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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. I don't mind Punkape, in so much that I mostly ignore anything that he posts unless he directly quotes me. Anyone who is genuinely annoyed or finds his contrived shit offensive is a total fucking idiot.
  2. Decimus

    Jamie Carragher

    I suppose that you would have just knocked on his window and offered to suck his dick instead. Lol Fuck off.
  3. Decimus

    Jamie Carragher

    He's a cunt, but the faggot Manc father of the girl is worse in my opinion. There are plenty of wannabe hard men on here with fictional tales of bravado, and I don't claim to be handy with my fists. But I can 100% say without any doubt that if a fully grown man gobbed on my child I'd have launched myself at the cunt through the car window and kept punching until I broke my hand. Any father who wouldn't naturally lose their fucking shit over such a disgusting assault on their child is a fucking disgrace.
  4. Professional Scouserism. See John Bishop and Cilla for further details on how talentless morons can craft a career largely based on the fact that they were born in an absolute fucking shithole.
  5. Decimus

    Monty Python

    There is a circle of cunts, and as I prepare to join my ancestors in the night sky, Bill is preparing to take his place as my rightful heir and king of The Corner. Kneel before him.
  6. Decimus

    Monty Python

    You omitted the top hit.
  7. Decimus

    Monty Python

    Stubby delenda est.
  8. Decimus

    Monty Python

    Rude and uncalled for. I just wanted to ask, cunt-to-cunt, what your thoughts were surrounding the extraordinary happenings on this thread?
  9. It comes as no surprise to me that the site's most prolific wanker has ended up as blind as a nymphomaniac mole.
  10. Decimus


    The months of July and August are the worst. Every year at work I am forced to listen to nigh-on postmenopausal women pontificate about how their illegitimate brats have been accepted into some fucking godawful polytechnic in Essex, or worse, the University of Lincoln. The slags in question sit there with a smug look on their chubby fucking faces, awaiting a barrage of praise from their colleagues because their spawn has managed to scrape three A-level D grades. The cerebrally challenged fruit of their loins are then dispatched in the family Mondeo to incur a lifetime of crippling debt with nothing to show for it afterwards but a third class American Studies degree and liver disease.
  11. Decimus

    Monty Python

    For a change you are on the side of good, and I applaud you for it.
  12. Decimus

    Monty Python

    @Mrs Roops what on earth is going on here?
  13. I'm usually by your side on political issues, Pansy, but I think you've got this one wrong. The Irish government has no intention of palming these immigrants off. They are going to be herded in and kept in order to permanently change the demographic and political landscape of Ireland. Clearly the half-Indian, homosexual Varadkar isn't in anyway being influenced by his own personal background, oh no sir. This cunt and his plan to ethnically diversify the Irish population is the biggest threat Eire has faced in modern times. You and your Irish brothers and sisters need to get on the street and denounce this cunt before its too late.
  14. Oxford university have apologised after a female cleaner was photographed on International Women's Day... Doing her fucking job. Said cleaner was photographed by an Oxford professor with a clearly feminist agenda, scrubbing away graffiti which read "Happy International Women's Day". This prompted the university to apologise, and for said professor to state that the woman should "Be given a nice cup of tea and the day off". Not only is this condescending as fuck, but it also yet another example of middle-class academic feminists subtly implying that to be a woman who cleans is somehow degrading. Minimum wage women who work tirelessly to provide for their families live in the real world. They don't have the time or inclination to endlessly look for spurious examples of nonexistent patriarchal dominance. Feminism is a middle class disease that effectively tries to impose its ideals on working class women who cannot afford to live their lives in a Margaret Atwood inspired, constant orgasmic rage at every perceived injustice aimed at women. Oxford University can suck my fucking dick.
  15. Decimus

    Monty Python

    Cunting at its very finest.
  16. Decimus

    Monty Python

    Jesus fucking Christ. Reported.
  17. According to the BBC, there are 6.7 million people in the UK who would be eligible for Irish citizenship should they choose to apply for it, which would more than double Eire's population. Saying that, there's a good reason why there are so many people of Irish descent in this country, and I suspect that a large number of them would rather pour hot sugared water over their genitals than move back to the ancestral bog, me included.
  18. You've made enough enemies on here without starting to antagonise someone else with a higher IQ than yourself. Give it a rest, you Withers-lite fucking idiot.
  19. Decimus

    Monty Python

    I'm certainly not. To be frank, the whole filthy business fucking disgusts me.
  20. Decimus

    Phillip Schofield

    Pen, you foul fucking octogenarian. Please don't tell me that you have deleted the thread out of fear of Beard's wrath? Mary might be contrary, but she needs to be cunted into oblivion. Reinstate the nomination immediately.
  21. Decimus

    Phillip Schofield

    Stranger than that, it disappeared without any of the known mods being logged on. Do we have a fucking mole in our midst?
  22. "Once you go black you never go back" Punkape, 2018.
  23. Have you ever seen those cheap tins of octopus that they put on the dirty foreigners shelf in budget German supermarkets? Imagine, if you will, the stench of one left in a haybox directly in the sun. Magnify the smell by a factor of ten by considering the festering conditions lurking underneath my foreskin. Then suck my fucking dick. Lol.
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