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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. I've just read the article and seen the photo of him dressed up in a Nazi SS uniform. As a non-sensitive, mentally stable man, I'm not particularly offended by this. What does offend me is the double standards of fat fucking face Morgan. He had the audacity to suggest that Justin Trudeau should resign over a decades old photo of him in black face, yet conveniently forgets dressing up in a uniform that generates untold hurt and anger for millions of people. Is it any wonder that he defended Paul Hollywood when he similarly dressed up in the outfit of an SS commando. How the fuck isn't this shit being plastered over every newspaper's front page?
  2. Will do. I would fucking love to see this aspic faced, arrogant cunt ruined. Far too many non-plussed housewives and benefit scroungers believe he's the "voice of reason".
  3. Please tell me this is true, Billy. So far I've not seen anything beyond baseless allegations and people surmising that his silence indicates guilt. Has any hard evidence been released to prove it?
  4. Don't get me wrong, P, you know I voted Remain and I believe we're better out than in. But if they want to limit their business opportunities to countries within the EU and wish to ignore the 6.5 billion other potential customers on planet Earth, they deserve to go under.
  5. My cock tonight smells exactly like a stale blue cake in a neglected public toilet urinal.
  6. No wonder they're all so bent and fixated on weird, Japanese Octopus porn, the poor little cunts can't afford to go out and meet a real tart. Back when I was a cheeky underage drinker looking to prematurely ejaculate up some naive fellow teen's, rancid snatch, you could go on a night out with a barely a score to your name. At an age where ten pints would see your underdeveloped liver struggle to process enough alcohol to keep you conscious, £25 was more than enough to keep the party going and buy a few Smirnoff's in exchange for a toothy blowjob. Nowadays the cunts have to sit in thrashing their maggots to Deviant Art Pokémon erotica because you need at least £100 quid to make a decent night of it.
  7. Don't forget his other career as an unskilled labourer. All I can assume is that there's a huge demand in New Zealand for bowl cuts and Neanderthals capable of lifting things.
  8. Fucking inflation. I'm not as old as the majority of the decrepit cunts on here, but when I first started drinking and smoking I can remember being able to get a pack of ten Mayfair for £1.65 and a half decent pint for £1.80. Nowadays any decent pint is £4.00 or more and the robbing cunts have got rid of packs of ten so you're forking out over £10.00 for a pack of twenty. Fucking scandalous.
  9. And Punkape's civil partner.
  10. If they want to lose the business of over 67 million potential customers due to being unwilling or unable to comply with our tax authorities, then they deserve to go bust. This smacks of a petulant child throwing its toys out of its pram and cutting its nose off to spite its face. As for the snidey fucking comment about contacting your parliamentary representative if you don't like it, this decision will have the opposite effect and cause anger toward European companies, not our own elected officials, although God knows our lot deserve a fucking kicking too.
  11. I'm disappointed you left out the part where Peter Hitchens originally tagged Pearson and shit stirred by bringing it to her attention. The man went tittle-tattling with his outburst of faux outrage, despite supposedly being a last bastion of common sense and good old fashioned, thick-skinned British manliness. A hypocritical wanker extraordinare, he moans on incessantly about the injustice of cancel culture and then goes snitching to teacher. This Pearson character is undoubtedly a cunt, but I can't quite summon the same amount of invective bile that I reserve for Hitchens. His dead brother was a smarmy, know it all cunt, too.
  12. I've had it, Johnny, it wasn't a particularly big deal. Imagine if you still had your failed one chair hairdressing business over here with what's going on at the moment. With all the restrictions in place, you'd have gone bankrupt even sooner. Have you paid your girl back yet? I can't imagine your new car washing business brings much in down in your southern backwater.
  13. I wouldn't have been interested in the outside shitter of your one room, northern shit hole barbershop, Johnny. I'd have been there to make sure that you adhered to COSHH regulations and that you had the requisite premises license and NVQ level 4 scissor handling qualification. Obviously you couldn't cope with any of the above as your bent beauty spa went bankrupt and you had to run off to the other side of the world, your one way ticket and expenses paid by your ashamed and disappointed daughter. You're a fucking disgrace.
  14. Don't forget to profusely apologise for your white privilege to anyone who will listen whilst you're there, Billy. If you'd really like to make a difference, though, I'd suggest that you cut off your cock and balls and offer up all your womenfolk as Yardie groupies.
  15. @JohnnySaucePants you reading this, "mate"? Lol, you bullshitting, Brylcreemed, bankrupt fucking bender. Fuck off.
  16. Henry reminds me of Steph McGovern, in that I'm utterly perplexed as to how he's had a career. I don't know anyone, black, white, yellow, purple or fucking green who likes him or finds him even remotely humorous. I genuinely wish he was dead.
  17. If "Sir" Leonard was serious about his black activist credentials, he'd insist on shoving his knighthood back up Her Majesty's arsehole. However, being a thick, uneducated, bounty fucking hypocrite, I doubt it's ever entered his mind about how incongruous it is that he's parading about with a British Empire title. As an enobbled, multi-millionaire, race traitor, he's about as relevant to most inner-city black kids as Frank is around here.
  18. I've no doubt that this race card playing extraordinare has been nominated several times before, he is afterall quite possibly one of the most punchable, fucking talentless wankers to plague our television screens over the last 40 years. The latest stunt he's pulled that makes me want to perform a blood eagle ritual on him is with regards to his recent comments on the BBC. Lenny has issued a stark warning that Aunty risks losing a large percentage of BAME viewers as its programming is not "diverse enough". I'm not sure what version of the BBC the stupid fucking cunt is watching, but he must be colour blind if he's missed the unnecessary and blatant shoehorning of ethnics into every single facet of the BBCs schedule over the last several years. I'm perplexed as to what else Henry and his troop wants the BBC to do. In relation to their demographic size, the BAME community is vastly overrepresented on our TV screens as it is. No doubt the uppity cunt will continue to moan until the only white faces you'll see on TV will be female and grinning on the end of a big black fucking dick. Fuck off.
  19. Here he is, Sweeney Todd! The bullshitting barber of Fleet Street. As for playing it safe, I guess I'm just not that much of a pioneer and risk taker. I'll leave the excitement and job satisfaction of doing something any illiterate teenage girl with an NVQ can do to you, Nicky Clarke. Anyway, a few questions. 1: How did you go bankrupt? 2: Do you feel less of a man for taking money off your daughter to help bail you out? 3: Can I get a short back and sides? Shove your stripey pole up your arse, you insolvement, clipper-wielding wanker.
  20. Decimus

    Sadiq khan

    Drunken Duncan, now there was a hard cunt. People bang on about Roy Keane, but that Caledonian savage was the real fucking deal. There's absolutely no one like him around in the modern game, unfortunately.
  21. Classic Drew and no mistake.
  22. Reported for paedo inferences. You're on thin fucking ice.
  23. Decimus

    Sadiq khan

    Jesus fucking Christ, what a trio of useless wankers, it's genuinely painful reminiscing about them. Some fans have mixed feelings about Worthington as well, but for someone of my age he gave me my first taste of success I could actively enjoy as I was too young to appreciate the first few years of the Mike Walker reign. Re the 80s and coins at Carrow Road, my old man has also confirmed how different it was to the sterile, family friendly atmosphere you get nowadays at Norwich games. He can remember the old bill handcuffing an away fan temporarily to a fence and then the poor cunt getting bombarded with coppers and fuck knows what else. Imagine if the crowd knew Fashanu was a fucking queer back then.
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