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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. Frank, summers here and I'm running low on socks. Can you tell me where you bought those fucking awful green ankle socks? I'm asking so I can avoid the place. I've got some new Air max and white Air force 1's and Huaraches, I'll be getting some Adidas soon as well and I was wondering what you thought about it.
  2. Carldebeast, you must stop being scared and quote people, anyone would think you're a scared midget cunt. Lol
  3. Reported. Nothing new here, moving on.
  4. Yes, Morrisons, what a fucking shithole. Picture the scene, in my bid to become to become a naturalised citizen of the Greatest Britain I decided to go for a fry up... In Morrisons. I take a (pre breakfast) wander around this shithole supermarket (of northern origin) only to notice the tight bastards have really dimmed the lights (either to save the leccy bill or to hide the shite they call food. As I'm strolling around said shithole, I can't help but notice an assortment of vile and disgusting individuals... Fat bellied chav Mum's sat stuffing doughnuts at around 9am, some fat (heart attack waiting to happen) former hooligan looking cunt stuffing a fry up with his vile Mrs sat next to him, various mentally unwell cunts wandering around looking lost and some cunts even the Jeremy Kyle show would reject. I have to say the food is fucking shite there as well, both bought and eaten in store. More reasons to shop at Morrisons the advert says, fuck that, I'm off to Lidl.
  5. When you said 'showing how it's done' or similar, you were referring to the performance and not the vocal quality? Have you got a singing voice Mrs Roops? I've heard you look like PJ Harvey, a similar voice also?
  6. What is it with the French and cruelty to animals? It must be because you're all cowardly worms... Yes, you definitely 'reared it' didn't you with garlic butter for lube no doubt. I'd report you to the French equivalent of the RSPCA but I doubt they even have one. You vile Foie Gras producing cunt. Fuck off.
  7. Don't be too harsh on him DC, he told me that when the next ship full of Brown ale gets delivered to Port-au-Prince, I've got a fully paid for, one way ticket to England on said Ship return. He's told me they all say 'man' after every sentence where he lives and that I'll fit reeet in.
  8. He was embarrassed he got a Black woman up the duff DC, I don't take his no show personally though... He's from Newcastle, it's like the 1940s up there with old fashioned attitude's to match.
  9. I've been thinking about what we put poor @Roadkill through way back then DC... All he wanted was the best for us DC and we repaid him with no quarter combat for at least 7 months. Limbs were flying all over the gaff and RK aged at least 20 years with worry... He now looks at least 40.
  10. I knew you were a boring cunt after reading your bland comments during my time here, I didn't realise your favourite feud tactic was to bore the other person to death. Less explaining how disappointed you are, what you expected, and your curtain twitching twat behaviour and get to the fucking point of explaining why you're a boring fucking cunt. Time is money, cunt. I bet it's a laugh a minute at 'WC Towers'. Lol.
  11. You appear to be getting a bit annoyed WC. I can't help but notice you've been on here almost 10 years, 10 fucking years and you're about as entertaining as watching your own house getting flooded... You definitely need some time off, 10 years would be good, you terribly unfunny, boring fucking cunt. You can go back to peering in whilst being logged out now, curtain twitching twat. Lol.
  12. Are you referring to my 'rant' Big Bollock? If so why haven't you quoted me?
  13. Well, well. I call you a coward and you come out all guns blazing. Well, when I say all guns blazing I mean this weak shite you've clearly been thinking hard about all morning in between curtain twitching. I'm supposed to believe you've been busy working and not running away like the pussy you are am I? Lol. You've even liked my last two little digs at you, either in the hope I'd leave you alone or you like being bullied. Lol. I remember you calling me Ras and I corrected you and you apologised straight away... Yes you are a definitely a pussy and I'm going kick your ass all over the place, you understand that don't you. Twat.
  14. What the hell are you talking about woman? Have you got too wax in your ears. Lol. Fucking hell.
  15. I don't 'hit the pipe' as you call it, you seem familiar with it. Anyways, what I find confusing is why a bellend like you would write up a shit nomination about LOL, only to use LOL more than anyone else since. You really are a confused, weirdo fucking cunt aren't you. Lol
  16. How many bottles do you drink per day CG? 3?
  17. I don't know why he bothers to hang around here... If I'd behaved like him and displayed in his case alarmingly vile, wrong'un tendencies on an anonymous website, I'd have the decency to fuck off and hope nobody recognised me. He really has no honour, shame or decency and hangs around like bad smell, similar to fresh dog shit. Fuck off @and.
  18. Fuck all that shit CG, what have you been up to lately then? Still enjoying life outside of London? I was seeing this bird once, lovely, but had issues and was a little bit bossy (Leo). Went around her gaff for some drink, drugs and sex and I couldn't help but notice a fucking wine rack, full of red wine, must have been around 9 bottles. She said it was a good price, on offer or some similar deflection bollocks and I knew in that moment, she was an alchy piss head. We all know you like a drink but you're not an alchy piss head are you?
  19. I remember in my early days, after fending off @Penny Farthing's attempts to make me an ally in its quest to bore everyone on here to death @and tried to befriend me. Looking back, I'm glad I read the room and realised he is a no good wrong'un cunt and a sinister one to boot. His vile, sneaky attempts to be my mate still make me shudder. What a fucking cunt he is.
  20. If the house was full, I'd usually recommend a few sneaky lines on the quiet with a good amount of vodka or rum to take the edge off, if the Mrs asks why I've got a blocked nose I blame it on Covid. However an empty house, well, I would personally down a half a bottle of spirits, do half a gram in two lines and take half or a whole pill, relax and enjoy the ride... At this point I'd PM @King Billy and get him to send his top brass (who likes to party) round but if you don't fancy it, get another gram down, smoke a spliff or two and finish the spirits. By the time you've done all that, nobodies safe... I've been known to turn on my own family and not remember a thing the next day.
  21. There you are, I noticed you didn't log in for almost a week after our little skirmish... Are you a coward, as well as an overly anxious, curtain twitching twat?
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