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Everything posted by Arnold

  1. There are only two acts that have made me laugh to near heart attack and that was The Tiger Lillies and Jethro. Not a cunt.
  2. That sounds chillingly prophetic, Wolfie. And on that happy note If I kark it before next Christmas I’ll let you know.
  3. If you take this bollocks to its logical conclusion then it has to go this way in our all-inclusive genderless world. Humanity is shooting itself in the foot with this one because she/it will have to be included as an olympian if chosen - there is no other way. Unless someone, somewhere has the balls to stand up and stop this shit in its tracks. These fucking cunts are making a mockery of the human race. I applaud the people for not applauding.
  4. Arnold

    Lionel Blair

    That's a capital A, bubba, you puke inducing tampon hanky. I don't wish to have to talk to you about this again.
  5. Arnold

    Lionel Blair

    Film - one word - four letters - one syllable - first letter.....
  6. I've screen-shot all of it for posterity.
  7. Arnold

    Frank Field.

    Apologies for the tardy reply, I see on here pedestrian types get frowned upon. Do I want to join a clique, eh? Is this some sort of trap? You seem a sensible, cautious bloke, Bubba C. Though I could be wrong. (Pasted as Rich Text /paste as Plain Text?) What the fuck does that shit mean?
  8. Arnold

    Frank Field.

    I've been working on whatever Eric and scotty are on about, they've got me lost.
  9. Arnold

    Frank Field.

    Well, what do you reckon?
  10. Arnold

    Frank Field.

    A class actor, scotty - the best of his generation.
  11. Arnold

    Frank Field.

    Yet another cunt that makes me despair of the human race. Roll on that fucking huge meteor strike.
  12. Arnold


    George Stephenson.
  13. I feel for you, Frank. I've seen your videos and I've admired your singing, dancing and musicianship. I think salvation lies there.
  14. The kid don't look too happy, I wonder why.
  15. 'Bird off the Wowcher Advert' was getting on my tits every time I looked at the home page. Something had to be done.
  16. Arnold


    I suppose it was inevitable they'd eventually get this far. Give a monkey a typewriter........
  17. Arnold

    Anne Robinson

    Fucking bitch has made a living out of being rude to people. That's alright on here but not on national TV. I could quite happily rearrange her ugly face at a fraction of the cost.
  18. My grandfather was in the trenches on the Somme. He got part of his face blown away by shrapnel and lost the use of his left arm, which hung uselessly behind his back for the rest of his life. "It was probably the most traumatic experience I have gone through", she says. What a fucking wanker. Decent people die young and this filth still draws breathe. Get some perspective, you stupid fucking cow. Suing the British Legion - of all charities - for financial gain, what a caring 'nurse'. Cunt.
  19. Needless to say, I didn't watch the racist bullshit. I read about it this morning. The saddest part is that it was all a forgone conclusion. I wonder if any of the darkies who won everything feel any satisfaction in having done so?
  20. I can’t abide a French accent, it grates on my already frayed nerves more so than those scouser arsewipes. Coupled with congenital ignorance and eating anything that shits I’d sooner listen to Max Boyce on helium.
  21. You're not exactly a barrel of laughs yourself from what I can see of it.
  22. Would that be face up or face down? Pleased to meet you, Frank Kleftiko.
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