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  1. and

    Blue Empire Passports

    You should be fuckin' grateful, you fuckin' love havin' you cavities searched, nothing like a good fisting when you're waiting in the departure lounge. Merry Cunting Christmas, you cunts!
  2. and

    Damian Green

    That may be true, but she is discreet when swallowing the evidence!
  3. Is that the 'tribute' picture that you keep in that pretty little locket you have draped around your scrawny neck? Suck cock Puffnstuff
  4. Look, if you twist my arm, it's the 29th of February and it's a blue moon, I might be able to muster a semi and let it dribble over her gash. Is that acceptable?
  5. The stupid cunt should've built it across Scotland to keep the EU apologist gingers off his golf course.
  6. As far as I can remember I have not wanked over Amanda Holden, I'm not saying I wouldn't, just that I can't recall doing so.
  7. Yes, but are they fuckin' gay?
  8. and

    Jonnny Hallyday

    You can't sing rock in the 'French language', it doesn't scan and it comes out all wrong, I mean, how the fuck can you sing Bob Dylan lyrics in French? Fuckin' EU cunts try to ruin everything.
  9. You mean ship all the Scousers back to their homeland? Those cunts have been living off the back of the Beatles for the last fifty years. Fuck 'em, and fuck off!
  10. Of course he is, he's the cunt who sat in his office, while the poor cunts who paid his wages were scrabbling around at the bottom of a big black hole trying to earn a living and keep the wheels of industry turning.
  11. Original Punk was fuckin' great, it's just the tag along exhibitionist posers that wanted get noticed that ruined it.
  12. Brexit means exit. Fuck off you EU cunts.
  13. and


    The problem with Pink is, she isn't really pink, she's like something white you threw in the washing machine with a red t-shirt and it comes out a bit tainted, so you don't wear it again and use it as a rag for cleaning the dirt off your shoes, and that's all she's fit for, cleaning up, she should've been a binman/woman/whatever.
  14. The only reason it continues is, the cunts you mention have no other 'legal' way to earn a living.
  15. and


    So you've never tried to have intercourse with a parched Christmas tree?
  16. and

    Stephen Kinnock MP

    Fucking hell JT, you're on fuckin' fire with this nom, they said they never come back, this is proof they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Here come de Judge!
  17. and

    Damian Green

    You can understand why he did it, he could hardly afford an 'escort' on mere MP's wages
  18. Is this like the 'special relationship' Woofie has with his pet?
  19. and

    Prince Harry

    That's the point, it is ironic. So fuck off, you cunt!
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