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Everything posted by colonelkurtz

  1. The cunt has missed a trick .. where are all the Dunkin Donuts , Costco, McD outlets at 50 mile intervals ? Calls himself a deal maker entrepreneur . Fuck off and die [slowly and in pain] orange shitgibbon.
  2. Yes , the flabby orange shitgibbon is at all times surrounded by sychophantic cunts and cuntesses whenever he makes any kind of appearance. But the standout bellend has to be the ever present Vice President Pence . Always in shot , this grey haired grinning arsewipe with the perma white grin and adoring fixed gaze on his leader which always belies a look which suggests his lifes' ambition is to lick out his Mr Prezzies arse crack.
  3. Like Weller said "The public wants what the public gets"
  4. The last thing the cunt remembers is "Oi Phil get your arse down to Aldi , we're out of bread and milk ".Then .. boom !
  5. That pseudo classical fiddle player .. him of the mullet, penguin suit and permanent smirk. Ponces around the stage to the sound of squelching blue rinse brigades gussets as he does that one the ice cream van plays or the one from cat food commercial or the catchy bits from some Lloyd Webber sack of shit or Lady Di's funeral theme tune.
  6. Well the fat kid from Harry Potter in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is obviously in for some stick.
  7. Her . That Michael McIntire . Any of the wildlife/cuntryfile presenter bastards . That fucking vicar who was also shit in the Communards . Those two shreiking shouty shouty pre menopausal Cum Dancing presenter women.
  8. The TV midwife thing here at chez kurtz .. never any gash is there ? .. pc gone mad I tell you. Aah well , hello JD my old friend.
  9.  This has got to trump the OP
  10. That Dixon of Dock Green .. what a cunt
  11. colonelkurtz


    You, you .. yes you in the ghastly shirt .. third row along .. yes , you you
  12. We had a History teacher called McCann .. didn't teach us very much apart from how to spot a complete and utter cunt .. and he was Irish .. and supported bastarding Leeds.
  13. I have and it just cries out for someone at the recycling centre dump to tell the nosey interfering bitch to just fuck off out of my face will you while I get rid of all this shit ffs.
  14. That was the drummer in Creme Brulee .. oh , hang on
  15. What is it with some relatives ? Had a meet with a cousin who I've not seen in over 25 years. He was a jumped up twat then and last months visit confirmed nothing has changed. After managing to drone on and on about his wunnerful life since emigrating to Australia [yes ,I know] and his collection of arse kissing chldren each of who are apparently the leading lights in everything from quantum physics to law enforcement and medical research the length and breadth of whichever god forsaken corner of that arse end of the southern hemisphere he inhabits .. and there's even a gay in the family ! All of this using that fucking upward inflexion bastard way of talking. Mrs Kurtz thought me a bit of a cunt for intentionally leaving a can of John Smiths warming by the radiator for an hour especially for him but he seemed to enjoy it , although when the chat turned to cricket she could see me eyeing the baseball bat behind the sofa. As the hours passed he continued to bollock on and on about this that and the other shit and how him and his Dad - my Uncle - didn't get on too well. I really should have mentioned that he thought he was a cunt as well.
  16. colonelkurtz

    Emily Dawes

    Although her Dad and Grandad used to do a belting line in telly rentals .. so credit where it's due.
  17. The acceptable face of capitalism .. what's not to like ?
  18. You mean he didn't even make the effort to film and share it like any normal person would ? .. just typical !
  19. "Keira Knightley has revealed she had a mental breakdown at 22 and was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as she struggled with her sudden rise to fame." For fucks fucking sake .. I give up, I really do.
  20. See that praying mantis ... that's you that is๐Ÿ˜‚
  21. From "Over there" is probably the safe option .. for the time being
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