on about. It's quite important to be able to understand some comedian that's trying to make you laugh, wouldn't you agree? Secondly, comedy is about timing and when someone is struggling to speak the timing is all over the place. I wish her all the best in life, but she is not a comedian and the cunts fawning over her and clapping simply because she is a spastic trying to do something she can't are the real cunts here.
  4. It is dark, LCS, even though the winter Solstice has passed. It's around that time I leave the local graveyard to go home and have a cuppa. Nothing like a cuppa after the graveyard shift.
  5. Quite fitting that a spastic has finally caused a rift between the Corners pair of vile spastics. Lol.
  6. I'm becoming rather concerned about what appears to be your desire to eat a steaming Nigella Lawson boxing day turd, elc.
  7. Panzer, I've had a shite Christmas. I bought a reduced turkey from Aldi and it was already gone off and rancid, ran out of leccy on me meter and had to eat half cooked roast potatoes and the Tesco value mince pies have given me the shits. Is this all my fault for voting Brexit, would it have been a better Christmas for me if we'd stayed in the EU? I'm fed up.
  8. I'm going to midnight mass this evening... Anyways, wishing you a Merry Christmas Mrs Roops and I hope you get a full load from Father Christmas' sack.
  9. He's on the warpath, Decs, made some shite nomination that mentions me to simply start an argument. I can only imagine being alone and bitter at Christmas makes him want to try and ruin the festivities for everyone here. What a horrible cunt. As I'm not as familiar with corner history as you, could you clear up a few things? Has Pen lied about: An imaginary sister dying? An imaginary brother dying? Another imaginary sister dying? Another imaginary brother dying? Being aged around 70, when in reality he could be in his 50s and torment the corner for a long time to come. Its giving me the shivers.
  10. elc, don't buy any of that french shite... Buy Tiptree jam if possible, anyways as you're clearly struggling with the cost of living have you thought about making your own? Let me give you my recipe for daft cunt Jam... Two bags of cheap white sugar, one bag of frozen fruit (whatever fruit you want). You simply boil the fruit and sugar until at least 100 degrees Celsius, pour it over you head and then kill yourself. Let me know how you get on. Merry Christmas.
  11. I'll try, Eric, the cunt was last seen in Goodmayes mental hospital... Wearing a Nazi uniform and talking Jamaican patois. I told him to email me, although I've had no reply. I'll try the Voodoo and send it as urgent with read receipts.
  12. I found Withers retort quite funny, then you ruin it all by adding your two pennies worth. You are a bottom feeding, no good, wrong'un cunt, a total embarrassment. Give up and fuck off.
  13. Withers, in an attempt to stay on the leaderboard, I was thinking of creating an extra account and awarding myself likes. Can you let me know how you did it? Lol
  14. Pen, have you been on the Sherry? Have a wank, you stupid cunt, all that testosterone is making you act like a right cunt. Lol.
  15. You better shut your fucking faggot gob, Frank. I've had enough of your half arsed shite efforts since joining... pictures, web links and shite video uploads. You expect us to believe you're in some Sri Lankan retreat, yet can be arsed to converse here instead of sucking a Tamil cock. Go to hell, you pathetic, Aids ridden, bald cunt. @Witheredscrote, you can fuck off as well.
  16. Withers, what have you got planned for Christmas then? I was kind of hoping after you pass out from too much Cognac, your long suffering Geese would peck you maggot and balls off and then shit in you garlic stinking open mouth. Merry Christmas.
  17. Harold, you seem a bit too interested in Girls schools. What with your rather disturbing recent admission regarding your wishes to be a caretaker at a Girls school and 'teach' the girls etc and using sexual innuendo, I am becoming increasingly concerned. Are you some sort of private investigator? If not, who do you think you are taking it upon yourself to conduct this unwanted investigation? Did this investigation involve sitting near a girls school at lunchtime, with you pretending to be on a lunch break, eating a sandwich? You will give proper answer.
  18. That Horse had the right idea, Neil. https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/jun/01/suffragette-emily-davison-knocked-down-kings-horse-video Notice the Guardian claim she was knocked down by the horse and fail to mention the stupid, no doubt on the rag and most likely transbender wannabe/gender neutral idiot stepped out in front of the Horse. Also, what about the poor Jockey who got flung from the Horse because of said 'on the rag' cunt Emily Davison. That's where it all went to shit, and now look, some keeper, who couldn't save a shot from a pissed @Cunty BigBollox wins the damn thing. Lol.
  19. They do, Ratcum, only on saturdays though. The rest of the time they call me Raas
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