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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. Watch out, CG. 'Greg' is a self confessed hard man lol... I'm thinking of avoiding any arguments with the fat, Gregs scoffing wanker. What a bellend.
  2. No need to be like that, Greg. Respect costs nothing old chap, have I ever shown you disrespect? Why would you want to cause trouble here when you should be keeping your head down, making friends and keeping your fucking mouth shut? What the hell is wrong with you, Greg?
  3. Tell me more about yourself, Greg. Are you from Scotland? Protestant, due to your anti fenian comment? Are you some sort of hard man? Are you a Bumder?
  4. He certainly is, Basil. In my time here I've witnessed him receive many a hiding and I've also given the wrong'un many a kick up bollocks as well. All of of this treatment (which he's brought on himself) and sniffing dog shit has clearly had a negative effect on him. The man is a total mess and flipped ages ago and is now reduced to mentioning 3-4 members in literally every post. You could ask the daft cunt what colour shit is and he'd find a way of having a lame dig at one of us, totally oblivious to his rejection and obsession issues. I ignore the cunt.
  5. Greg, what's the cause of this unprovoked attack and thread derailment?
  6. Are you one of those pretend you've scanned everything types, that act confused when the shop worker points out you haven't scanned your cheese, that you deliberately didn't scan? I know it's a cost of living crisis and all that but It's no better than stealing CG.
  7. Basil, you seem like a decent chap... I've haven't been on here much lately and noticed a lot of bickering between all you newcomer spastics... What's your strategy here? Will you take on demented @ChildeHarold... Whose been here a while but has the like amount of a newbie or will you go for @Greg... A strange and somewhat confused chap. How about trying to kill @entitled little cunt... Admittedly a difficult task as 'he' is a computer. If you don't fancy any of that shit, you could always kill yourself, I'll be keeping an eye on you.
  8. elc, why don't you go out in the snow tomorrow and put your hands in said snow for at least 4 hours... Frozen hands will slow down your typing and drastically reduce your relentless nominations about any old shit. If it doesn't stop the nominations, hopefully the frostbite will improve your punctuation.
  9. Is that what you'd tell the pupils at the Girls school you wanted to be a caretaker at? You can't help putting your foot in it, can you Harold.
  10. Have you got any humour stored in that meat head of yours, Basil? You depressing cunt.
  11. Greg, I'm not threatening you old chap, I'm looking out for you. Do you feel threatened?
  12. Greg, nevermind this blasphemous shite. I'm glad you seem to have learned your lesson and stopped with the accusations against @ChildeHarold that saw you coolered. He made you look a right cunt and now you're back, behaving yourself. Dont make any more mistakes, do you understand?
  13. Afternoon, elc. You know, I thought you might be some Chinese A.I. type of character what with your relentless output and weird use of spaces in your writing. Who are you working for?
  14. Do you think over 70s like yourself, hanging around beyond their best is part of the problem? Lol. When I'm 70 (in 25 years time) I might do the decent thing and kill myself... I'll do a 4 gram line of coke, down a bottle rum, pop a Viagra and bang some brass until I keel over... What a way to go, don't you wish you were my age, Harold.
  15. Withers, forgive my absence, I've been celebrating 220 years (since January 1st) of Haitian independence. Vive la révolution. Fuck off.
  16. But women don't love you. Lol.
  17. Tell me about it, elc. You wanna see the Jemima, Penelope and Tarquin types 'doing lunch' with their bumder friend Hugo round my way. Rather than park their massive Chelsea tractor properly in the parking bay (front or back wheels slightly within the white box, making the maximum space available for other people) they park up and leave a useless 6ft of space in front or behind their vehicle, selfish cunts of the highest order. Now we have dark evenings, I'm thinking of going out and putting cat shit underneath their door handles and I was wondering what you thought about it?
  18. @Witheredscrote, picture the scene... I'm led out on the sofa after a lovely brunch of smoked salmon and eggs and start watching The Long Hot Summer (1958). I was enjoying the slow pace and old fashioned style of the film only to dose off and miss the fucking end of it. Is this what getting old is all about, Withers? Will I be shitting myself without realising next? Fucking hell.
  19. You keep dropping these alarming admissions...you 70 year old fucking pervert, explain yourself.
  20. I'm sure you do a professional bodge job wherever you go, Big Bollock. It's no wonder you were 'made redundant'.
  21. On the cider, are we? I can imagine you drunkenly strutting up and down your pissed stained carpets saying 'yeah, c'mon then' thinking your your hard, after that post. Have a coffee and sober up, you 4'10, drunken red nosed dwarf.
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