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Everything posted by Jiggerycock

  1. I know - and you're not one of them Sometimes there's no justice
  2. I know for a fact you are not stupid and I hope that view is reciprocated. Having established this, I can honestly say that I voted to Leave the EU on the basis that it imbued a better way of dealing with world events for the UK and absolutely NOT on the notion that the day after we left qumquats would be 5p cheaper, my hearing appointment would be magiced up the NHS queue and I would no longer have to step over rough sleepers in doorways on my way to the squash court. It wasn't an over romanticised idea to say 'I did it for my kids and grandkids'. The EU is a political project with political structures at its core and unpicking these would take a lifetime (just as cobbling together disparate countries to put the damn thing together has done). I'm afraid that all the bluster from the Remoaners is just that - bluster. Have their 'See! SEE!! Told you!' moment - I knew they would! I didn't expect my rationale for Leaving to be quite so emphatically and quickly underlined as it has been with the EU's vaccination procurement and rollout farce, but that's an early indication of the advantage a nimble UK, outside the Brussels Bubble, can leverage. Ms Von Der Leyen's intemperate and dangerous response in threatening to close the Irish Border only serves to emphaise how right we were to leave.
  3. I know I'm one of those strange people who love their home country so much I actually live there.
  4. Yes but the tide comes in again tomorrow - and since you and your fellow Remain / Rejoin Carpetchewers judge things on such a short-term basis, just stick around a few hours.......
  5. Our viruses rule! They've only got the one and that's because they ate the bat. We've got a Kent Variant, a Bristol Variant, a VW Variant and probably, guess what, a 'one with a fairy light on' variant. No cunt is coming back from a cocktail of what we can dish out! Britannia Waives The Rules!
  6. The sort of people who, to paraquote Basil Fawlty, would wear a dog turd if it was painted in black and white vertical stripes, the mindless, barcoded throwbacks. Thick cunts who are surprised that 'Aldi' isn't actually open at midnight.
  7. Just be sure you don't get paid in 'Fog'. Apparently it's 'all his all his'
  8. I didn't think they had the authority to anyway and they just left that sort of thing to the Twitter Brownshirts?
  9. Apparently none of the players had a Scooby what was going on and they were so spread out (sorry socially sdistanced) during the pre- match rituals, the teams / squads stretched from the goal line to the half way line, resulting in team members going up and down like a whores knickers in the confusion! A fitting vignette to such a daft piece of confected pantomime.
  10. As indeed can telling a bunch of lily-livered KPMG consultants to take some 'Man-Up' pills, like Chief Exec Bill Michael effectively did. To live in the kind of corporation that KPMG has become, you have to pretend to think this (Michael's resignation and apology) is a good idea. This is how mad the world is now. No review of whether he was good at his job - just "was he spouting the right fashionable politics?" No? So he must go.
  11. Victor Klemperer wrote in The Language of the Third Reich that ‘words are like tiny doses of arsenic, swallowed unnoticed, and then after a while the toxic reaction sets in’. ..... and so ‘diversity’ demands conformity; ‘inclusion’ is only for those already in the group; ‘tolerance’ cannot bear tradition; and ‘lived experience’ counts for some, not for others.
  12. Pretty much from where I'm standing. There's the addedd schadenfreude of watching the Republic of Ireland tie itself into a pretzel deciding on what's 'Good Terrorism' and 'Naughty Terrorism' and , having strutted and fretted its hour on the world stage, as far as the EU is concerned it's returned to its staus of a (useful) idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  13. A few 'Angry of Tunbridge Wells' have had to do without their smashed avacado's on toast for a few weeks. Shares wise, if the EU does not wish to grant equivalence, maybe they should remember that it was they who demanded regulatory alignment, and that thing about Britain's potential to be a tax haven on the border. Osborne, Hammond and Carney threatened it - perhaps it's time to back it up with some action (oh no, wait, London has got Sadiq Khan as its cheerleader, a man more interested in virtue signaling that selling the city). Meanwhile Ursula Fonda Lyin' is overseeing the biggest procurement and logistics clusterfuck ever in the EU rollout of Corona jabs, making our lot of clownshoes look competent in comparison (a Herculean task, I'm sure you'll agree)
  14. It's like the apocryphal 'Ministry for Paperclips' in terms of usefulness. If you're stuck for something to do or have run out of ideas, fuck about with semantics ('semen-tics' in this case maybe?) and linguistic in order to appeal to the perpetually outraged.
  15. Mmm. It's a bit like punching a child (Harold - ha!) isn't it? Momentarily satisfying, but then you feel cheap for having engaged in such a easy and despicable practise
  16. No - but I did have a wistful look on my face, as if savouring the profundity of the bollocks I came out with.
  17. Bit of a head trip for you Harold is clearly gormless But what is 'gorm'? Yes, something in which H. is lacking but no hip, svelte and generally 'together' unit is ever complimented as being full of 'gorm'? Funny that - in the sense it isn't funny in the slightest
  18. More sink-estate musings from Redundo-boy. Arse-achingly tedious and predictable For the love of God, evolve you fucking Paramecium
  19. A leitmotif - like the possibility of Interplanetary Travel for Bowie, or the class struggle for Billy Bragg - that runs through this group like prime era Gio Kinkladze through an opposition defence
  20. Whilst applauding the sincerity and breadth of your cunting, it does leave you open to the criticism of a lack of focus. Is it the delivery drivers, their employers.....possibly even the Chinese or the government we're being asked to crap on from a great height? If it's all four then fair fucks for your 'Cunt 'em all - let God sort 'em out!' approach.
  21. I think he's Nigel Molesworth - a fictional, cartoon character scribbling 'Down With Skool! on his rough-book........'as any fule kno' (Google is your friend here folks)
  22. My sister was Clerk of the Local Council. She knows for a fact that a local person has made a fortune from out of court settlements that have been - quite correctly - paid to him following continued bilious but slanderous rants about him in open Parish Council meetings. She has tried everything from coaching beforehand, to a quiet word to a kick under the table, but for some reason, the red mist descends with said Councillor every time his protagonists name is mentioned. It's got to the stage everyone is wondering if there isn't some 'John Le Carre-style double agent masterplan' going on and the two of them are splitting the proceeds from these settlements - a plausible theory, until you understand the Cuntcillor in question is thick as pigshit and twice as nasty
  23. No, it's a spelling mistake, which often occurs in my 'hit the fucker first - edit stuff later' world. These have the advantage of letting the arsehole fucking cunt dullard community point them out, thus making their dicks (or in your case, clitoris) swell with a (misplaced) sense of educational one-upmanship
  24. Ooooh - bit racist! That'll get you drummed out of your 'Kne-jerk rectitude and identity politics university group' if I 'out' you to he Gurdian
  25. My alma mater and therefore me you're talking about. Go on then - head down the shitter, no lube.
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